
Vie in Waterfall Crag

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Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

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V10 Traverse Right to Left (No Glue)

Start as for Arachnophobia, then commence traversing left to top out as for End of the Rainbow. This line is an eliminate and excludes all holds "made out of glue". Interesting distinction, and likely subject to change as the cave evolves. The line stays low, underneath the steepest parts of the wall.

V4 Arachnophobia

The rightmost problem in the cave. Start low on the prominent underclings, make a long reach up onto the face, then angle right to slap up the mini arête to top out. Lower start with 2 crimps about 1.5m apart and feet in knobs in the sandy skirt. Left hand up to undercling, right to dishy edge, then join original.

V7 Short But Sweet

Starts just left of Arachnophobia. Sit start very low on the ball shaped meat wrap and RH crimp, with feet on the wall (not on the clay slab below). Cross into a pocket and crimp then follow a series of incut crimps leading to a dyno finish to the prominent jug. Drop off here or top out if you dare.

V10 Sasquatch

Start near the centre of the cave with LH gaston and RH undercling. Make a hard pull on and slap LH to sloper. Latch RH crimp then throw to a good edge. From here, grab the good ball hold then climb straight up the face on good holds. Finish to the right on the bucket.

FA: Derek Thatcher

V7 Cramp

Sit start near the mid point of the cave on the big undercling. Hard moves to crimps lead to a big pull through to the start hold of Sloper Groper. Finish as for this problem.

V5 Six Different Ways to Please Your Lover

Start low on the good hold used for Cramp (higher than Cramp's undercling start). Make a big move left to join Sloper Groper, then continue left until you can join Mr Miyagi and finish as for this problem.

V6 Sloper Groper

Squat start near the middle of the cave on the big glued sloper. Make a couple of powerful moves with the RH, then move up and right to finish on the leftward sloping jug (heinous top out optional).

V5 Purity Boulder
V8 Mr Miyagi

Sit start at the far left side of the cave with LH on a rounded edge and RH on the obvious spike. Slap up LH then move RH out to a pinch. A big heel eventually allows you to attain a good LH edge. From here, move right to finish on the jug (heinous top out optional).

V4 Diagon Alley

Starts just right of Golden Tears on a big undercling. Make a big move to reach a crimp on the face, then delicately move feet up to top out straight up. This problem eliminates the wall to the right of the V-groove.

V4 Golden Tears

Sit start to the left of the cave on the big block characterised by gold glue seeping down its side. Make a move RH to reach a sloping rail, then RH again to a crimp. From here, huck LH to a rail and execute an easy dyno to the top lip. The problem stays left of the right arête.

V2 Unknown Warm-up 3

Start on the big squared hold then climb up the corner to a jug. Problem #5 in Tony's guide.

Boulder 3m
V2 Unknown Warm-up 2

Start on the big squared hold then climb straight up. Problem #4 in Tony's guide.

Boulder 3m
V1 Unknown Warm-up 1

Start on the big squared hold then head left to join 'End of the Rainbow'. Problem #3 in Tony's guide.

Boulder 3m
V1 End of the Rainbow

The sole warmup of the crag. Stand start (or sit for a slightly harder version) just to the right of the dead tree. Move straight up to the glued jug and top out easily.

V9 Traverse Left Right

Sit start using the big flat hold on the far left side of the main crag. Traverse across and down into the roof. Climb across the roof (avoiding the jug made of glue) to reach the big sloper, then move up to the lip and across right on good holds to finish on the bucket as for Short But Sweet.

V4 Risk vs Reward

Located left of the main crag, on the wall left of where the waterfall runs. Sit start on underclings then ascend the tricky face. Top out by stepping off to the left. Take care with the landing.

V6 Left Wall Low Traverse (Right to Left)

Start on the left wall just past Risk Vs Reward. Sit start on a rock with hands matched on the slopey rail. Traverse low all the way left to finish in the horizontal slots.

V7 Left Wall Traverse Direct (Right to Left)

Start as for the low traverse. At about the halfway point, make a big move up and left to a crimp, then finish straight up on the big sloper near the lip.

V6 Such A Sandbag

Climbs straight up the middle of the left hand wall. Sit start with hands on the undercling and the ball hold. Make a big move over the lip, then tricky face climbing to the top. Finish on the big slopey jug.

V6 Pin Scars

Starts on the left side of the left wall. Sit start directly beneath the cleaned out runnel feature. Pull on and make a couple of hard moves on minuscule crimps, gain the sloping rail/arête, then finish on the big sloper jug.


Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

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