
Vie in Khon Kaen

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1 - 100 di 118 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Chiusa Namphong National Park The Meadow
V6 Pinker Tips

Stand start with hands matched on good edge. Trend right towards the belly of the nose through crimps, pinches, sidepulls. Top-out directly above.

Boulder 3m
V7 The Land Before Time

Crouch-start with hands matched on solid sloper/crimp edge. Traverse hard left using awkward slopers, crimps, heel-hooks. Mantle to top-out and highest point.

FA: Alex Johnson

Boulder 4m
Chiusa Namphong National Park West Eucalyptus Forest
V6 Ant Man

Sit start on left/right side pulls, head straight up using the arête, and holds on the roof. Mantle to top-out.

FA: Austin Johnson

Boulder 2m
V3/4 Psycho Traverse

Sit-start matched on edge of Boulder, traverse left using edges, slopers, heel hooks. Top-out slight past high bulge.

Boulder 3m
V6 Newton Knows

Stand-start matched on awkward dish feature under roof. Crimp or throw to the lip, and traverse hard right till the good jug. Top-out directly above.

FA: Newton

Boulder 4m
Zoolander Bouldering Area Zen Garden

Jump start on a jug left of the tree, go straight up to top out on upper right crimp rail (V6 if campused).

FA: Brad Ausink, 2021

Boulder 4m
7A Oh My Budha

Same start hold with I LOVE BRAD. Swing to the right two times. Merge with Musty Stick Biscuits to exit.

FA: Joey Valenzuela, 2020

Boulder 4m
7B Group Therapy

Start matching on the obvious jug on the right side of the tree. One big move to the pocket then a desperate mantle to top out. Left crimp is out.

FA: Ivan Bialy, 13 Feb

FA: robbit, 13 Feb

Boulder 4m
7B True Grit

Start two hands on corner pocket and crimp and pull left through a series of sloper pinches and up through a technical topout.

FA: Brad Ausink, 2022

Boulder 5m
7A Musty Stick Biscuits

Start matched on left ledge of the hueco area. Come up in the crack using crack as undercling. Use knee bar to come out of the cave area to exit left of crack.

FA: Tim Gill, 2020

Boulder 4m
7A Master Hipsin

Start low on two shelf like jugs. Go up to good right crimp then jug rails, then top out straight up on edgy slopers.

FA: Brad Ausink, 2021

Boulder 4m
7A+ Navy SEALs

Low start matched on large sloper ledge below overhand, make a big move to a rail, Use right side pull then horizontal rail to rail at lip and top on upper jug.

FA: Third, 2021

Boulder 4m
7B Hipsin's Eclipse

Start with right hand in jug under dish, left hand in narrow slot and left leg far left. Pull to upper dish, match and traverse left to topout same as Master Hipsin.

FA: Brad Ausink, 2021

7B So Meannn

Stand start matched on flat rail slot near tree roots, go up right to traverse the lip all the way to the jug ledge and top out via big right hand move to a sloper.

7C Kensho

Start with two hands on the obvious ledge. Go right and straight up through a crack to a slopey top out.

FA: Vin, 2021

Boulder 5m
7C+ Landing Levias

Stand start hands matched on rail lip of roof, go up left on slopers to top far left on the good ledge near tree.

FA: Brad Ausink, 2022

8A Rocketman

Start two hands on the table ledge at the smoke mark, pull straight up to an under deck jug then slightly left for the second hard pull to a far lip and top slightly to the right for safe exit.

FA: Brad Ausink, 2022

6C Religion

Stand start at a big jug, traverse right on nice holds then climb up on slopers to exit. Originally V4, upgraded after key hold broke.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 2020

Boulder 5m
7A Path to Religion

Low start to Religion. Sit start and traverse the overhang to the right on crimps then finish up Religion.

FA: Ozzy, 2021

7C Drowning Sheep

Sit start matched on crimp rail, pull straight up on crimps and finger pockets and topout just left of the tree.

FA: Brad Ausink, 2022

Boulder 4m
Si Chompoo Shangri La
6a Down with Disease

Bolted by Matt Foley and Patcharee Saengkham in 2019 , FA by Matt Foley. 34 m, 12 bolts. Long climb with some technical moves for the grade.

FA: Matt Foley, 8 Ott 2019

Sportiva 34m, 12
6a Geehad Sportiva 23m, 9
6a Old Git

Bolted by Matt Foley and Leroy Hunt in 2019 , Pumpy moves off the deck lead to easier climbing up top, a little sharp (shares anchor with first pitch of Geehad).

Sportiva 23m, 6
7a Imortals

First 8 bolts were bolted by Matt Foley, Leroy Hunt and Gavriel Jecan in 2019. The old line traverses left after bulge joining Ener-Gee, making it a 6b+. FA by Matt Foley in 2019. Gavreil continued bolting to finish at the higher anchor in 2021 crossing another overhang, which makes it a 7a grade. FA by Gaverial Jecan.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Matt Foley, 10 Dic 2021

Sportiva 23m, 14
6a+ Axila

Bolted by Jakkapan Srisuwan, Nadja Schaur and Matt Foley in 2017, Nice moves through a crack lead to easier climbing, finishing through the bulge.

FA: Jakkapan Srisuwan, Nadja Schaur & Matt Foley, 2019

Sportiva 24m, 12
6b Ener Gee

Bolted by Jakkapan Srisuwan and Matt Foley in 2017, Pumpy start continues to delicate moves on a tufa.

FA: Matt Foley & Jakkapan Srisuwan, 2017

Sportiva 21m, 8
6b+ Bamper Bottom

Bolted by Joey Venezuela and Matt Foley with bolts fund from Khon Kaen Climbing Club. FA by Joey Venezuela. Powerful start leads to beautiful technical climbing before the anchor.

Sportiva 17m, 6
7a+ Mononucleosis + Having Trouble with the Ladies Ace

P1. Mononucleosis 6c. Bolted By Jakkapan Srisuwan and Matt Foley in 2019. FA by Yanick Frei. Technical slab leads to bulges and a bouldery crux, starting with monos and ending with monos P2. Having Trouble with the Ladies Ace 7a+. Bolted by Tim Gill and Matt Foley in 2020. FA by Tim Gill. Steep climbing through tufas with great exposure. P1 and P2 can be climbed together belaying from the ground using 70 meter rope. Total height 35 m, 15 bolts.

FA: Matt Foley, Yanic Frei & Tim Gill, 2019

Sportiva 36m, 2, 16

Blank section below the crack makes this an unsent project; if starting after the blank section makes it a 6b+. Use the same anchors for Slap Happy. Bolted by Yanick Frei, Joel Wittlin, and Matt Foley in 2019.

FA: 2019

Sportiva 16m
6c Ladies Washroom Sportiva
6a+ Slab Happy

Share the start with Three Little Pigs, then head left over the bulge through perfect pockets, Bolted by Antti Vuorio and Leroy Hunt in 2019. FA by Leroy Hunt.

FA: Antti Vuorio & Leroy Hunt, 2019

Sportiva 16m, 7
6a Three Little Pigs

Same start as Slab Happy. Go straight after the bulge, interesting moves in the middle make for a nice climb.Bolted by Leroy Hunt and Antti Vurio in 2019. FA by Antii Vurio.

FA: Leroy Hunt & Antti Vuroi, 2019

Sportiva 17m, 7
Si Chompoo Covert Crag
6b+ Tokay Omelet

Second line to the left side of the tree.

Sportiva 20m, 8
6c+ Above Abyss

To the left side of there tree climb up on an easy vertical wall to a steep roof with monos and technical moves, the top anchor is just above the roof.

Sportiva 23m, 9
6b+ Lazy Daisy

this is the second line from left to right, it is steep but nice

FA: Matt Foley, 15 Dic 2019

Sportiva 24m, 8
6c+ Welcome to the Jungle

Shares start with the first two bolts of Lazy Daisy, then heads right.

Sportiva 20m, 9

this is a project in progress

SportivaProgetto 25m
Multi Color

This is a project in progress

SportivaProgetto 33m
5b Jungle Boggie

Grade 5b, 13 m height, 7 bolts and bolted anchor. The route is on the left side of the tufa. The rock can be sharp so be careful.

Bolted by Matt Foley & Patcharee Saengkham in 2017. Bolt fund is supported by Khon Kaen Climbing Club. FA by Matt Foley

FA: Matt Foley

Sportiva 13m, 7
6a Angle of the Dangle

Fun chimney style climbing. Located on the right side of the tofa. This shares its anchor with Heat Of The Meat.

Bolt fund is supported by Khon Kaen Climbing Club.

FA: Matt Foley

Tracciata: Matt Foley, Patcharee Saengkham & Joey Valenzuela

Sportiva 23m, 11
6a+ Heat of the Meat

The route climbs by the left side of the tree at about 15m and then shares the anchor with Angle Of The Dangle. The first bolt is just above the cave, but it is low and probably not necessary to clip it.

Bolt fund is supported by Khon Kaen Climbing Club.

FA: Matt Foley

Tracciata: Matt Foley, Patcharee Saengkam & Joe Valenzuela, 2018

Sportiva 23m, 11
6b Mass of the Ass

The route climbs up past the right side of the tree at about 15m.

Bolt fund is supported by Khon Kaen Climbing Club.

FA: Matt Foley

Tracciata: Matt Foley, Leroy Hunt & Antti Vuorio

Sportiva 23m, 12
5b Jungle escape

Start on the rock banh and climb straight up on the wash, nice moves and easy

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Mallika Jecan, 23 Mag 2022

Sportiva 29m, 10
5a Dusty Hair

Bolted by Gavriel and Mallika Jecan in Feb 2022 with bolt funds support from Khon Kaen Climbing Club and Thailand Mountain Sport Club. 9 bolts + Anchor.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Mallika Jecan, 12 Feb 2022

Sportiva 27m, 10
5a+ Gecko

Located to the lef of Gecko. easy lead.9 bolts and bolted anchor Bolted by Gavriel and Mallika Jecan in Feb 2022 with bolt funds support from Khon Kaen Climbing Club and Thailand Mountain Sport Club.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Mallika Jecan, 15 Feb 2022

Sportiva 26m, 10
Puppy Girl

This is the first line you see when you hike to the wall, it is to the left of the Forbidden Flower, Project in progress.

6c Forbidden Flower

Steep and technical start to a mid way thin and sloppy holds, then a short slab climb to an overhung and the anchors.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Mallika Jecan, 30 Giu 2022

Sportiva 28m, 11
6a To Teruk

23 meter, 8 bolts and anchor. Some holds can be sharp so be careful. Bolted by Gavriel Jecan, assisted by Mallika Jecan and Wan Panitan

FA: Gavriel Jecan, Mallika Jecan, Mahasamut Jecan & Wan Panitan, 26 Nov 2021

Sportiva 26m, 8
6a+ Owl Howl

This line has 10 bolts plus anchors, The name comes from barn Owl nest that used to be on the crag, Bolted by Gavriel Jecan with Mallika Jecan and Wan Panitan assistance, it is a great climb.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, Mallika Jecan & Wan Panitan, 14 Nov 2021

Sportiva 26m, 10
6c The Back Door

The second part of the line it has beautiful climb, overhung and technical, Bolted and FA by Gavriel Jecan and Brad Ausink

FA: Gavriel Jecan, Brad Aukins & Brad Ausink, 19 Dic 2021

Sportiva 32m, 10
6c Ladies Washroom

Easy start with the second part of the line being very technical with a vertical face and small holds. 11 bolts plus anchors, Bolted by Gavriel Jecan with the assistance of Khon Kaen climbing club.

FFA: Gavriel Jecan & Brad Ausink, 27 Dic 2021

Sportiva 32m, 11
6a+ Kanda Sportiva 31m, 12
6b Ai Yai Yai

2nd route to the left of the tufa. It passes through two patches of white rock. Shares its anchor with 'Khung'

Sportiva 30m, 14
6b+ Khung

Starts in Between 'Ai Yai Yai' and the Prominent tufa chimney, Climbs straight up and connects with Ai Yai Yai anchor.

Tracciata: Gavriel Jecan, Chris Russell & David Malenfant

FA: Gavriel Jecan & David Malenfant, 9 Mag 2022

Sportiva 31m, 12
6a+ Ear Lobe Ring

The lines climbs in between the two promenant tufts, after 5 sling protection it crosse in to Kung line and then it ends up in Aye Yai Yai, Developed by Gavriel Jecan, Chris Russell, Mallika Jecan,

FA: Gavriel Jecan, Mallika jecan & Chris Russell

SportivaProgetto 31m
6b Ooh la la
1 6a
2 6b

First pitch has one sling and 7 bolts plus the anchor.

Sportiva 34m, 2, 13
7a+ Screaming Tokay

Start to the right side of Oh La La, on some tufa and small overhung, then after the th bolt it runs in to Mindful Game, Technical line. Developed by Gavriel Jecan, assisted by Mallika Jecan and Chris Russell.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, Mallika Jecan & Chris Russell

SportivaProgetto 25m
7b Big little F. 7b

Start on some tuffs, steep climb to a technical face and then connect to the Mindful Game

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 13 Mag 2022

Sportiva 25m, 12
7a Mindful Game

It's about 5 m right from Ooh La La. The first clip is a green thread. Climb the Tufa to the technical powerful move on the overhang. bolted by Gavriel Jecan, Khon Kaen Climbing Club, in Dec 2021. FA by Brad Ausink

FA: Brad Ausink & Gavriel Jecan, 22 Dic 2021

Sportiva 25m, 12
6b Profesor Keefy

Bolted by Leroy Hunt and Matt Foley in 2018. FA by Matt Foley. Dedicated to a good friend. Pumpy start leads to an interesting finish.

FA: Matt Foley, Leroy Hunt & Gavriel Jecan

Sportiva 22m, 8
6b+ Rainy Man

Located at the left side of the overhang. Grade 6b, 22 meter high, 9 bolts and 1 thead. Bolted anchor. Bolted by Gavriel with the support of Wan Panitan and Khon Kaen Climbing Club in Feb 2022.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Wan Panitan, 11 Feb 2022

Sportiva 22m, 10
7b Blue hero

28 meter high, 13 bolts and anchor. Starts with a steep overhung and come interesting technical moves, Bolted by Gavriel Jecan & Chris Russel with support from Khon Kaen Climbing Club in Feb 2022.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Chris Russel, 19 Feb 2022

Sportiva 28m, 13
Chit Chat

Steep climb to the right of Blue Hero, through few tuffs

SportivaProgetto 24m
5c Yea How

Start at the right side of the overhung, near the tree. Climb up to the first bolt with all the good hand holds. There is a sling between the last bolts and the anchor, and that's where the crux is. Bolted by Matt Foley and friends

FA: Matt Foley

Sportiva 30m, 9
5c Walk the line

walk to the right side of the wall, pass a bigger tree and the line starts on the lower red colored cliff face, look up for the first bolt, the line is almost straight up with a small overhung, long line with only few rest points.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 6 Gen 2023

Sportiva 33m, 14
5c Voier Snake

This is a project to the most right of the wall.

SportivaProgetto 32m
Si Chompoo Pha Noi
6a+ Horned Beast

Start at the obvious crack on the back side of the wall. Grade 6a+, 24 m, 10 bolts, bolted anchor. Bolted by Gavriel Jecan, assisted by Ariel Dahan

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Ariel Dahan, 2021

Sportiva 24m, 10
6c Crimps and Grips

Lacated on the back side of the wall. Bolted by Gavriel Jecan. with the support of Ariel Daham

FA: Gavriel Jecan, Ariel Dahan.\ & ariel Dahan, 2021

Sportiva 20m, 7
6c Bumble Bee

Located just around the corner, on the east side, Bolted by Gavriel J. with support of Ariel and Khon Kaen Climbing Club in 2021.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Ariel Daham, Gen 2021

Sportiva 21m, 8
6b IK-Q

It is the first route from the left side of the wall. 24 m height, 8 bolts and a sling, bolted anchor. Bolted by Gavriel Jecan & Malika Jecan

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Mallika Jecan, Gen 2021

Sportiva 24m
6a White Rouse

White rose (Kulap Khao) it is on the corner of Pha Noi wall, Bolted by Gavriel Jecan, assisted by Mallika Jecan.

FA: Gavriel jecan & Mallika Jecan, Feb 2021

Sportiva 24m, 10
6b+ Momentum

Start under the overhang near the left corner. Go up to the right, share anchor with Living Legend It has a hard start. Stick clipping is recommended. Bolted by Gavriel Jecan, assisted by Wan and Sun in Feb 2021.

FA: Feb 2021

Sportiva 20m, 9
7a Living Legend

Start at the face at the middle of the wall near white tufa. Go straight up, share anchor near the tree with Momentum. 20 meter high, 9 bolts, bolted anchor. Bolted by Gavriel Jecan with assistance from Wan and Sun in Feb 2021.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Wan Panitan, Feb 2021

Sportiva 20m, 9
7b Black Orchid

It's the second route from the right.

Bolted by Gavriel & Malika Jecan, Khon Kaen Climbing Club, with the bolt donated from Thailand Mountain Sport Club in Mar 2021.

FA: Gavriel Jecan & Mallika jecan, 2021

Sportiva 18m, 8
5b Bird tower

Located in the chimney on the right side of the wall. 19 m high, 3 treads and bolted anchor are installed. We recommend you to have trad grad with you to climb this routes. The chimney part is fun, when you exit the chimney and come to the face on the right, it's a bit dirty though. Established by Gavriel Jecan, assisted by Wan Panitan

FA: Gavriel Jecan, Wan Panitan & Mallika Jecan, 2021

Sportiva 19m
Si Chompoo The Window
6a+ Monsoon Glitch

The line starts on the first overhung, then climb straight up over few small overhung, the holds are sharp

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 17 Set 2023

Sportiva 24m, 9
6c+ Buddha Beats

To the left side of the Carpenter Monk line start on a clean overhung face to multiple small overhung, climb to the upper tufa, climb straight up to the anchors.

FA: Gavriel Jecan

FA: Gavriel Jwecan, 4 Lug 2023

Sportiva 20m, 8
6c+ Carpenter Monk

To the left side of the cave, start on a clean face to a wide crack, climb the crack to the overhung, then climb the tufa to a narrow crack that ends up in to a light color pointed nub, then you'll see the anchor above it.

FA: Joey Valenzuela, 24 Gen 2023

Sportiva 22m, 12
6b Buddha Cafe

It starts with a small overhung, then bunch of tufa to the roof.

FA: Joey Valenzuela, 24 Gen 2023

Sportiva 16m, 7
7b+ Time of Tim

Technical start with a small overhung, undercleang and reach up to the tufa formation, climb straight up to the anchors using the massive tufa under the big roof

FA: Tim Gil, 8 Mag 2023

Sportiva 15m, 9
7b Wicked

Pass the T&T line and you'll see a steep line climbing straight up, first bolt is easy to reach then climb the ledge above the bolt, the line climbs a little to the left and then right and straight up to the big roof, climb to the right over the overhung in the the chimney and up to the anchors.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 18 Set 2023

Sportiva 28m, 12
7a DIsco Monkey

Steep overhung with good holds, technical and tricky on the top

FA: Joey Valenzuela, 9 Gen 2023

6b+ Light Thief

The line starts to the right side of the window, easy climb to an overhung, then climb straight up to the roof, exit to the left and climb the technical overhung to a grey face with limited holds, to the anchors. The first part of the line is in the shade and the other half is in the afternoon sun.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 16 Set 2023

Sportiva 27m, 14
6c Draco

The line starts to the right side of the window, easy climb to an roof then climb straight up to the right side of the roof, exit to the right with a technical overhung, then climb in to the chimney for another 8m.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 16 Set 2023

Sportiva 27m, 14
6b Sensitive Nuts

third line on the right side of the grotto, from the back to the front., the first 1m is easy but need to be careful with some small loosed rocks, then traverse to the right and up, the last 4 bolts if it is humid it is hard to hold on the holds, it needs to be dry to have a good friction, this portion of the root is around 5.10b ( 6b+ )

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 9 Gen 2023

Sportiva 22m, 10
5b The Goat's nose

Top rope only. Traverse from the the first part of Path to Glory. This line is on the right side of the wall, climb the tufa to the roof where you'll see a green sling and a ring bolt for the top, it is a nice worm up line with easy moves and fun to climb, just be careful how and what you grab.

FA: Neil Eaastwood, 6 Giu 2023

Corda dall'alto 11m, 7
7b Path to Glory

the line starts on the clean overhung tufa, steep but with good holds, climb straight up to the big roof, then continue left through the roof with intensive and powerful moves, 18ft ( 6m ) of roof, with a hard exit. then continue up on a steep face for another 4 bolts and anchors.

6b+ PTG through the Window Fantasy

The line starts at the left side of Window Fantasy , climb up the steep tufa to the roof then cross to the right in to the Window fantasy, over the overhung and straight up to the anchors.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 6 Set 2023

6b Window Fantasy

To the right side of the window wall, start in to a chimney climb straight up to a nice clean face, climb straight up to the overhung and then pick up the crack up right, towards the end of the crack in the overhung you climb straight up to the left side of the tree above the overhung then you climb straight up on a wash for another 10m to the anchors.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 7 Set 2023

Sportiva 31m, 17
5c+ Monkey say hi

First line on the right side of the wall, Start on the arete with fgood crimps to the overhung, climb a small overhung with good holds to the anchors.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 10 Ago 2023

Sportiva 14m, 7
Si Chompoo Window wall Lower Area
6b Climax

Start climbing the boulder to the overhung wall, fallow the bolt line, do not climb to much to the left away from the bolts, great. holds with nice. exposure, 7 bolts plus Anchors. 60FT ( 20m ) long line

FFA: Gavriel Jecan, 7 Apr

Sportiva 20m, 7
6b Climax kk

Start climbing the boulder to the overhung wall, fallow the bolt line, do not climb to much to the left away from the bolts, great. holds with nice. exposure, 7 bolts plus Anchors. 60FT ( 20m ) long line

FFA: Gavriel Jecan, 7 Apr

Sportiva 20m, 7

Start with a horizontal crimp, then long reach to. a good right hand hold , climb straight up, the anchor is on the top on an overhung boulder.

SportivaProgetto 22m
5c Hip Hop

Start climbing the tufa with a semidino to a good right hand hold and climb straight up to the anchors below some vegetation

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 7 Apr

Sportiva 14m, 6
Hollow Trench

Walk around the corner and you'll see an obvious chimney, the start is to the right of the boulder and fall it up to the anchor

SportivaProgetto 18m
6b Unloked

This is the line to the right of the chimney, technical, small crimps start on a clean face, climb straight up to the anchors

SportivaProgetto 19m
Si Chompoo The Window Central area
5b Bee Colony

It is the first line to the right of the steep overhung wall, climb straight up to t he anchor

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 7 Apr

Sportiva 16m, 7
5a Anchor

To the right of the Bee Colony , climb the Moo Han line to set the top tope.

FA: Gavriel Jecan, 7 Apr

Sportiva 15m
5a Moo Han

Climb the easy many options holds, a beginner friendly line, climb the wall to the anchors

FA: Henry Tanpanny, 7 Apr

Sportiva 13m
5b Elephant Foot

Walk to the right side of the wall and you'll see a slab line, it starts on the slab to a vertical portion before the end of the line with another slab.

FA: Meta Lee, 7 Apr

Sportiva 23m, 9

1 - 100 di 118 vie.

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