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Tutti 23 vie visualizzati.

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Clifton Sector
17 Fighting for a Share

Opening new lines where other RD's are not detailed, hmmmmm! Startup the wide and dirty crack (deep groove) to the ledge, move slightly right to gain the rail (on the left) in the overlap. Move left and head up for the cleft/ notch in the skyline.

FA: Cormac Tooze & M. Lamprecht, 24 Mar 2021

Trad 21m
17 Wild Things Run Free
1 17 25m
2 16 45m
3 16 20m
4 15 15m
5 15 30m

FA: P. deTolly, D. Tromp & A. Brown, 1989

Trad 140m, 5
17 Wham Bam
1 16 20m
2 16 40m
3 17 20m
4 14 20m
5 12 40m

FA: J. Bam & N. Antoncich

Trad 140m, 5
17 Black and Weight

Start up Greyscaling. At the ledge take the crack to the right of Greyscaling, then follow a curved crack. When this peters out climb straight up to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & M. Penso, Gen 2015

Trad 35m
17 My Naut is better than your Naut

Single pitch, 35m, bang in the middle between Cosmonaut & Aquanaut's pitches right of the Gendarme. Start 1,5m left of Aquanaut and hold the line to the ledge. From the ledge pull into the layback crack below the triangular roof 3-4m up; climb through the middle of the roof on good jugs; step left and go straight up the open book to the next roof; step out left from under the roof and go straight up, staying to the right of Cosmonaut. Hold your line up to the abseil anchors. The name came up after a debate on which knot to abseil off.

FA: B. Smith, W. Boshoff & C. Phillips, 2013

Trad 35m
Naughty Buttress
17 Taut Naut

FA: Scurvy & D. Mecer, 2007

Wally's Cave Sector
17 Pumbaa

Climb the wider crack on the right. You can use standard sport rope. This nook is in the shade when the rest of the crag is in the sun. Scramble up a few meters then walk left to access Clifton tea cave level.

FA: Cormac Tooze & M. Lamprecht, 5 Giu 2017

Power Struggle Sector
17 Power Couple

Start up Kalashnikov but then head up and left to underneath a narrow roof. Pull through and then up the left side of short white face.

FA: R.Halsey & R. Straite, Ago 2019

Trad 20m
17 Rolling Moon

Start to the right of Kalashnikov. Pull up into a short right-facing corner and up to the brown rock. Follow two layback cracks to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & R. Straite, Ago 2019

Trad 20m
17 Heavy Breather

FA: D. Mecer & Scurvy, 2007

Trad 25m
17 Cloud Number 39

Between Heavy Breather and Poke in the Eye are is a narrow inset face with a crack on each side. Follow the left crack and then straight to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey, R. Straite & Elle, Ago 2019

Trad 20m
17 Lovely Jubbly

Start on a block beneath a prominent roof to the right of the black rock to the right of Political Solution. Step off the block and up to the roof. Pull through on the right on good holds past two perfect rails. Move up the blunt seam, then continue up clean rock to the top.

FA: Tony Lourens & Riaan Vorster, 2011

Trad 20m
Geo-Cache Sector
17 PROT:R Come Take a Trip in My Air-Ship

FA: Unknown

Trad 20m
17 Egg-sucking Dog

FA: Unknown

Trad 20m
17 Pounce

FA: R. Suter & D. Mecer, 2007

Trad 20m
17 Cougar

Start ~4m right of Feline. Head up the ramp to the vague, blunt arete.

FA: Richard Halsey & R. Straite, Ago 2019

17 In Your Mind

FA: Unknown

Trad 20m
17 Kneeling Drunkard's Plea

FA: Unknown

Trad 20m
17 No Charge

FA: Unknown

Trad 20m
White Face Sector
17 Duly Noted
1 17 15m
2 15 25m

3m right of Wailing Wall P2 and 2m left of the main fault up White Face is a break running straight to a roof.

  1. 15m, 17:Take the break before stepping left 1.5m further under the roof and ascending over a triangular crack in the roof. After 4m of easy ground stance on a comfortable ledge.

  2. 25m, 15: start on a right facing flake and proceed up, climbing an open book above a large cubby which is part of Wailing Wall. Continue straight up until being greeted at the top is a small tree.

FA: Warren Gans, 2012

Trad 40m, 2
Aloe Cave Area
17 Trachylepis

Start 3m right of Rumpelstiltskin. Good climbing, but rather lichenous. Follow the shallow corner to the roof. Step left and pull through a series of rails tending slightly left until the angle eases. Finish on the broad ledge.

FA: Richard Halsey, Dic 2017

Trad 21m
17 El Gato

Half way between Rumplestiltskin and the Aloe cave is a large open book. Climb the layback (corner) for a few meters (strenuous/ awkward), then follow the break aiming for a small corner further up , another layback tops you out at at a very scenic medium size & vegetated belay ledge, stance here then 'B' scramble to the top, alternatively don't stance and climb 10M further to the top, less scenic, less coms. but safer.

FA: Cormac Tooze & L. Griessen, 9 Nov 2015

Trad 20m
17 Shamba

An aesthetic, short face to the right of the first pitch of Simba. Unfortunately one needs to end with some scrambling to get to the walk off ledge. Can descend easy via the B-Route about 40m to the right.

FA: Richard Halsey, Dic 2017

Trad 22m

Tutti 23 vie visualizzati.

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