
Ascensioni di Bieliy podtyok

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Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Lun 4 Ott 2021 - Almaty
Tamgaly-Tas Riverside Serpy
7c Bieliy podtyok Sportiva 30m, 20 Classica
Very happy to get this one after a few falls near the anchor. Despite being somewhat (mostly?) manufactured, the climbing is engaging and sustained. Very worthwhile.

Sab 15 Mag 2021 - Almaty
Tamgaly-Tas Riverside Serpy
7c Bieliy podtyok Sportiva 30m, 20 Mega Classica
Dialled the two bottom cruxes and figured out the top one. Seems doable.

Dom 25 Apr 2021 - Almaty
Tamgaly-Tas Riverside Serpy
7c Bieliy podtyok Sportiva 30m, 20 Classica
Bailed near the second-last bot, but later realised those moves are not so hard. Seems doable.


Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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