
Vie in Graveyard area

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Tutti 18 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Bitch it
7C Bitch it

Start on jug and bust out on dope compression. One of the best climbs in the area.

FA: Christoff Buys

7C Thats the Business

Amazing line! start on big jug and climb straight through overhang using comprerssion.

{FR} 5 Ascension Avoided

Use the upside down triangle as an undercling and go straight up.

FA: Albert Botha, 11 Nov 2022

{FR} 6B+ Intimacy

Same start as Ascension Avoided but go up left. Big balancy moves on decent crimps.

FA: Albert Botha, 11 Nov 2022

{FR} 6B+ Won't be missed

Stand start on the ledge and go straight up on crimps. The top out is a bit void of good holds

Definitely won't be missed

Sit start on crimps below "won't be missed" and make your way up to the top. Suspected to be 7a/b

{FR} 6A Slice of bread

This is the jewel of this boulder. Start under the first ledge and go straight up.

FA: Albert, 11 Nov 2022

6B+ Altered Ruins

Sit start low on jug with high heel. Move up to jug and traverse left all the way and top out. FA Gary Lowther

FA: 24 Lug 2022

6B+ Altered Ruins reverse

Start on the far left of "ruined roof" but traverse right. FA Christoff Buys

{FR} 7A Delilahbattleduck

One of the longer routes at Botshabelo. Toe hooks, heel hooks, horrible feet with crimps and sloppers will test your problem solving skills. A very interesting boulder problem for sure.

Stand start below the obvious crack and traverse as far right as you can for the top out.

FA: Albert Botha, 24 Nov 2022

The Sewer
{FR} 6B+ Die Drolleloog

Start as deep into the "cave" as possible. Push either both or one leg into the hole and start with both hands on the ledge closest to that hole. Follow the crack and stay to the right as you exit. Only use the crimps to the right of the crack in the roof.

FA: Albert Botha, 13 Dic 2022

{FR} 6B Air Freshner

Same start as turdologist but top out to the left by using some good ledges.

FA: Albert Botha, 12 Dic 2022

This Stinks

Possible traverse. Maybe a 7? Stay low and top out as far right as you can go on the boulder.

6C Dead in 1820

stand start on big foot and thin crack and climb up sketchy face. FA Christoff Buys

6A Fort Merensky

Start on flat hold on the left side of boulder and climb up little face. FA Gary Lowther.

FA: Gary Lowther, 24 Lug 2022

7A Land Claim

MORPHO.Directly right of Fort Merensky. Start left hand on low side pull and right hand on decent side pull and do a big move with left hand to slopey crimp and top out. FA Evan Margetts

6C - 7B Reach beech

Start to the right of Land claim. Start right hand on tiny undercling and left hand on flat undercling thats high. Do a big move up and right to jug.MORPHO FA Evan Margetts

{FR} 6C Landmine

Start on the flat jug and traverse all the way around and up on good/Sloped holds (bottom slab not in). FA Evan Margetts

FA: Evan Margetts, 24 Lug 2022


Tutti 18 vie visualizzati.

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