
Nodi in Redhill

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Great bouldering on crimpy sandstone. Easy to moderate climbing, with a few harder problems here and there. See individual area descriptions for links to topos.

A: Malfunction

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine A: Malfunction
7A The Awesome Malfunction

Sitstart on crimps. Climb rightward on crimps to the jugs. (Holds on the right side of the break are off). Reach up and L onto the face to small crimp for LH, TO.

B: O for the P

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine B: O for the P
5A - C+ O for the P

Sitstart on good hold, climb straight up the face via good holds and crimp for RH, TO.

C: No Reward

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine C: No Reward
6B No Reward

Sitstart on flat hold, traverse leftward via the obvious crackline, moving up to TO at the end of the boulder.


You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine D: GTA
7A+ Grand Theft Auto

Sitstart with BH on small crimp, hard move up to crimps in thin rail, move slightly R to TO, avoiding good holds higher on the L.

6B Hake

Sitstart on flat hold, big move up to crimps, big move again to good slopers, TO. Bottom slab off for feet, use pockety rock for feet.

3A - C+ A.N.C.

Crouch start and climb the juggy groove.

6A Raccoon Vacuum

Sitstart and climb the prow to TO.

6C Awesome Possum

Sitstart with LH on sidepull/undercling, RH on sidepull/undercling in pocket. RH up to small pinch, TO straight up via crimps. Arête is off and bottom of slab is off for feet.

6A Merry Canary

Standstart with RH on flake sidepull/undercling, LH on sidepull lower down. Climb straight up and TO.

E: Wombat

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine E: Wombat
6B Playstation

Sitstart on knob crimp for RH, LH up to pocket sidepull, big move to crimp, TO. Arête and bottom slab are off.

6B Celebrity Death Match

Sitstart on high crimp for LH and RH on good pinch. Climb up and slightly left to TO.

6B Combat Wombat

Sitstart on good hold for LH. Climb directly up the steep prow to TO with a tricky move on the nose of the prow

6B+ Tekken

Sitstart as for Combat Wombat, but with RH on the good hold. Move up to good holds on the vertical face, RH up to pinch LH up to sloper above pinch, TO.

5B Purple Run

Sitstart on good holds, move up to good holds and TO via crimp.

7B Kung-fu Kangaroo
F: Banjo Run

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine F: Banjo Run
6A When Death Smiles Upon You

Standstart, climb high arête to TO.

5C Doodling with Goblins

Standstart, climb the high juggy wall to TO via the short vertical crack near the top of the boulder.

6A+ The Banjo Run

Standstart, climb straight to the slopey rail, continue straight up to TO.

6B Remix

Standstart with RH in pocket, climb straight up through the bulges to TO.

G: Rec Room

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine G: Rec Room
6B+ Reception Room

Sitstart with BH in low rail, climb straight up on input edges to TO

3A - C+ Welcome Note

Standstart. Climb the slab to TO.

5A Cam Here

Sitstart. Climb the crack feature to TO.

H: Angel's Share

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine H: Angel's Share
6A+ Bend the Bracket

Sitstart with BH on crimps, big move up with LH to crimp, TO. (Ledge at base is off for feet)

6A Clump

Sitstart with LH on sloper, RH on crimp. Climb straight via a crimp to TO. (ledge at base is off for feet).

6B Back Road Diner

Sit/crouch start, climb the arête on good edges to TO.

7B The Angel's Share

Sitstart on crimp rail, LH up to crimp via gaston, then climb the face diagonally rightward to TO on the corner. (Holds in and left of the crack are off).

7B+ Angel's Direct

Start as for Angel's Share, but finish via crimp straight up, on the left side of the small roof capping the boulder.


Sitstart on the ledge, climb up and left to TO. (The crack and holds to the right of it are off).

7B Evil Shows Another Side

Sitstart on block/crimp, throw to small crimp with RH. Climb straight up to TO. Boulder on the left is off.

6A+ Cherry Darling

Sitstart on pockety rock, climb straight up to the obvious round three finger pocket, TO.

6B+ Death Proof

Sitstart on jug rail at lip of roof, climb straight up to the obvious round two finger pocket, TO.

6C+ Buckshot

Sitstart as for Death Proof, climb leftward along the lip of roof to gain the obvious crack/rail with LH in leftmost part of the rail. Climb up the wall, tending slightly leftward via small opposing sidepulls

7A Planet Terror

The softest 7A you will ever climb. Sisters as for Death Proof, climb leftward along lipnof roof to gain obvious crack/rail. Keep moving left to TO as for Grindhouse via a vertical crack/break.

7B Grindhouse

Sitstart under under small roof, LH in sidepull/undercling, RH on crimp, big move with RH to sloper on lip, then move up and L to TO via the obvious vertical crack/break.

7A+ Small World

Crouchstart with RH in slot near arête and LF on heelhook. Climb up on slopey holds.

7A+ Awkward Silence

Sitstart low with LH on rimmed crimp, RH on slopey crimp. RH up to sloper just above, climb to good sloper up and slightly right, TO.

4A - C+ Lens Cap

Crouchstart in obvious jug in rail, climb straight up the blocky wall to TO.

6B Faultline

Start as for Lens Cap, chimney through the passage between boulders to TO as for Clump. (Top of boulder H is off during chimney).

I: Twice

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine I: Twice
5A Twice

Sitstart on small jug, climb the face to TO.

J: Hamster

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine J: Hamster
6A Rat in a Wok

Sitstart in heuco pocket, climb straight up the face to TO. (Juggy rail up on the R is out).

6A Hamster

Crouchstart in obvious jug in vague rail, climb straight up the crimpy face to TO.

6C Hamster Jump

Start as for Hamster, jump straight to the top of the boulder. TO.

6B Ferret

Sitstart in big holds, climb straight up via poor LH sidepull/pocket, TO.

6A+ Iguana

Sitstart in hueco pocket, LH to sidepull near arête, climb over the bulge to TO.

K: Unloved

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine K: Unloved
7A Untitled & Unloved

Sitstart on flat holds, move up to underclings,climb straight up the white face to good rail up L. TO.

6B+ Ode to Fifty

Sitstart as for Untitled & Unloved, move up to underclings, then move right to crimps, TO trending R, then up.

L: Jawbreaker

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine L: Jawbreaker
6B+ Gobstopper

Sitstart on small crimps, climb straight up the blunt arête to TO.

6B Jawbreaker

Sitstart on good crimps, RH to slopey crimp in black rock, LH up to jug directly above. TO.

M: Pandemonium

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine M: Pandemonium
6B Cosmic horror

Sitstart in the break, climb the prow avoiding the big holds on the L. TO.

7B+ Secret Ninja Moves from the Government

Sitstart as for Cosmic Horror, climb straight up the overhanging wall on small sloping edges to the triangular jug, move slightly L to TO.

7B+ Swamp Thing

Sitstart on slots, move L and climb the prow to TO. The bottom pedestal is off for feet.

7C+ Redneck Zombie Love

Sitstart low with LH in sidepull pocket, RH on low crimp. Up to crimps, then big move to sloper or crimp in rail, TO.

6B Horror Block Warm-up

Sitstart with BH on good crimp, LH up to crimp, TO straight up.

7C Pandemonium

Standstart with RH on undercling crimp and LH on high crimp. Climb the vague prow to hard TO on slopers.


6A+ Meat Weed Madness

Standstart in underclings for both hands, throw straight up with the RH. TO straight up.

7B Brick Top

Sitstart as for Meat Weed Madness, cross over with LH up to flake/crimp up R, TO. Jugs up left (Meat Weed Madness) are off.

8A Turkish

Standstart in undercling/sidepull feature, up to flake/crimp (of Brick Top). TO.

7A Dumpster Baby

Sitstart on undercling/sidepull in hueco feature, up to incut crimps, TO in groove.

7B+ Toxic Avenger

Standstart on slopers in large hueco, move L put of the cave, round to incut crimp with LH, big move up with RH to crimp, move up and L to TO.

N: Twilight

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine N: Twilight
5A Kust

Sistart, climb the steep juggy face to TO.

6A Twilight

Sitstart in round scoop/hueco, big move with RH to good flat hold over the bulge, climb straight up to TO.

P1: April

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine P1: April
5B April

Sitstart on the juggy orange rock, climb straight up and through the grey slab, TO.

P2: Chutney

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine P2: Chutney
5C Chutney

Standstart, climb straight up the high face to TO.

Q: Loreal

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine Q: Loreal
4A - C+ Loreal

Standstart, climb the slab to TO.

R: The Pinnacle

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine R: The Pinnacle
6A+ Into Thin Air

Standstart, climb the super high wall to TO. A significant landmark boulder for this area.

S: Winterland

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine S: Winterland
5C Winterland

Standstart, climb straight through the bulge to TO.

T: Fury

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine T: Fury
6B+ Iggy

Sitstart on block, BH on jugs, big move up to a jug, TO straight up (beware loose rock). Obviously the slab to the R of the break is off.

7A Sand & Fury

Sitstart as for Iggy, move up to big jug, then up to the sloper rail on the L, then through the L side of the small roof above, TO. Slab on the R of the break is off.

U: Crooked

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine U: Crooked
3A - C Outdoor Encyclopedia

Standstart, climb slab up to the halfway ledge on the face.

6A+ Crooked Little Vein

Standstart, climb the super high wall to TO.

V: Disco

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine V: Disco
4A - C+ Desert Disco

Standstart, climb the wall in the black streak to TO.

6B Off Street Parking

Crouch/hanging start in crimp rail on bottom lip of boulder, RH up to a pocket, climb straight up to TO.

6A+ Tumble Dry

Sit/lie down start on good holds on the L of the nose. Climb the nose to TO.

W: Stare

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Coppermine W: Stare
4A - C+ Blank Stare

Standstart, climb the high slab to TO.

X: Thirsty

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

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