
Vie come trad in Ash Tree Wall

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Ordina per: Modifica in blocco (max 100)

Tutti 28 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
HVS 5c The Last Great Problem Trad 8m
E3 6c Striker Trad 8m
HVS 6a Beach Tea One Trad 8m
HVS 5a Ivy Tree Trad 8m
E1 6a Ivy Tree Roof Direct Trad
E1 6a All Star's Goal Trad 8m
E1 5b Evening Wall Trad 8m
S 4a Wall Chimney Trad 8m
E6 6c Happily Ever After Trad 8m
E6 6c Nerfetiti Trad 8m
HVD 4a Wall Corner

Up arete.

Trad 10m
VS 4c Wall Corner Direct Finish Trad
VS 5c Ash Tree Variations Trad 12m
S 4a Ash Tree Wall

Up to the end of the obvious crack, then traverse left and diagonally right up groove.

Trad 14m
HVS 5b Ash Trees Forever Trad 12m
VD Ash Tree Crack Trad 12m
E2 5c Artificial Stimulant Trad 12m
VD Bilberry Crack Trad 12m
VD Bilberry Face Trad 12m
MVD Bilberry Arête Trad 10m
E4 6b Calvin Climb Trad 6m
HVS 5b A Phenomenological Problem Trad 6m
VD Leaning Block Crack Trad 6m
E6 6b Navana Trad 8m
E7 7a Living in Oxford Trad 10m
E8 7b Superstition Trad 8m
E8 7a The Promise

FFA: James Pearson, 2007

VD Green Chimney Trad 8m

Tutti 28 vie visualizzati.

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