
Vie in Barnett Park del grado selezionato

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Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
The Cave
25 Super Choss

Start as for Super Glue at the extreme left side of the cave. Traverse right past 3 bolts, then head straight up via big moves to reach the jug rail. Follow this right to the Super Glue anchors.

25 Straight, No Chaser

Start as for Attack Mode but instead of angling left to the pockets after the initial boulder problem, angle right to the Iceman anchor, skirting to the left side of the roof. May also be started from the right to avoid Attack Mode’s often wet start.

FA: Tony Ward-Holmes, 1998

Sportiva 13m, 6
25 Rowdy Chaser

Start as for Rowdy Ronnie Piper, but at the ledge head left, skirting around the left side of the roof, to finish at the Iceman anchor.

Leech Wall
25 Gorgon

FA: Tony Burnell, Nov 2014

25 Staunch Like Elvis

FA: John McCallum, 1993

Sportiva 5
25 Conundrum

FA: Tony Burnell, Dic 2014

Sportiva 20m
25 PHD

FA: Tony Burnell, Dic 2014

Sportiva 20m, 8
25 Bulge-let

FA: Tony Bunell, 1997

Sportiva 20m, 7
25 Roger Parker

FA: Sefton Priestly, 1999

Sportiva 4
The Other Cave
25 Troy's Route

FA: Troy Mattingley


Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

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