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Santo Tirso

This place has more than 200 boulders hidden in the Nossa Senhora da Assunção woods. This is one of the most iconic boulder places in the North of Portugal. Also, you can use your sport climbing equipment on some boulders that are equipped with anchors but also you can find twelve sport climbing routes at sector da Patuda (The difficulty of those routes are between III and 7a+).

Topo could be found in "Portugal, Escalada em Rocha" by Carlos Simes. Or for a more detailed version you have:

Santo Tirso
Sector Boulder

The Boulder Sector is without a doubt the most frequented of all. Perhaps because of its central location, the access is one of the easiest to follow, and of course, being the oldest part of Boulder. The approach to this sector is made from the monastery, going down the wide paved road and following the signs that indicate the water fountain.

Santo Tirso Sector Boulder
V6 - 8 Passeio micológico

If you start in a Sit Down Start position it will be a V8

V2 Mancha negra
V6 Passeio aplatológico


V4/5 Costas à Mesa (Pela Esquerda)

#sitstart Same as Costas à Mesa through the left

V2 Costas à mesa

Sit Down Start

V10 Bicep's Mu!
V4 Micro II
V2 Travessia Assunção Bleau
V3 Dinâmico Assunção Bleau

Dyno with both hands

V1 Directa
V1 Jump
V4 Lançamento
V5 Karma

Stand start with left hand on small vertical crimp and right hand on big crimp

V6 Karma (sit start)

Sit start with both hands on the big crimp

V5 Efeitos sonoros


V2 Enxotó cão


V4 Devorador de lanches mistos


V0 Aquecimento
V0 Crack


V1 Chamó gato


V1 Travessia Direita

Start at "Crack" and traverse right until after "Chamó gato"

V4 Limonete


V1 Bloca

In this video a different start on the boulder to the left can be seen at 5:20

V2 Blocada
V2 Javali adormecido

This is a small traverse between Bloca and Blocada. You should climb Bloca until the upper hold (the good one, otherwise it will be a V3/V4) and after that, you should use the last crimp of the Blocada. After that, you should do the same top-out of Blocada. Remember: when you do the traverse you have good foot holds but they're obvious.

V4 Tetozinho


VB Travessia Assunção Bleau II
V6 Idade de Pedra

Sem talhados (Without carved holds)

V3 Caracol

Sem talhados (Without carved holds)

V2 Tá tola ná

Sem talhados (Without carved holds)

VB Aresta dos básicos
V0 Tabu
V1 Campus I
V2 Easy Rider
V1 Scarpa
V1 Geração à rasca
V11 Lançamento Descola

Start with feet in air (campus) and both hands on the crimp

V9/10 Descola Estático

Starting with right hand on the crimp, left heel hook on the big hold in the arete to the left, and left hand on the crystal on the arete

V12 Descola (cs esquerda)

#sitstart down to the left

V15 Descola 21

#sitstart to the right, starting in both underclings and going to the crimp above

V1 Pedra Filosofal

Fall risk

V6 Descola Swing

Stand start, start with left hand on the crimp and jump to get the right hand on the big bulge.

#ss V12

V0+ Agarra-te aqui
V3 Força Maligna
V0+ Huf huf huf
V0 Zé gato
V5 Pinça
V0 Sardanisca
VB Revenge from Mars
V1 Tsunami
V8 Quebra Noz
V1 Dedos de Aço
V1 Twister
V7 Viagra
V3 Bico do Patelo I

Climbers on this boulder are visible in this video At the start of the video they mention it contain the boulders called "Danóninho" and "Es Baixo Demais", so those could be alternate names of these boulders.

V4 Bico do Patelo II

#ss Climbers on this boulder are visible in this video At the start of the video they mention it contain the boulders called "Danóninho" and "Es Baixo Demais", so those could be alternate names of these boulders.

V1 Salta-lhe
V4 Baltar
Chapada no Baltar
V1 XL de força


V4 Investida pélvica


V2 Salto na lama


Volta ao mundo
Coxa o koelhão


V7 Lusco fusco


V3 Bareja verde
V1 Rolinha
V4 Coquilha
V0 Super bota
V0 Unnamed Left
V0 Unnamed Right
V4 Moto-Serra
V2 ? 147

Sit start

V2 ? 156
V5 ? 157
V5 ? 158
V8 ? 159
V7 ? 160

Dynamic jump to top

V1 ? 161
V1 Força
V2 Monstro
V7 ? 95
? 155
V7 Rala Canelas
Santo Tirso
Sector Corvo

Sector Corvo is located to the right of Sector Boulder and slightly higher. From the monastery, go down the wide cobbled road and follow the signs to the visitor's room. Just before reaching the fountain, continue to the right and go up slightly.

Santo Tirso Sector Corvo
V5 Bico
V1 Espinha
V6 O olho
V6 Crista
V3 Solta-se o peido

This boulder probably has a different name. It has been climbed since at least 2011 with a sit start, as we can see in this video at 1:20

V1 Rapidinha da Manhã
V8 Abre Costas
V3 Agora com Calma
V4 S.M.
VB Pão Pão Queijo Queijo

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