
Ascensioni in Third Kid come Working

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Tutti 5 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Ven 6 Nov 2020 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
7a Good Friday - con Cat A, Eoin Sportiva 24m, 7
Starting to make sense

Gio 2 Apr 2020 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
7a Good Friday - con Kang Sportiva 24m, 7 Molto buona
Al Bear
Dom 29 Mar 2020 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
6b+ Third Kid - con Cat A Sportiva 26m, 8 Buona
Spent a lot of time gardening the route (pulling out shoots) and figuring out the moves. A couple of tricky moves on this one ...

Gio 20 Feb 2020 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
6b Devil's hand Sportiva 25m, 8 Media
Al Bear
Clip stick’d my way to the top over a mere hour and a half, rigged to rope for TR solo only for it to then rain heavily. FML. On the upside, learned a lot about jumaring and that I like the climb to the right more, so not a total waste of time. Calling this ‘working’ as there isn’t a tick for ‘an age of faffing then getting soaked’.

Gio 30 Gen 2020 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
7a Good Friday Sportiva 24m, 7
Top rope solo: Working the moves on a shunt and realising that I'm weak A.F.


Tutti 5 ascensioni visualizzati.

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