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🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.


🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Strażnica Przewodziszowicka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Przewodziszowice Strażnica Przewodziszowicka
VI.1 Łapy przy sobie

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Sposób na hemoroidy

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4 Ograniczony podwiertek

ogr.: bez klam po lewej

VI.2 Nieograniczony podwiertek

Same as "Ograniczony podwiertek", but all holds allowed

VI.3+ Filarek podwiertków

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Tylna rysa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Chwała podwiertkom

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5 Awaryjna Anka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+/6 Klub aktywnego seniora

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+ Książę podwiertków

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4 Lewa rysa

droga kończy się na półce przy stanie

VI.3 Prawa rysa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+ Gandalf

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2+ Imbir

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5+/6 Haj way to Szecówka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+ A

ogr.: bez rysy i klam po prawej

VI.2 B

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Wyścig z czasem

ogr.: bez rysy

VI.1+ Serek

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Serek wprost

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Kant serka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Za kantem serka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Proszę konia

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV+ Przednia rysa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Girl's power

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Giganci tańczą

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Krucha ścianka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

III Zdobywcy strażnicy

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

III+ Szczelina kornicza

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Płytka pigularza

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Rozbójnik

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Ostaniec przy Brzozie

Topo and info on

Topo and info on

Przewodziszowice Ostaniec przy Brzozie
V Woda brzozowa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Ja brzoza

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Noł ordżinal

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V+ R jak żmija

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Buraczany korowód

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Kurka wódka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V+ Geograf hvarski

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Skała Rajcy

Topo pdf on

Przewodziszowice Skała Rajcy
IV Dzięki Stachu

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Trzy brzuszki

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Doktor haust

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Wizyta Prezesa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Naprawdę zajebista droga

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Czarna niedziela

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3 Prostowanie drogi donikąd

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2/2+ Droga donikąd

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Prostowanie strzału z biodra

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3 Czekając na słońce

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Jądra w ciemności

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Strzał z biodra

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Twierdza szyfrów

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2+ Prawe jądra w ciemności

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3+ Krok w bok

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Słoneczny filarek

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V+ W cieniu słońca

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Słoneczna ścianka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Żałoba po wyrzuconej szmacie

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Lewa depresja

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Prawa depresja

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV+ Filarek

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

II Kursowa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.


🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Filar

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Lewa ścianka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Prawa ścianka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

III Tortilla Flat

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV+ Jezus Maria Corcoran

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Legenda o Dannym

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Wielki Joe Portugalczyk

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Pilon

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Czarny Kamień

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Czarny Kamień
VI.1 Sadłomasochizm

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4+/5 Golem

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5 Bilans mocy

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4 Czarny tunel

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Turlaj dropsa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Ciepły Listopad

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV+ Rusz dupę, gruba

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Połogi filarek

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Małe jest piękne

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+/VI.1 Małe wyzwanie

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Oderwij podwozie

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Potrójny oddech

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V+ Patologia kornika

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Lewy komin

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V W kupie raźniej

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Bumerang

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Drogowy slalom

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Diretka

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

III Czarny komin

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Czarny Karzeł

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Czarny Karzeł
VI Biały odcień czerni

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Czarny odcień bieli

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI+ Czarny Marek

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1 Czarny kot

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

1 - 100 di 101 nodi.

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