
Vie come sportiva in Riverside

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Tutti 40 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
7c Surpriz #2

Start is to the right of the bolts, beneath obvious small flake. Traverse to the first bolt and then continue up to the right. Spotter or stick clip is a very good idea for the first bolt. The direct start has also been climbed.

Sportiva 15m, 7
6b - c Mescalito

Starts just above a boulder about 10-15m right of Cherez karniz. Climb right of the bolts for 6c, left for 6b.

Sportiva 24m, 13
7a+ Surpriz

Start a few metres right of Mescalito and follow bolts to the open-book corner.

FA: A. Rychkov, 2002

Sportiva 26m, 13
7a/a+ Nagval

Starts on a gentle slab 10-15m right of Surpriz.

Sportiva 24m, 12
7a Sila bezmolviya
1 6b 23m
2 7a 25m

The first bolted route right of Shel s ptitsami.

P1: 6b, 23m, 10 bolts. P2: 7a, 25m, 13 bolts. Beware of potential ledge fall in the middle of this pitch.

Sportiva 48m, 2, 23
6c Otdelnaya realnost

Starts a few metres right of Sila bezmolviya.

P1: 6a, 27m, 19 bolts. P2: Hard start followed by nice corner. 6c, 25m, 12 bolts.

Sportiva 52m, 2, 22
7a/a+ Ogon' iznutri
1 6c 30m
2 7a/a+ 25m
  1. Climb the slab. 6c, 30m, 10 bolts

  2. Vertical wall and slabs 7a/+, 25m, 9 bolts.

Sportiva 55m, 2, 18
7b Skazka o sile
1 7a+/b 25m
2 7b 25m

Starts on the slab right of the wide corner, which is right of Lomovaya shel. Old bolts were replaced in October 2020.

  1. Slab to vertical wall. 7+/b, 25m, 9 bolts

  2. 7b, 25m, 10 bolts.

Sportiva 50m, 2, 19
6b+ Koleso vremeni

Starts in the dihedral right of Skazki o sile.

P1: Climb Dihedral to ledge (use a long draw on the first bolt). 6b+, 25m 11 bolts. P2: Continue to top. 6b, 20m, 11 bolts.

Sportiva 45m, 2, 22
6a+ Песочник
Sportiva 12m, 8
6b Зов Ктулху
Sportiva 12m, 7
6b - c То, чего не может быть

Follow the bolted line for intricate moves

Sportiva 11m, 6
6a Золото
Sportiva 15m, 7
5b+ Топливо
Sportiva 17m, 8
6b - c Поломай
Sportiva 18m, 9
7b Одноразовые герои
Sportiva 22m, 10
5b Мессия
Sportiva 12m, 7
6c+ Batareya
1 5c
2 6c+
  1. 5c, 6 bolts

  2. 6c+, 10 bolts

Sportiva 30m, 2, 16
6c Kykol'shik
1 6a
2 6c
  1. 6a, 7 bolts,

  2. 6c, 9 bolts

Sportiva 35m, 2, 16
6c Sanatorii
1 6a
2 6c
  1. 6a, 6 bolts,

  2. 6c, 9 bolts - shared 2nd pitch with Kukol'nik

Sportiva 35m, 2, 15
6c Orion
1 5b
2 6c
  1. 5b, 7 bolts,

  2. 6c. 11 bolts

Sportiva 30m, 2, 18
6b+ Ekstremal'naya Atletika
2 6b+
  1. 5с, 7 bolts,

  2. 6b+, 10 bolts

Sportiva 30m, 2, 17
1 6b
2 7a
  1. 6a+, 7 bolts,

  2. 7a, 9 bolts

Sportiva 30m, 2, 16
6c Maliy serp

The first bolted line. Starts a underneath the corner/flake feature and finishes 2/3 of the way up the cliff.

Sportiva 25m, 11
7c Bieliy podtyok

The classic of the sector. Long and mostly hard. There are some drilled holds and old bolts (which are very solid).

Sportiva 30m, 20
6c Gnjozda

The rightmost bolted line. Spike belay on top of the ridge. Be careful of rope length when descending.

Sportiva 30m, 15
7a Podvig razvedchika

Sustained crux on crimps followed by easier climbing to the top.

Sportiva 20m, 10
7a+ Griboedovskiy vals

Sustained climbing on nice pockets and crimps.

Sportiva 20m, 14
7b Pryamaya doroga

The best route of the grade. Easy crack start leads to pockets and then exposed climbing with safe falls.

Sportiva 22m, 14
6b Poezd

Starts under the left side of the ledge.

Sportiva 22m, 8
6c Iskry

Starts just right of Poezd. Slippery corner to overlap followed by easier climbing.

Sportiva 18m, 6
5b Semya
Sportiva 15m, 7
6b Palata nomer shest
Sportiva 15m, 7
6b+ Liho

Stay right of the overlap/flake for the grade.

Sportiva 15m, 7
5c Vremya kolokolchikov

Steep corner and crack. Can be climbed on gear.

Sportiva 15m, 6
6b Verka
Sportiva 15m, 7
5b Nadka
Sportiva 15m, 6
5c Lubka

Shared anchors with Nadka

Sportiva 15m, 6
Karnizy and Tri sheli
7c+ Ot vinta
1 6a+ 30m
2 7c+ 20m

Starts just right of Gnyozda, near the right end of the imposing roof.

P1: 6a+ 30m, 14 bolts. Access pitch P2: Climb the face and traverse right to the slab to avoid the roof. 7c+, 20m, 14 bolts.

Sportiva 50m, 2, 28
8a+ Plyashi v ogne!
1 6c 25m
2 8a+ 30m

Starts 10-15 m right of Ot vinta.

P1: Small overhang followed by tricky face climbing. 6c, 27m, 14 bolts. P2: Climb the arete and then join the second pitch of Ot vinta. 8a+, 20m, 14 bolts.

FA: Pavel Gryaznov, 2019

Sportiva 55m, 2, 28

Tutti 40 vie visualizzati.

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