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Tutti 62 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Espedalen Hovedveggen
7+ Først Eid Sportiva 25m
7 Sommerferie Sportiva 16m
7 Kvinnelist Sportiva 25m
7 Satans Kvinnfolk Sportiva
7 Gjest Bårdsen Sportiva
7+ Elsket av få, hatet av mange Sportiva
7 Ildsjelen Sportiva
7 Når uhellet er ute, holder vi oss inne Sportiva
7 Først Wang Sportiva 22m
7 Mye mekanikk, lite teknikk Sportiva 22m, 10
7 Skojernet Sportiva 28m, 16
7+/8- Grenlandsløypa Sportiva 20m
7+ Men det er lenge siden Sportiva
7+/8- Svakt øyeblikk Sportiva
7 Ukjent Trad
7+ Lettlurt

FA: Ole Karsten Birkeland, 2006

Sportiva 25m
7 Lange Menn

FA: Roy W Nordborg, 1997

Sportiva 20m
7+ Rompepump

FA: Lars Krugerud, 1997

Sportiva 15m
7+ Vårkåt

FA: Ole Karsten Birkeland, 2005

Sportiva 17m, 9
7+ Fransk åpning

FA: Eilif Gran, 1998

Sportiva 17m, 9
7+ Taktrøbbel Sportiva
7+ Eletrisk fargehandel Sportiva
7 Prisfall Sportiva 15m, 10
7+ Prix Sportiva 10m
Uvdal Storsvaet
7 Catchen Trad
Uvdal Brattveggen
7 Manndomsprøven Sportiva
7+ Fingerkutteren Sportiva
7+ Bananriss Sportiva
7+ Kamp i mørket Sportiva
Gygrestolen Gamla
7+ Nysgjerrigper

Start off the same ledge as Den Sorte Kamin. Step over the void to gain the diederal. Follow this to reach a small ledge, then up the face to the summit.

FA: Christopher Glastonbury, 26 Mag 2016

FFA: Christopher Glastonbury, 25 Set 2016

Trad mista 20m, 2
7+ Ilddåpen

Starts on the ledge above Hylleopptakket. Straight up the obvious crack to the top. Natural anchor.

FFA: Øyvind Moss, 1984

Trad 35m
7+ Blueberry Lane

Easiest to rap in from the top, right in the centre of the south-eastern wall through the blueberry patch. Start off the block trending right to meet the left arcing corner. A few hard moves to the top. Gear is thin, but ample.

FFA: Christopher Glastonbury & Torstein Øygarden, 23 Ago 2015

Trad 25m
Gygrestolen Gubben
7+ Superrisset

It doesn't come much better than this. Starts up the left of the twin cracks on the long ledge opposite Den Sorte Kamin and the quality never ceases all the way to the top.

FFA: Øyvind Moss, 1984

Trad 40m
Gygrestolen Stup
7 Hobnobs

Located at the far northern end of the escarpment. Obvious finger to thin hand crack on one of the north facing walls. Needs some cleaning.

FFA: Hans Petter Dahlslett & C. Brodersen, 1991

Trad 15m
7+ finger crack

Opposite Mossekspressen. Start at the wide crack in the middle of the pillar. Up to break, then traverse right into double finger cracks. Up to ledge, then traverse left to reach diagonal trench that leads up to a cool exit through a blocky tunnel.

FFA: Tom Randall & Joakim Sæther, 17 Mag 2016

Trad 28m
7 Unknown

Located 50m south of Gamla. Starts up a finger crack, then moves left into the double corner past 2 expansions with FHs. They appear to be recently placed. Careful with the loose blocks. If the FA had removed these blocks, perhaps the bolts would have been unnecessary?

Trad mista 20m, 2
7+ Babylon

FFA: 1984

Trad 7
Bruskor Solsiden
7 Svadomsprøven Sportiva
7+ Dyret Sportiva 11
7+ Smack Smack Sportiva 7
Bruskor Crack
7 Fett som Faen Sportiva
Bruskor Skyggesiden
7+ Doggy Sportiva 11
7+ Slopestyle Sportiva 6
7+ left sector 3 Sportiva
7 Den fortrolige klatrer

FA: Roar Olsen

Sportiva 10m, 8
7+ Mysterium

FA: Simon Næs

Sportiva 25m, 13
7+ SubRosa

FA: Roar Olsen

Sportiva 25m, 12
7+ Under fire øyne

FA: Roar Olsen

Sportiva 17m, 10
6 - 7 Skjulte perler

FFA: Jarle Mosaker, 22 Apr 2018

7 Jafs Sportiva
7+ Roxy Sportiva
7+ Ukjent Sportiva
Erikstein 2 etasje Ura
{FR} FB:6A Fin Boulder
{FR} FB:6A Reachy Boulder
Erikstein 3 etasje Loungen
{FR} FB:6A Lounge traversen Boulder
{FR} FB:6A Fukushima Boulder
{FR} FB:6A+ Statoil Boulder
Erikstein 3 etasje Midtre
{FR} FB:6A+ Vaktmesteren Boulder
Erikstein 3 etasje Venstre
{FR} FB:6A Gratulatåre

FA: Joakim Louis Sæther, 2012

Erikstein Kløfta
{FR} FB:6A Bekkesildring Boulder
Wall Street
7 Black Tuesday
7-/7 Penge hænger ikke på træerne,

Tutti 62 vie visualizzati.

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