
Pubblicazioni associate all'area e ad aree più ampie Besteland

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Tutti 3 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

Autore/i: Geoff Hornby and Steve Broadbent

Data: 2024

ISBN: 9781913167165

A selective guidebook describes almost 200 of the best ice climbs in the Setsdal Valley and the neighboring Aseral Valley, spanning the grade range from WI2 to WI7.

Aree: Setesdal

Autore/i: H. Weninger

Data: 2021

ISBN: 9783956111228

Climbing in southern Norway - single and multi pitches - trad and sport climbing - Language: German, Norwegian, English

A definitive guidebook describing the rock climbing and sport climbing in Setesdal Valley in southern Norway, covering more than 670 routes arcoss a wide range of grades.

Aree: Setesdal

Autore/i: R.Carlsen und L. V. Wagelid

Data: 2021

ISBN: 9788299776981

A comprehensive guidebook covering 34 of the main sport climbing areas in Norway, detailing many 1,000's of routes.

Aree: Norway

Tutti 3 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

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