
Ascensione di Fødselssprekken

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Gio 6 Lug 2023 - Skråstad
6- Fødselssprekken
1 6- Trad arrampicata in lead da Trond Hauklien

Started off great with some hefty foot work on wet granite crystals. Highlight of the day: I was able to do a fist jam in the horizontal crack at the start, the only jamming possible on the whole route.

2 4+ Da secondo

Following a wide crack from stand on a pine tree into a bushy mess and an almost vertical piece of rough granite which might've been possible to buypass on the right.

Trad 70m Pessima
Trond Hauklien
Kjempekaminen was seeping wet, so we opted for this route insted. Wet start, mossy stone and some nerve-racking runouts followed by a bushy second pitch. Descent: A single abseil after the two pitches from a sturdy pine tree using two 60 m ropes.


Tutti 1 ascensione visualizzati.

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