
Vie in Romania del grado selezionato

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1 - 100 di 650 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Creasta Cocoșului
6+ Finala Cupa
6+ Fisura Galbenă
6+ Vipera
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Munții Igniş Turnul Marcului
6+ Teodora
1 6+ 15m
2 6+ 40m

Traseul nu este finalizat. Ultima lungime posibil sa fie comuna cu traseul Corbului.

Sportiva 55m, 3
6+ RUS:4A 1 Mai Trad
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Munții Igniş Peretele Lespezi
6+ Contra Sportiva 35m
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Munții Igniş Pietroasa Țancul Mic
6+ La placă Sportiva
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Munții Igniş Pietroasa Trei Turnuri
6+ Spitul ascuns Sportiva
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Limpedea Faleza Mare
6+/7- Keene-G Sportiva 15m
6+/7- K3 Sportiva 15m
6+ RFN Sportiva 15m
6+ Kiki Sportiva 15m
6+/7- Ţeapă Sportiva 15m
Nord-Vest / North-West Munții Gutâi Piatra Vlaicului
6+/7- Danika Sportiva 18m
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Berii
{FR} 6a Driver

Tracciata: Nicolae Durnac & Sergiu Bersan, 2005

Sportiva 18m
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Drogheria
{FR} 6a Furazolidon

Tracciata: Gabriel Cicu & Nicolae Durnac, 2006

Sportiva 24m, 10
{FR} 6a Nurofen

Tracciata: Nicolae Durnac, 2021

Sportiva 18m, 9
{FR} 6a Viagra

Tracciata: Nicolae Durnac, 2006

Sportiva 18m, 11
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Criză
{FR} 6a Prima (a)casa

Tracciata: Loredana Durnac & Nicolae Durnac, 2010

Oriental Carpathians Rarău Piatra Şoimului
{FR} 6a T. N. T.

Tracciata: Radu Tudorachi, 2004

Sportiva 25m
{FR} 6a Bavareza


Tracciata: Dan Rusu, 1994

Trad 2
{FR} 6a Cuib de Şoim


Tracciata: Dan Rusu, 1994

Trad 2
{FR} 6a Cuibuşor de Nebunii


Tracciata: Radu Tudorachi, 2004

Sportiva 25m, 2
Oriental Carpathians Rarău Peretele Coteţului
{FR} 6a Pantera Roz

Tracciata: Ciprian Andrecuţ, 2003

Sportiva 22m
{FR} 6a Kidney Stones

Tracciata: Florian Mastacan, 2003

Sportiva 22m
{FR} 6a Trăiască Berea

Tracciata: Florian Mastacan, 2003

Sportiva 20m
{FR} 6a Gaura Neagră


Tracciata: Echipa Armata, 1999

Trad 2
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 1
{FR} FB_ALT:4/4+ unknown Boulder 8m
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ unknown 6 Boulder 8m
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 10
{FR} FB:5A FB_ALT:4+ Sclavu’ Boulder
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Avântu’ Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 15
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ unknown Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 29
{FR} FB:5A FB_ALT:4+ Penthouse Boulder 3m
{FR} FB:5A FB_ALT:4+ Gumar Boulder
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Galos Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Sihla Bloc 32
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Miguel Boulder 4m
{FR} FB:5A FB_ALT:4+ Făgurelu’ Boulder 4m
{FR} FB:5A FB_ALT:4+ Țâli Boulder 4m
Oriental Carpathians Stânca Sector B Inferior Bloc 2
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Bursuciana Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Lomaşului Faleza Lomăşiţa
6+/7- Muchia Şoimilor Sportiva
6+ Bufniţa Sportiva
Oriental Carpathians Tarniţa Faleza Tarnița nr. 3
6+/7- Stonecrop Sportiva
6+ Treecreeper Sportiva
6+/7- Saxifrage Sportiva
6+/7- Polypody Sportiva
6+ Common bat Sportiva
Oriental Carpathians Borsecului Faleza Ursului Sector A
{FR} 6a Rooftop

Tracciata: Simon Istvan, 2018

Sportiva 8m
{FR} 6a Down

Tracciata: Simon Istvan, 2018

Sportiva 8m
{FR} 6a Expectation

Tracciata: Simon Istvan, 2018

Sportiva 8m
Oriental Carpathians Borsecului Faleza Ursului Sector B
{FR} 6a Cratoneuro

Tracciata: Simon Istvan, 2018

Sportiva 8m
{FR} 6a Air Flow

Tracciata: Simon Istvan, 2018

Sportiva 8m
{FR} 6a Bear's Eye

Tracciata: Simon Istvan, 2018

Sportiva 12m, 4
{FR} 6a Glue Face

Tracciata: Florin-Ciprian Andrecut, 2009

Sportiva 10m
Oriental Carpathians Borsecului Faleza Ursului Sector C
{FR} 6a Little Tower

Tracciata: Ciprian Andrecut

Sportiva 7m
Oriental Carpathians Borsecului Faleza Ursului Sector D
{FR} 6a Bluebell

Tracciata: Ciprian Andrecut

Sportiva 10m
{FR} 6a Sharp Steps

Tracciata: Ciprian Andrecut

Sportiva 10m
{FR} 6a Slow Pace

Tracciata: Ciprian Andrecut

Sportiva 10m
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Peretele Bardosului Faleza "Hornul Mare"
{FR} 6a STR8 Line
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Piatra Altarului
6+ A0 Creasta Estică

The easiest and most climbed multi-pitch route on Piatra Altarului. Dry tooling is allowed on it during winter season.

It has 2 variants. The classical one which follows the line from the topo and the direct one which starts where most of the other multi-pitch routes start and has common belay stations with the Requiem route then continues to the right and back to the classical route.

FA: Matei Schenn & Anton Fogarascher, 1952

Mant: 2006

Mant: Ago 2022

Trad mista 240m, 6, 15
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Cuşma Lapoşului
6+ A1 RUS:3B Traseul Eva

Route follows a series of cracky dihedrals. Existing protection is a tad sparse and sketchy for the grade (a mix of old pitons and 1-2 bolts per length) but there are plenty of opportunities for mobiles in the friends/large nuts range.

Pitch 1: After a slightly deceptive move to the first in situ piton, it traverses 1.5m left to the initial dihedral (10-15m), then turns right to a second, far more sustained dihedral. Belay is under a small roof, on 2 manufactured anchors and a bunch of pitons. 6 UIAA, 45m

Pitch 2: Traverse to the left and up for a few m to exit the roof, then head up on the third dihedral of the route. Protection possibilities are slightly sketchy at the entrance of the dihedral. Crux is a slight overhang about 2/3rds of the way up. Exit the ridge and belay at the trees, watching out for ropes rubbing on the rocky exit of the dihedral. 6+ UIAA, 25m

Pitch 3 is rarely done, being a 2-3 UIAA ridge scramble among broken trees. To avoid it, since rapping down the route line would risk non-recoverable ropes, walk horizontally to the right of the ridge for 10m (there's a visible but not huge path) then rap off a tree into a gully , 10-15m down. While the gully looks downclimbable, it stops into a rock face, so head up to the saddle instead, cross it, and head down and left (there's a slight path but it's interrupted by fallen trees sometimes) until you hit the red triangle tourist path.

FA: Dan Vasilescu & Kolcza Eva, 1976

FFA: Voros Laszlo & Takats Gabor, 1982

Mant: 2006

Trad 96m, 3
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Plus Sector 1
{FR} 5c/c+ Salată

Tracciata: Tudor Vartic, 4 Ago 2022

Sportiva 15m, 6
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector A
{FR} 6a White Cat
Sportiva 18m, 6
{FR} 6a Ioana
Sportiva 23m, 8
{FR} 5c+ Şarpele
Sportiva 25m, 9
Oriental Carpathians Bicaz Gorge Suhardul Mic
{FR} 6a Unghia Neagră

Tracciata: Radu Tudorache & Valentin Chiriac, 2002

Sportiva 100m, 3
6+ A1 RUS:4A Traseul Spintecăturii

FA: Petre Cristina & László Karácsonyi, 1956

Trad 53m, 3
Oriental Carpathians Cheile Șugăului Faleza Aeriană
{FR} 6a Coandă Sportiva 25m, 8
{FR} 6a Aerata Sportiva 23m, 7
Oriental Carpathians Cheile Șugăului Faleza de la intrare
6+ unknown 4 Sportiva 10m
6+ unknown 6 Sportiva 15m
6+ unknown 7 Sportiva 15m
6+ unknown 8 Sportiva 15m
Oriental Carpathians Cheile Șugăului Faleza de lângă Cabană
{FR} 5c+ unknown Sportiva 16m
{FR} 6a unknown 7 Sportiva 15m, 5
Oriental Carpathians Harghita Faleza Csiba
6+ Aka aglala Sportiva
6+ Chingachgook Sportiva
Oriental Carpathians Oituz Faţa Sufletului
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Easy Ride Boulder
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Red Horse Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Oituz Diedraşul
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Plimbărică Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Oituz Ileana Cosânzeana
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Prîslea Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Oituz 101.6 FM
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ Mărăşeşti Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Oituz Alpinistul
{FR} FB_ALT:4+ La Jumate Boulder
Oriental Carpathians Lepşa Turnurile Lepşei
6+ Frodo Sportiva 30m
6+ Fisura Bilbo Sportiva 30m
Oriental Carpathians Cheile Vârghişului Turnul lui Csala
6+ Turnul de Aramă

The entire route had been bolted. The belay of the second pitch is the top of the Route "Faust". Abseil from there, using a 70m rope.

FA: Miklos Nagy, Emilian Cristea & Alexandru Brumărescu, 1971

Trad 40m, 2
6+ Fisura Calului

Great crack climb.

Sportiva 18m
6+ Furnicile Roșii
1 6+ 45m
2 6+ 45m
Sportiva 90m, 2
Oriental Carpathians Cheile Vârghişului Turnul Porumbeilor
6+ Turnul Porumbeilor
1 6+ 31m
2 6+ 25m
3 6 10m

Partially bolted.

FA: Dumitru Chivu & Matei Schenn, 1971

Trad mista 66m, 3, 20
Oriental Carpathians Cheile Vârghişului Santinela Peşterii
6+ Szűz
1 6+ 30m
2 6- 15m
3 6+ 30m
Sportiva 75m, 3
Iași Bucium Poligonul 3
FR:6a Y
Sportiva 10m, 5
Banat Sviniţa El Banát
6+ Bratrská
Sportiva 30m, 9
6+ Extáze
Sportiva 22m, 6
Banat Lipova-Radna Peretele Mare
6/6+ Red Sea Trad 40m
6+ Fileo Sportiva 18m
6+ Dió Sportiva 15m
6/6+ Mk Sportiva 15m
Banat Lipova-Radna Peretele Bisericii
6+ Harang (Clopotul) Sportiva 20m
Apuseni Mountains Vadu Crişului Peretele Atlantida
6+ Păducelul Sportiva 35m
Apuseni Mountains Vadu Crişului Peretele Zânelor
6+ Sörös (Creasta Abruptă) Trad mista 4, 5
6+ Zori de zi Sportiva 2

1 - 100 di 650 vie.

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