
Vie in La Grotte au Chat

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Tutti 13 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
5b Jour de Pluie

First climb from the bottome of the hill. Chossy.

Sportiva 10m
6a Arrache Doigts
Sportiva 10m
6a Entre Toir Emoi
Sportiva 12m
6a Decollage a 2 Doigts
Sportiva 12m
6c Copain Gingin
Sportiva 12m
6c+ Rambo du Spit
Sportiva 12m
6b+ Sydney 2000

Start marked 'Let's Go'. Up to cave then traverse left towards small tree. Pull up onto tricky slab sequence on head wall. Good.

Sportiva 13m
7a Let's Go

Start marked 'Let's Go'. Up to cave then head out right.

Sportiva 13m
6c Show devant

3m right of 'Let's Go'

Sportiva 15m
5b Tour de Chauffe

Last climb on the main wall before heading up the hill for the next few.

Sportiva 15m
6c Bidouille
Sportiva 10m
6b Tri Touille
Sportiva 10m
La Trouille
Sportiva 10m

Tutti 13 vie visualizzati.

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