
Vie in Parete Serenella

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Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
6c N.N. #1 Deep water solo 9m
7a+ N.N. #2 Deep water solo 8m
7c N.N. #3 Deep water solo 9m
7b N.N. #4 Deep water solo 10m
6c Fessure Rovesce Deep water solo 13m
6b Diedro + Spigolo Deep water solo 7m
6b Madonnina Deep water solo 7m
6b Potrella Deep water solo 10m
6c Poesia d'Estate

Traversing for the full length of the tunnel above.

To get to the start you have to descend after the first tunnel, on the old Strada Gardesana, using the gardrail. From a small cemented protrusion, you begin a long traverse to the left, with initially overhanging passages. From time to time there are also bolts that allow you to rest if you have a harness). This traverse is recommended for those who want to experience the joy of climbing in an environment of such rare beauty. It ends at the foot of the bronze statue, the Christ of the Lake (by Fra Silvio) a few meters from the walls of the Residence. So there are two possibilities, you can choose whether to climb to the right in the direction of the Christ and the Excelsior hotel with less difficulty or to immediately jump on the "hard part" in the opposite direction; in both cases, "knowing how to swim" or the use of a life jacket is a must.

FA: Giuliano Stenghel, 1994

Deep water solo 300m
6a+ Sten & C

Horizontal extension of Poesia d'Estate to the right. Can also be climbed in the other direction .

To reach the route you have to descend (after the second tunnel towards Limone) a steep tree-lined ramp (20 meters) until you reach a stony beach. At its northern limit, after a few meters on the surface of the water, you climb a vertical dihedral of solid yellow rocks for about ten meters. Leave it to the right with a short traverse (5 meters) on an open wall in the direction of another corner which requires athletic climbing to reach the old Strada del Ponale. Very nice route with solid rock.

FA: Stenghel, Sartori & Baldessarini, 1981

Deep water solo 45m
7a Taz Acqua
1 7a 30m
2 7a 10m

On the cliff of the second tunnel. Climbs straight up the wall reaching the old and disused state road of the Val di Ledro. Access is from the old road to the Val di Ledro; after the first tunnel continue on the road for about 100 meters, from the curbstone that delimits the roadside.

FA: Mauro Mabboni & Diego Mabboni

Sportiva 40m, 2
7b Navigante

Access is from the old road to the Val di Ledro; after the first tunnel continue on the road for about 100 meters, from the curbstone that delimits the roadside.

FA: Mauro Mabboni & Diego Mabboni

Sportiva 40m

Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

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