
Vie come deep water solo in Super Sonic Area

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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
6c+/7a S0 Super Sonic

Rockfax 2020 6c+ S0.

FA: Daimon Beail, 2003

Deep water solo
6b S0 Bird Watching

Traverse with a clear crux nearing the end. You start on the right platform as seen from the photos, climb the first part that starts with an undercling. Follow the line all the way to where you can reach the stairs of the next platform. That's where you top out.

The route itself does not go above three to four meters above sea level, which makes it very fit for people new to deep water soloing.

Water exit is at the initial platform. You'll have to climb a small rope, but that's easy with shoes on. Exiting the water at the other platform requires some climbing, and is not adviced with waves.

FA: Julian Chapman, 2003

Deep water solo 10m
5a S0 Bird Watching Direct

Easier early exit to Bird Watching. Do the first part of "Bird Watching" but instead of traversing left top at the right of the green bush, optionally, top at the left of the bush for a bit of spice.

Deep water solo 6m

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