
Vie in Poo Pond Crag

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Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
16 Scorpions sting

Arete. Chain Anchor.

Tracciata: BJ Veasey

Sportiva 25m
14 The snout

Climb the narrow rib in the trees moving R at 2/3 height. New anchor with excellent secure large clipping carabiners.

Tracciata: Anton Wopereis & Sam Bosshard

Sportiva 22m, 7
13 Nature's Good Will

Short climb left of the Poo Pond slab over a small bulge - better than it looks.

Tracciata: BJ Veasey

15 Reach For The Stars

Great climb with a ledge at the top of the first pitch for easy belaying. Pitch 1: 15m with 7 bolts. Anchors on 1st pitch- chains and a second set with rings. Pitch 2: 30m with 10 bolts. Loose rocks make the last few moves a bit dodgy but well worth climbing. Anchor for 2nd pitch- chains.

Sportiva 2, 17
16 Poo pond slab

The original route started on the R of the face to the ledge then a 2nd pitch above. Two pitches that probably deserve more traffic than they get.

P1. A line of bolts (mossy?) on the R of the wall to the ledge. 21m Grade 16

P2. Interesting climbing.The first bolts are remarkably close together then the gap and the clips get further apart. 30m Grade 15

Tracciata: Anton Wopereis & Sam Bosshard

Sportiva 50m, 2
19 Right hand slab

line of bolts right of poo pond slab. Thin and fun!

Sportiva 15m, 3

Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

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