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Tutti 97 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
La Huasteca Cazuelas
5.12d Adicto A Matar

FA: Rafa Cornelio - Ramon H

Sportiva 12
5.12d Mundo Grafico

Esta ruta está directamente a la derecha de la grieta/diedro de Mundo Perfecto y tiene plaquetas oxidadas muy viejas

FA: Iván Vigil

Sportiva 14
5.12d Red Suzuki

FA: J.

Sportiva 7
5.12d Desesperada Tranquilidad

Ruta que se encuentra a la derecha de la pared principal de cazuelas, del lado derecho del techo donde muchas personas realizan prácticas de rapel. Empieza con un bolt bastante alto (sugiero colocar con un clipstick), sube hacia una tufa obvia, pasando por una pared casi plana. Un clásico huastequero.

Sportiva 30m, 9
La Huasteca Pico Independencia (izq) y Pico Pirineos (der).
5.12d The life you can save

Established by visiting British climber Gareth "Gaz" Leah during his initiative Project Wall-E and NGO, Escalando Fronteras. The route takes teh super direct line from the valley floor to the summit through a plethora of rock formations and styles. The route is very well equipped and the harder sections can be aided through by "french free" climbing. For those looking to climb the route over 2 days, It is possible to Bivi under the roof at the 7th pitch but a hammock is recommended.

Tracciata: Gareth Leah

FA: Gareth Leah & Carlos

Sportiva 350m, 13, 15
La Huasteca Pico Independencia (izq) y Pico Pirineos (der). Cueva trasera Pico Pirineos
5.12d EL Lobo del desierto

El Lobo del desierto 470mts, 5.12d

Multilargo de escalada deportiva, roca de varios largos establecida por Rolando Larcher, Maurizio Oviglia y Luca Giupponi a principios de enero de 2016 Este ruta se ubica por las cara este y norte del Pico Pirineos en Monterrey en México. 12 largos en total hasta 5.12d, un gran muro impresionante, escalado, limpiado y liberado.

La ruta tiene 12 largos (470 mts) y está calificada como (5.12d). El gran muro se trepó desde cero sin utilizar ayudas entre un perno y otro.

Largos: 1- 12a 50mts / 2- 12b 40mts / 3- 12a 35mts / 4- 12c 40mts / 5-11b 40mts / 6- 5.9 30mts / 7- 12a 40mts / 8- 12b 35 / 9- 11c 40 mts / 10-12d 40mts / 11- 11a 30mts / 12- 11d 50mts.

Este multilargo esta armado con estilo deportiva, pero los armadores sugieren llevar equipo adicional de apoyo. VER INFORMACIÓN EN TOPO DIBUJO

Puedes hacer medio multilargo (7 largos) , si sales por la cueva trasera de la virgen e inicias por la canaleta de lado derecho. (ver fotografia de parte trasera de la cueva)


FA: Rolando Larcher, Maurizio Oviglia & Luca Giupponi, 16 Gen 2016

Sportiva 470m, 12
La Huasteca La Extremita Cañon de las sombras
YDS_ALT:5.12 Unknown Left of Twister
La Huasteca La Extremita Segundo Cañon Izq. ("PEPE" wall)
YDS_ALT:5.12 Livewire

un poco mas arriba de hansel y gretel, ruta de grieta delgada y desplomada enmedio del cañon

FA: Oscar Jimenez

Tracciata: Miguel

Sportiva 40m, 20
La Huasteca Zona Extrema Toilet Bowl
5.12d Golden Coneja

Es la primera ruta de esta pared de lado izquierdo de la arista quebradiza (los agarres están bastante sólidos).

FA: Alex Catlin, 2015

5.12d Golden Shower

Pasa por la pared amarilla, sigue por un techo y termina en una grieta.

La Huasteca Guitarritas Caracol Pared Don Victor
YDS_ALT:5.12 Acero Azul
1 5.10b
2 5.12

P1 20 mts. P2 25 mts.

Sportiva 45m, 2, 8
YDS_ALT:5.12 Medicina para la Mente

Pasa por un techo

Sportiva 26m, 12
5.12d Sn 28

Inicia sobre el pilar

La Huasteca Guitarritas Las Ofrendas
5.12d Super Yola
Sportiva 25m
La Huasteca Guitarritas Ombligo del mundo
5.12d Tinder Push
1 5.12b 25m
2 5.11c 30m
3 5.12a 35m
4 5.12d 30m
5 5.11d 30m
6 5.12a 40m
7 5.12d 25m
8 5.12b 30m

5.11d obligatory, 70m rope is sufficient to rap down the route, long pitches have intermediate rappell anchors.

Tracciata: oriol anglada bigas, Álvaro Peiró & Marcelo González, Feb 2020

Sportiva 250m, 8, 14
La Huasteca Ray Bar
5.12d Dos por Uno Ext.

Tracciata: Alex H. Catlin

El Potrero Chico Canon de los Lobos Avenida de la Revolucion
YDS_ALT:5.12 Insurgentes Mexico

FA: Kurt Smith

5.12d The Lizard and the Jihad

FA: Ulric Russou

Sportiva 2
El Potrero Chico El Fin De Semana Fin de Semana Wall
5.12d Fin de Semana

Climbs first few bolts of "Scavenger" then continues up arete.

5.12d Maldito Lunes

Starts just left of the grey tufa, next to Camino del Diablo and Blade Runner. Go up and right after the 5th bolt, pull the small roof up on the grey rock.

Sportiva 35m, 13
5.12d Cosmic Intelligence

Start together with Mexican Guarantee but branches out right after the second bolt.

Sportiva 29m, 12
El Potrero Chico Las Estrellas Estrellas North Wall
5.12d 23 Diablos

Needs a 70m rope. Over bolted, it can be easily aid climbed using the bolt ladder at the crux.

Sportiva 43m, 19
YDS_ALT:5.12+ Inventando que sueño

A new challenging multipitch route in Las Estrellas Canyon.

Grounded up by Alvaro Peiro during the season 22-23. FA by Alvaro Peiro and Matthew Moss in nov 22

  • Gear: 20 quickdraws (some slings are useful), 70m rope

  • Approach: hike up Las Estrellas Canyon trail. The first pitch is located between the routes “Ulack” and “Curse of the Furry Beast”, just before getting in to Club Mex Wall.

  • Descent: the fastest and easiest way to get down is using the same rappels than the popular multipitch “Estrellita”. In case you need to rappel down the route you can do it with a 70m rope. Using quickdraws for guiding the rappels are helpful. Make sure to make knots.

  • Climb: the route goes by the middle of Las Estrellas main wall. Sustained and technical climbing through dihedrals, traverses, cracks, steep walls and slabs. The rock is pretty solid but it is still sandy and chossy in some parts, but cleaned of rocks and blocks. Linking pitches is not recommended. A challenging route for strong climbers that wanna try hard multipitches!

L1: 30m/12- L2: 25m/12b/c L3: 20m/12- L4: 35m/10d L5: 30m/12d L6: 35m/12b L7: 20m/11b L8: 25m/12b/c

After R8, climb 3 meters of 4th class to get to Estrellita’s summit.

Tracciata: Alvaro Peiro, 30 Mag 2023

FA: Alvaro Peiro & Matthew Moss, 30 Nov 2023

Sportiva 230m, 8, 20
El Potrero Chico Las Estrellas South Wall
YDS_ALT:5.12 Tia
Sportiva 2
El Potrero Chico The Conundrums
YDS_ALT:5.12 Aesop's

Start "Sandra" then move right at the first palm tree to top-rope the smooth concave face.

Corda dall'alto
El Potrero Chico Lower Sense of Religion
5.12d Microcosm
Sportiva 45m
El Potrero Chico Upper Sense of Religion The Pride Enclave
5.12d Golden Man

variant: Climb "Golden Cage" until after the roof, then cross to "Repo Man".

Sportiva 36m
5.12d Usul Left
Sportiva 56m
El Potrero Chico Upper Sense of Religion New Sim City
YDS_ALT:5.12 The Hidalgo Stranger

70m rope.

Sportiva 2, 13
El Potrero Chico Upper Sense of Religion The Mileski Wall
YDS_ALT:5.12 Peregrinos

Starts at the far left of the ledge. You will see an aluminum plaque at the base in memory of Janosh Seidl. The first pitch trends out left into the crack.

70m rope is required to rap down.

Steep crack climbing and technical face climbing mulitpitch, following a natural line on the left side of the Mileski wall. The only route that goes to the top of the cliff above the entire Upper Sense of Religion, known as El Torero.

70m rope is mandatory. Can link at least pitches 3+4, and 13+14.

Please try it, and leave feedback! This is a new route, and use a trad mentality to test holds, have awareness of loose rock especially at the top, and be careful for those below. Have fun.

P1 5.11 Start on the ledge left of Permanent Vacation. Work left through lower-angle grey face to reach an obvious crack. Steep locks and stemming to the top. 32m, 9 bolts.

P2 5.12/+ Continue the pumpy crack for 5m to a rest, then 20m of continuous techy face climbing on excellent edges and pockets. 27m, 12 bolts.

P3 5.11 Another crack starts, with some pumpy moves until it eases up for fun, more sparsely bolted climbing. 34m, 13 bolts.

P4 5.7 Easy climbing over a bulge, then walk up low-angle slab. 35m, 5 bolts.

P5 5.10 Up from the ledge, works back right. 33m, 11 bolts

P6 5.11+ Multiple cruxes on great rock. Lots of balance moves, with three rest stances. 35m, 14 bolts

P7 5.11 Good crimping again, crux off the belay. 25m, 9 bolts.

P8 5.10+ Some long reaches with huecos and crimps. Goes through very pocketed volcanic-looking overhang feature. 30m, 14 bolts.

P9 5.10 Easy blocky start, then mantle a bulge. Finish with some delicate moves to belay. 30m, 11 bolts.

P10 5.10+ Fun face climb start off belay, then jugs to dihedral and a crimpy finish. One of our favorite pitches! 35m, 15 bolts.

P11 5.10 Balancy start, fun moves though deep pockets at overhang, trends to left. 30m, 13 bolts.

P12 5.10+ Not too difficult for first half, then some face climbing moves. 32m, 12 bolts.

P13 5.11 Fully engaging moves in a corner near the top, some loose rock to the left, pay attention. 35m, 14 bolts.

P14 5.10 To the top! Closely bolted in some sandy rock. The anchors go to a face just below the ridge. Can top out to the ridge with caution, whole top has loose rocks. 20m, 7 bolts.

FA: Dan Flynn & Daniel Trujillo, 2018

Sportiva 450m, 14
El Potrero Chico The Spires South Side
5.12d Tool
Sportiva 55m
5.12d Gondwanaland
Sportiva 50m, 14
El Potrero Chico The Surf Bowl
5.12d Bottom Feeder

Perma draws.

Sportiva 27m, 10
El Potrero Chico The Outrage Wall
5.12d Kung Fupert
Sportiva 55m, 2, 14
YDS_ALT:5.12 Afro-Juan
Sportiva 120m, 4, 12
5.12d Steel Pulse

The first pitch (5.11a/11c) gets you to Bronco Bowls

Sportiva 70m, 2, 10
El Potrero Chico The Outrage Wall Bronco Bowls
YDS_ALT:5.12 Celestial Omnibus

Bolted tufa left of the Bronco Bowls fixed rope. Get here by climbing Steel Pulse and the traversing all the way to the left anchors.

Sportiva 10
5.12d Steel Pulse
Sportiva 70m, 2, 10
El Potrero Chico The Outrage Wall
5.12d Job Restored
Sportiva 43m, 14
5.12d Palm Sunday
Sportiva 43m, 12
El Potrero Chico The Virgin Canyon Second Plancha Wall
5.12d Hair Shirt
Sportiva 26m, 9
El Potrero Chico Front Side Land of the Free Wall
5.12d Axis of Idiots

Shares 1st bolt and anchor with Freedom Fries.

Sportiva 30m, 9
5.12d Axis of Evil
Sportiva 37m, 9
El Potrero Chico Front Side Central Pillar
5.12d El Sendero Luminoso
1 5.12b
2 5.12d
3 5.12b
4 5.12a
5 5.12b
6 5.12b
7 5.12b
8 5.12b
9 5.12
10 5.11a
11 5.10c
12 5.12b
13 5.12d
14 5.11a
15 5.10b
16 5.7

Climbs the cleanest, blankest, rock up the center of the central pillar. A climb made famous after Alex Honnold's free solo ascent.

Rapell down, a 70m rope is enough down to the top of pitch 5, then you need 2 50m ropes.

First pitch has 13 bolts and 45m, a 80m rope brings you down to bolt one and you can downclimb.

Sportiva 530m, 15, 16
El Potrero Chico Front Side Plutonia
V6 Tufa Loco
Boulder 6m
V6 El Seis
El Potrero Chico Front Side PaGuVi Gully
YDS_ALT:5.12 La Sombra Luminosa
1 5.11-
2 5.11-
3 5.9
4 5.8
5 5.8
6 5.8
7 5.4
8 5.12-
9 5.9
10 5.10
11 5.11
12 5.11
13 5.10+
14 5.11
15 5.12
16 5.10
17 5.9
18 5.9
19 5.10
20 5.11
21 5.9
22 5.10
23 5.9
24 5.9
25 5.8
26 5.10
27 5.7


  • 'Approach' pitches, 1-6: 5.11-, 11-, 9, 8, 8, 8
  • 'Bivy' Ledge (complete with fire pit, stashed sleeping bag, pads, blankets, dice, backgammon and Yahtzee =)
  • 'Middle' pitches, 7-15: 5.4, 12-/10+A0, 9, 10, 11, 11, 10+, 11, 12/10A0
  • 'Lunch Ledge'
  • 'Upper' pitches, 16-27: 5.10, 9, 9+,10, 11, 9, 10, 9+, 9, 8, 10, 7
  • Descent: WALK OFF

Descent Beta... from the northern summit, walk the knife-edge ridge to the southern summit, turn right, roughly following the ridge-line (but staying slightly below on the southern side) to a notch. one rappel into the col, cross the col, and hike back up to the ridge-line to join the Toro trail at the cross.

NOTES: - this is not just a long 'sport' route, like "Timewave". It is a different beast, altogether, very alpine, adventure climbing. Major commitment, big exposure, traverses, some choss, etc... - you can bail reasonably well up through pitch 17. Rappelling from above that point will be complicated, at best, due to traverses. If you do pitch 18, you are pretty committed to going to the top.

  • during the FA, it was decided that pitch 20 needs another bolt at the crux. Its a little runout and exposed. I will fix this next season, but didn´t want to hold back opening the route to the public. fair warning, however... we fashioned a stick-clip on the spot.
  • I have done a LOT of cleaning, but until the route sees traffic, there will always be some loose rock. pitches 3 and 7 are particularly chossy (but easy).
  • pitches 5 and 6 are not current rappelable, due to the traverse and lack of rings (you could of course leave biners or quicklinks). there is currently a fixed rope. it is in good condition as of this writing.
  • there are still fixed lines on most of the harder sections, pitches 1-2, 8, 10-15. pitch 20 does NOT have a fixed line
  • Linking... most pitches are between 25-30m. all can be rappeled with 60m. most can be linked. 14,15, and 18 you definitely want to pitch out. 19, 20, 21, use your judgement (we chose to pitch them out, but i think you could 20-21). 24-25 i linked, but drag was pretty rough at the top.
  • the photo below was done early on. slight changes in the route were made, and the upper pitch numbers (which were estimated) turned out incorrect. i dont have an original photo to reproduce the image (feel free to send me one, Rancho Sendero is a good vantage point). its not perfect, but its close. it should give you an idea of the route, at least.

Feel free to contact can contact Eric Werfel at with questions.

Tracciata: Eric Werfel, Mar 2018

FA: Eric Werfel & Seth Williams, Mar 2018

Sportiva 27
El Potrero Chico Tarahumara Pass
YDS_ALT:5.12 Peace, Love Flowers

This route is located at the end of the Tarahumara Pass on the great wall on the left side. The beginning of the route is identified by a small pillar of stones as a reference. The base was cleaned by removing loose rock and thorny plants.

Esta ruta se ubica al final del paso Tarahumara, en la gran pared de lado izquierdo. El inicio de la ruta la identificas por pequeño pilar de piedras como referencia. Se hizo limpieza de la base quitando roca suelta y plantas espinosas.

Pitch 1: 5.9+ (9 bolts + anchors)

Pitch 2: 5.12- (14 bolts + anchors)

FA: Ferris Kilpatrick & Conner Larsen, 15 Feb 2019

Sportiva 53m, 2, 16
El Salto; C.d.G. El Salto Tonanzi
YDS_ALT:5.12 Lobo Plateado

This route does not see a lot of traffic, please provide info as you can.

Tracciata: Luiz Carlos Garcia & Julio Fernadez, 2011

Sportiva 5
El Salto; C.d.G. El Salto Quintesa
5.12d No name 1
1 5.5
2 5.12d

Technical facd climbing up to super steep tufas.

Tracciata: Alex Catlin, 2015

Sportiva 25m, 2
El Salto; C.d.G. El Salto Animas Wall
5.12d Hall of Fame


Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

Sportiva 35m, 16
5.12d Bongkatron

Starts behind the small tree / bush into the open dihedral. Start on Malavisco and go straight up to a broken hold. Worth doing.CURTIS LOVE 2004

Tracciata: Curtis Love, 2004

Sportiva 31m, 13
5.12d Dirty White Scorpion

Start on the left side of the left boulder detached form the wall, first bolt is high up the wall, a few moves off the boulder.

FA: Brigitterobert

Tracciata: Brigitterobert & Ulricmarch, 2011

Sportiva 35m, 15
5.12d Culo de la Negra (Extensión)

Bajar a la primera reunión para poder descender al piso (aun con cuerda de 80m). Climb culo de la negra and continue for another 20m , lower to the first anchor to get to the ground (even with an 80m).

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

Sportiva 43m, 20
5.12d Lazy Boy Lover

Starts just left of the big tree and crosses right above it. Belayer be careful at the 4th crux moves.

Tracciata: John Garcia, 1997

Sportiva 30m, 16
5.12d Mamacita

Goes up left along the big grey tufa ;-). Steep start and tough finish once you loose the tufa to your right.

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.12d Pesadilla Nocturna Ext

6 plaquetas adicionales ala via original, de resistencia y moviemientos duros.

Sportiva 35m, 17
El Salto; C.d.G. El Salto Shaman Wall
5.12d Carlos , por favor !

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

Sportiva 35m, 19
El Salto; C.d.G. El Salto La Cueva del Tecolote
5.12d Soul Power

Nice sustained pump up the main steepneess.Co mitting moves to transition and large throws,kneebars ,tufas and great pockets make this a classic not to miss it.

FA: James Carss

Sportiva 30m
El Salto; C.d.G. El Salto Sector el Bloque
5.12d/13a Ixca

Short and hard of very good quality. Only one ascent so far at the time, july2019. Grade might be harder than reality.

FA: Fernanda Rodriguez, Gen 2019

FFA: Fernanda Rodriguez, Feb 2019

Sportiva 7
El Salto; C.d.G. El Salto La Psicodelia
YDS_ALT:5.12+ - 13+ Un mundo feliz Fuera de la realidad

3rd route from right to left.follow the overhanging crack diedral into roof and gigantic tufas.

First anchor goes up to 28 meter, extension goes another 12 meters.

First anchor name: un mundo feliz. Extension name: fuera de la realidad.

80 m rope.

Open Project.

FA: Joe Bert, 3 Mar 2019

Sportiva 40m
YDS_ALT:5.12+ - 13 Macrodosis

Long and well bolted route.

FA: Luis Carlos García Ayala, 4 Apr 2019

Sportiva 31m
El Salto; C.d.G. La Boca Main Wall
5.12d Ego Lounge

Climb the grey slap to bouldery cruxes.

Tracciata: Alex Catlin & Ralph Vegan Winter, 2016

Sportiva 20m, 10
5.12d Que hay de mi arte!!

Start on "Que hay de mi?" and before the chains continue on to el "Arte de Volar".

El Salto; C.d.G. La Boca Catlin's Wall
5.12d Nalgas Perfectas (left)

Starts left of the tree and leads through the roof to a high anchor. Grade not confirmed, please add your contribution.

Tracciata: Alex Catlin, 2001

FA: Alex Catlin, 2001

El Salto; C.d.G. La Boca Santo Bohorquez Wall
5.12c/d Dragon Fire

Start just right of Easyrider and follow the featured growth and chosy looking blocks up and right. Lean into the dihedral and get ready for the crux, and follow more tufas up towards the looming block overhead. Its bomber. Another easy 10 meters to the anchors.

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau & Nathan, 2014

FA: Ulric Rousseau & Nathan, 2014

Sportiva 35m, 15
YDS_ALT:5.12+ Radio Columbia

Hard face and dihedral to an even harder roof. Pulling the roof is the crux.

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2014

Sportiva 35m, 12
YDS_ALT:5.12+ Double Espresso

Climb the slab left of the looming block. follow laybacks and underclings to the bulge below the tufa roof. Pull the roof and hit the easy slab to the anchors.

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2014

FA: Ulric Rousseau, 2014

Sportiva 30m, 14
El Salto; C.d.G. La Boca The Arcade
YDS_ALT:5.12+ Pacifico Frio
1 5.12b
2 5.10+
3 5.12+

The left multi-pitch. After pitch 2 you reach a ledge with 3 routes on ornage rock. The left one is listed here as pitch 3, the center and the right one are listed as separate routes.

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2017

Sportiva 3
YDS_ALT:5.12+ Pacifico Frio Center

The middle one of the 3 3rd pitches. Grade not confirmed.

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2017

YDS_ALT:5.12+ Pacifico Frio Right

The right one of the 3 3rd pitches. Grade not confirmed.

Tracciata: Ulric Rousseau, 2017

5.12d Tron

Right of the three, is the route that goes left to the lower anchors.

FA: Diego Canavati, 9 Mar

Sportiva 18m
El Salto; C.d.G. Cueva de La Palma
5.12d Honor de Cabrito

Placa, desplome, descanso, luego placa desplomada para llegar a las cadenas

Sportiva 30m, 13
YDS_ALT:5.12+ Virus de Gallina Extensión

FA: Alex Catlin, Set 2016

Sportiva 30m, 12
5.12d Plesiosaurus Extensión

Continue with some nice long moves in pockets to smaller holds for a pumpy extension.

FA: Ott 2016

Sportiva 30m
5.12d Feliz no virginidad

Starts on “La Cumpleañera” and then climb left into “Las Perlas de la Virgen”



Tracciata: Joe Bert

5.12d Saltirock

very steep climbing through cobbles and choss looking holds but its solid, very fun .

bolted by GOOFY from Saltillo and Vale de La Cruz.

Sportiva 25m, 12
5.12d Tocinote

climb pass the tiny roof , some rail sloppy crimps is what u get ,high feet , very explosive, bouldery and shorty, enjoint , mussys in the anchor!


Sportiva 17m, 10
Las Ventanas de Mina Culo Del Gato
YDS_ALT:5.12 Carlito's Way

FA: Charlie Chapman

Sportiva 20m, 9
5.12d Ave de Rapina

FA: Dan Durland

Sportiva 20m
Cueva de Cumbia Primer Sector
YDS_ALT:5.12+ La Guacharaca

Left route in the little cave. Roof climbing to bouldery crux to a gently overhanging finish. Chain draws for first bolts only.

Tracciata: Mark Grundon

YDS_ALT:5.12+ Chicharrón con Pelos

Empiezas en un techo horizontal, los últimos movimientos antes de salir del techo es el crux, el final esta tranqui. The right route in the little cave. Fun roof climbing. Chain draws first bolts only

Tracciata: Mark Grundon/ Rodrigo Garza

Cueva de Cumbia Segundo Sector
YDS_ALT:5.12+ Mañana Te Pago

Left most route in the big cave. Pull out the roof on big holds, and finish with some powerful moves to the anchor

Tracciata: Mark Grundon

YDS_ALT:5.12+ Lado Oscuro de la Luna

Almost all big holds to the anchor.

Tracciata: Mark Grundon/ Rodrigo Garza

YDS_ALT:5.12+ Celso Piña

Climbs the route side of the giant stalactite. A classic route named after a classic artist. First draws are Climbtech perma draws perma draws all the way.

Tracciata: Mark Grundon

YDS_ALT:5.12+ Charro Galáctico

Climbs up to some huge stalactites with wild stemming.

Tracciata: Joel Guadarrama

YDS_ALT:5.12+ El Ajonjolí Tostado

Starts in the black rock.

Tracciata: Patiño/ JP/ Buho

YDS_ALT:5.12+ Tequila

Climbs the first four bolts of Abuelo Malandro then cuts left up to a wild roof finish

Tracciata: Rodrigo Garza

El Diente Cueva del Leproso
5.12d De Orión

Es la extensión de Cinturón

Sportiva 30m
YDS_ALT:5.12 Encima de la Ley
1 5.12
2 5.12b

FFA: Mark Grundon

FA: Mark Grundon

Sportiva 2
5.12d Tufahidral Sportiva
Cerro Agujerado Left Wall
YDS_ALT:5.12 Florecer

Third route as you arrive at the arch. Characterized by a slab start into overhanging tufa/stalactite climbing. A long dance between knee bars, sit downs, stand ups, jugs. So good!

Sportiva 32m, 16
YDS_ALT:5.12 Ambiente Hostil

This is the right-most route on the Dong Wall. Climb up under and alongside the big black stalactite. Lower-off anchors. Start on the white flake on the right side of the Dong Wall. Aim for the big black stalactite.

Sportiva 20m
Puente de Dios
5.12d Arch Enemigo

The rightmost route on the huge Archangel Wall. Start up a slab and work to a zigzag crack. Then follow pockets and horizontals to the anchors. Pumpy and physical. Wear long pants to maximize rests. A huge 30m rope swing can be rigged from the anchors of Arch Enemigo.

FA: Rick Rivera

Sportiva 14
5.12d Church of Satan

The second route off the lower ledge. Start a bit left of the bolts and climb out very steep rock. Long moves on big jugs. Exposed. Throw the climber a rope to avoid lowering all the way to the river.

FA: Rick Rivera

Sportiva 12
Cueva del Oso Pared principal
5.12d Oso Bueno
Sportiva 30m
Cueva del Oso
5.12d Patiño's Climb
Sportiva 30m

Tutti 97 vie visualizzati.

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