
Vie in Barnett Park del grado selezionato

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Tutti 7 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
The Cave
27 Shrubble

Start as for Super Glue at the extreme left side of the cave. Traverse right on jugs to join Rubble at the 5th bolt. As for Rubble, there is no anchor so just jump off.

Sportiva 12m, 7
27 He Devil

Obvious linkup of Rubble into Gorilla Grip. A/k/a She Devil Lite.

Sportiva 8
27 Gorilla Grip

Cave classic and always climbed on. Most people's first climb here. Start up the short slab and continue straight up to the chains over the lip of the cave. Most people jump off the top instead of clipping the chains to avoid destroying their rope.

FA: Matt Evrard, 1993

Sportiva 15m, 7
27 Hung Like Elvis

Start up the line of bolts to the right of Kaz's. Climb up to a dyno and then traverse into the pigeon pod of Ride of the Valkyries. Finish here on a single bolt.

FA: John McCallum, 1994

27 Groundhog Day

Go halfway up Bolts and break right above the big blob. Some long moves lead you to the Attack Mode anchor.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2006

Sportiva 13m, 7
27 Attack Hog

Start as for Attack Mode. Ascend to the midway pockets, then traverse left to the good holds between bolts 4 and 5 of Let There Be Bolts. From here, go back right to the Attack Mode anchor.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2008

27 Rowdy Mode

Start as for Rowdy Ronnie Piper, but at the ledge head left to the Attack Mode anchor.

FA: Lucas Dowell, 2020


Tutti 7 vie visualizzati.

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