
Ascensioni in Paret dels Coloms

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1 - 100 di 187 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Sab 6 Apr 2024 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6c Decadencia corporal Sportiva
5c Guatón P1
1 5c 25 Sportiva
Sportiva 25m
Joan Bonnín
6b NN2
1 25 Sportiva
2 6b 15 Sportiva
Sportiva 40m
Joan Bonnín
5c Danzomanía P1
1 5c 25m Sportiva
Sportiva 25m
Joan Bonnín
6b Tao P1
1 6b 30m Sportiva
Sportiva 30m
Joan Bonnín
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m Molto buona
Lun 1 Apr 2024 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m
6a+ Humi Sportiva 18m
6a+ Pesadilla final — 2 tentativi Sportiva 35m
Sab 23 Mar 2024 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
7a Si lo sé no vengo Sportiva 28m
Nicolas Calvo
6b+ Algo salvage Sportiva 28m, 8
Nicolas Calvo
6c Sal de arenal Sportiva
Nicolas Calvo
Gio 29 Feb 2024 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
5c ~6a Punto G Sportiva 30m
J Vila
Dom 21 Gen 2024 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a+ NN Sportiva 50m
Alana Lutz
6c+ Tao Sportiva 50m
Alana Lutz
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m Molto buona
Alana Lutz
6a+ Humi Sportiva 18m Molto buona
Alana Lutz
Mar 2 Gen 2024 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a+ Pesadilla final Sportiva 35m Buona
7a Si lo sé no vengo Sportiva 28m Molto buona
6b+ Algo salvage Sportiva 28m, 8 Buona
Ven 29 Dic 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a Comechochos Sportiva 30m
Andrea Brustia
Ven 8 Dic 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
7b Papidepau Sportiva
Miquel Avellà
7a Si lo sé no vengo Sportiva 28m
Miquel Avellà
Gio 23 Nov 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
5c Estricnina Sportiva 95m
Sab 18 Nov 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6b+ Algo salvage Sportiva 28m, 8 Molto buona
Robin S
7a Si lo sé no vengo Sportiva 28m Molto buona
Robin S
High first bolt.

6b Vol de Nuit Sportiva 28m, 10 Molto buona
Robin S
6a Tía Melis P1
1 6a 25m Sportiva
Sportiva 25m
Robin S
With the topo from the guidebook, it's slightly unclear where the line of the first pitch is. We followed the new bolts to the left of the rusty ones, but they don't quite lead to the anchor (which is over the little overhang), so you have to traverse a little bit at the end. It's also a bit run out, and the first bolt is very high.

6a Tía Melis P1
1 6a 25m Sportiva
Sportiva 25m
Kenny Rumindo
6b Vol de Nuit Sportiva 28m, 10
Kenny Rumindo
7a Si lo sé no vengo Sportiva 28m
Kenny Rumindo
6b+ Algo salvage Sportiva 28m, 8
Kenny Rumindo
Mer 4 Ott 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a+ Humi - con josh Sportiva 18m Classica
5c Punto G - con josh Sportiva 30m Classica

6a+ NN Sportiva 50m
Juan Closter
6b Vol de Nuit Sportiva 28m, 10
Juan Closter
Gio 8 Giu 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
7a ~7b Esto no es quinto superior Sportiva
Louis Salter

6c Sal de arenal Sportiva
Louis Salter
6a Tía Melis Sportiva 50m
Louis Salter
6a+ ~6a+ Tía Melis - con Louis Salter
1 6a+ 25m Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Chase Aaron Miller, Louis Salter
2 6a 25m Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Chase Aaron Miller, Louis Salter
Sportiva 50m Molto buona
Chase Aaron Miller
Linked up P1&2 as a 50m mega-pitch. Epic, run out and engaging. Definitely got in my head a few times, especially pulling past the mini roof (crux). The final sprint to chains is massively run out if you miss the last bolt out left. Do it as one pitch!!!

6c Sal de arenal - con Louis Salter Sportiva Mega Classica
Chase Aaron Miller
Wow, this was good. The crux is demanding, committing, and just awesome. Plus you’re rewarded with a full sit-down rest to contemplate your life decisions that led you here. Reachy jug-hauling to the top. Anchors are just 2 thick glue-ins that would benefit from some extra permanent gear for easier future-replacement.

7a ~7b+ Esto no es quinto superior - con Louis Salter Sportiva Molto buona
Chase Aaron Miller
This route is maybe 6b-ish to the 1st set of anchors, with fresh bolts.

From there is turns on to 7a+ almost immediately, with a committing technical entry into upper overhang on mildly-concerning rusted bolts. Find the correct sequence here and it’ll feel easy, but rest up where you can because the final sequence past the last bolt is a doozy, and DEFINITELY not 7a. Be prepared to contort, commit, and lose a little skin. Right knee-pad is useful.

Mer 24 Mag 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6b+ Perque triunfin els canalles — 4 tentativi Sportiva
Anna Gre
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m
Anna Gre
Ven 31 Mar 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a Comechochos Sportiva 30m
Dawid Jakubik
6b Vol de Nuit Sportiva 28m, 10
Dawid Jakubik
Dom 5 Mar 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
5c Guatón P1
1 5c 25m Sportiva
Sportiva 25m Classica
Javier Fernández Díaz
5c Danzomanía P1
1 5c 25m Sportiva
Sportiva 25m Classica
Javier Fernández Díaz
Dom 26 Feb 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
7a Si lo sé no vengo Sportiva 28m Classica
Structures from outer space!

6a Tía Melis Sportiva 50m Molto buona
6b Vol de Nuit Sportiva 28m, 10 Molto buona
7b Facile Pasteles de Isabel P1
1 7b 31 Sportiva

Really good! Not so obvious after the tufa.

Sportiva 31m Classica
7b+ Dura Piñón fijo Sportiva 28m Mega Classica
Just amazing!!! Bolted far but save. Felt hard to me

Mar 21 Feb 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6b+ Algo salvage Sportiva 28m, 8 Mega Classica
6c ~6c+ Sal de arenal — 3 tentativi Sportiva Mega Classica
Mar 10 Gen 2023 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6b+ Algo salvage Sportiva 28m, 8
francisco luis macias pastor
Sab 31 Dic 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
5c Estricnina Sportiva 95m Molto buona
Riccardo Bombarda
6a Tía Melis Sportiva 50m Classica
Riccardo Bombarda
5c Estricnina P1 - con Steph W.
1 20 Sportiva
Sportiva 20m
Ray Sanakim
6a Comechochos Sportiva 30m
Ray Sanakim
6a Tía Melis Sportiva 50m Classica
Mariano Rodriguez
6a Comechochos — 4 tentativi Sportiva 30m Molto buona
Mariano Rodriguez
Sin problema excepto la ultima cinta, demasiado dificil

5c Estricnina P1 - con Rob, Mariano Rodriguez, Ray, Riccardo
1 20m Sportiva
Sportiva 20m Classica
Steph W.
6a Tía melis P1 - con Rob, Mariano Rodriguez, Ray, Riccardo
1 6a 25m Sportiva
Sportiva 25m Media
Steph W.
To the crux, got too exhausted.

6a Comechochos - con Rob, Mariano Rodriguez, Ray, Riccardo Sportiva 30m Classica
Steph W.
Super beautiful route, came to the crux at the top, tried 3 times but didn’t manage.

Mar 8 Nov 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a Tía Melis Sportiva 50m
Gregor Wo
6b Vol de Nuit Sportiva 28m, 10
Gregor Wo
6a Comechochos Sportiva 30m
Gregor Wo
7a Si lo sé no vengo Sportiva 28m
Gregor Wo
Mer 20 Lug 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m
6a Comechochos Sportiva 30m
Ven 15 Lug 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m
Nicolas Lorin
6a Comechochos Sportiva 30m
Nicolas Lorin
Sab 2 Lug 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
5c Punto G Sportiva 30m
Biel C.
6a Tía Melis Sportiva 50m
Biel C.
Mer 18 Mag 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6c La peladora Sportiva
Javier Caballero
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m
Javier Caballero
Mar 17 Mag 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6b+ Perque triunfin els canalles Sportiva Classica
Javier Caballero
6b+ Perque triunfin els canalles Sportiva Classica
Javier Caballero
Sab 16 Apr 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
5c Punto G Sportiva 30m
Víctor N Z
6a Tía Melis Sportiva 50m Mega Classica
Daniele urbani
5c Estricnina Sportiva 30m Buona
Daniele urbani
Dom 20 Mar 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6b+ Algo salvage Sportiva 28m, 8
francisco luis macias pastor
Sab 29 Gen 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a Guatón Sportiva 50m Molto buona
Max Wa
First pitch is an easy warm up route. Rest quite spicy

5c Punto G Sportiva 30m Buona
Max Wa
Easy route through the middle of the cave

5c Estricnina Sportiva 95m Buona
Max Wa
Nice route to warm up. British bolted but a nice climb!

6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent Sportiva 33m Molto buona
Max Wa
Very nice route, with the crux at the end

Sab 22 Gen 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6c Decadencia corporal - con Micha Sportiva
6a+ Mes rapit suc el vent - con Micha Sportiva 33m
5c Estricnina - con Micha
1 5c 20m arrampicata in lead da Freddy
2 5c 15m arrampicata in lead da Freddy
Sportiva 35m
6a+ Humi - con Micha Sportiva 18m
6a Tía Melis - con Micha
1 6a 25m arrampicata in lead da Freddy
2 6a 25m arrampicata in lead da Freddy
Sportiva 50m
6a+ Pesadilla final - con Micha Sportiva 35m
Sab 1 Gen 2022 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
6a Tía melis Sportiva 50m Molto buona
Vera Caleca
5c Estricnina Sportiva 95m Molto buona
Vera Caleca
Dom 26 Dic 2021 - Sa Gubia
Paret dels Coloms
7b Pasteles de Isabel - con Andreas Aachen Sportiva 50m Classica
Definitely worth coming back for this beautiful technical climb. Although lead climbing would be very challenging for me on these tiny and smeary footholds.

6b Vol de Nuit - con Andreas Aachen Sportiva 28m, 10 Molto buona
Delicate technical climb. Challenging for the grade...

6b Tao - con Andreas Aachen
1 6b
Sportiva 50m Molto buona
Nice climb. Would be psycho though on lead for me with these rosty bolts and mantle crux on bad footholds...

6b Tao (Tao P1)
1 6b
Sportiva 50m Classica
Andreas Aachen
Rock quality and climbing is great. But the bolts need to be replaced.

7b Gay Power - con Sabrina Sportiva 30m Classica
Andreas Aachen
Uber technical with lots of hand foot marches on vertical wall.


1 - 100 di 187 ascensioni.

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