
Ascensioni in Svenskeveggen

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Tutti 7 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Sab 12 Ago 2023 - Lofoten
Austvågøy Pianokrakken Svenskeveggen
7 Snickar glädje — 2 tentativi Trad 15m Classica
Vanessa Wills
Just lovely. The boulder start looks tricky to protect, maybe a wire on a stick. When we got there a woman was trying and did it on top rope and was in raptures which was great to see which convinced us to try. Took a couple of goes to sort short person starting beta, then hung on all the way up the crack.

6- Blåklokka Trad 14m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Not too bad despite the ledge. I climbed much higher than Dave did before moving to ledge trying to sort rope stuck in crack

6 Frøken Sverige Trad 14m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Good sequences following Dave

Lun 24 Mag 2021 - Lofoten
Austvågøy Pianokrakken Svenskeveggen
6+ Jammerfest Trad Molto buona
Knut Bjoernebye
7 Snickar glädje Trad 15m Classica
Knut Bjoernebye
Gio 27 Ago 2020 - Lofoten
Austvågøy Pianokrakken Svenskeveggen
7 Snickar glädje - con Karl Olof Hallberg Trad 15m Classica
Philip C
With a pre-placed piece. Great route

Mar 2 Ago 1994 - Lofoten
Austvågøy Pianokrakken Svenskeveggen
7 Snickar glädje - con Bogi Trad 15m
Thomas Weber
Thought I made a first ascent, but it was done!


Tutti 7 ascensioni visualizzati.

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