
Pubblicazioni associate Dorset

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Tutti 4 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

Autore/i: Ben Stokes

Data: 2015

ISBN: 9781873341131

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the bouldering at Portland, Lulworth and Swanage in Dorset, covering a total 1,943 different problems.

Aree: Dorset

Autore/i: Climbers Club

Data: 2014

ISBN: 9780901601841

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the trad climbing, sport climbing, bouldering and deep water soloing found at Swanage, plus the Isle of Wight.

Aree: Dorset

Autore/i: Steve Taylor, Ben Stokes & Jim Kimber

Data: 2008

ISBN: 9780901601773

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the sport climbing, trad climbing, deep water soloing, and loads of bouldering at Portland and Lulworth Cove in Dorset.

Aree: Dorset

Autore/i: Mark Glaister & Pete Oxley

Data: 2021

ISBN: 9781873341735

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing found at Portland, Swanage and Lulworth, plus the best of the trad climbing.

Aree: Dorset

Tutti 4 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

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