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Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks North Boulder
6C The sheriff

A well-liked and physically demanding challenge that moves over the nose of the boulder. The arete and the hold in the left break are both permissible as start holds. This initial position sets you up for powerful manoeuvres to be executed over the lip of the boulder.

Boulder 3m
6B Reve

Start as for Papillion, but as you approach the top, shift towards the right and ascend using the right-hand crack.

Boulder 3m
4+ Groovy Graeme

A well-liked challenge that involves solid undercuts in the corner. Precise moves using your fingers are required to progress higher, leading to a delicate manoeuvre at the top to complete the climb.

Boulder 4m
5 Letterbox

Adjacent to Groovy Graeme. Ascend the bulge using undercuts to reach the jugs, and then mantel to finish.

Boulder 4m
5 Sunset Wall

Located beside Letterbox, this problem features comparable undercuts to reach the break. You will then utilise a combination of crimps and jugs to progress higher, before facing a challenging top-out.

Boulder 4m
5+ Layaway Cure

Between Sunset Wall and Torque Wrench. Ascend the corner of the boulder using the break and a semi-flake, with the objective of reaching the primary flake located higher up.

Boulder 4m
6A+ Torque Wrench

Ascend the steep, overhanging wall starting from the clear starting ledge using fingerlocks. May prove to be more challenging for the short.

Boulder 4m
7A Finger Flow

An eliminate boulder, utilising the small layaway holds situated between Torque Wrench and West Face.

Boulder 4m
5+ West Face Route

Climb the central groove located on the front face of North Boulder, which is situated between Finger Flow and Strong Struggle.

Boulder 4m
6C Strong Struggle

A challenging route located on the centre of the face, positioned immediately to the right of the West Face Route.

Boulder 4m
6B+ Back Breaker

A challenging route that involves ascending steeply over the lip, passing by a small and inadequate thin pocket, and finally finishing up the rounded top-out.

Boulder 4m
6B Full on Fling

An eliminate that involves ascending the left-hand side of the North Boulder's nose, while staying to the right of the conspicuous slot present on Back Breaker.

Boulder 3m
6B Papillion

Ascend the steep, overhanging wall situated to the right of Strong Struggle, aiming directly for the two short cracks located at the top of the boulder.

Boulder 3m
6A Silver Star

A less challenging variation of The Sheriff, which involves some of the same holds. However, instead of exiting on the left side of the nose, this easier version proceeds to exit on the right side of the nose.

Boulder 3m
5 Trigger

Climb in the middle of the wall, left of 'OK Coral' then move in a slightly leftward direction towards a handhold near the top. Mantle to finish.

Boulder 4m
2+ Ok Corral

Ascend the south side of North Boulder, taking the easiest route available.

Boulder 4m
5+ Ragtime

Ascend the middle of the rock face and navigate the last set of moves to surmount the top block.

Boulder 4m
6A Ziggy

Ascend the arete, primarily using the left side, based on your preferred climbing method.

Boulder 4m
6B Red River

Ascend the route slightly right of the centre, utilising side-pulls and crimps. You may either gracefully grasp the top flat hold or opt for a dynamic move to reach it.

Boulder 4m
6B Piano

Ascend the rock face located between Red River and the Alligator Snatch arete.

Boulder 4m
6B Alligator Snatch

Ascend the arete, with both sit-down and standing start variations having the same difficulty

Boulder 4m
6B+ North Boulder Girdle Traverse

Traverse the North Boulder at a low level, with sustained movement and difficult manoeuvres required throughout the climb.

6A+ Torque Wrench Left

Start as for Torque Wrench but divert left for the finish

Boulder 4m
Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Sandown Crags
3a The Ramp

A substandard and unclean route

Corda dall'alto 5m
6a+ DJ Face the Music

Ascend the steep wall situated between The Ramp and Central Route using delicate and technical climbing techniques. The arete can also be climbed at a similar level of difficulty or marginally more challenging.

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Central Route

Scale the crack with a slabby surface located in the middle of the buttress.

Corda dall'alto 5m
4a Usurer

This climb follows the juggy bulges located at the right-hand side of a lengthy, fragmented, and slightly sloping wall.

Corda dall'alto 5m
2 Slab Centre

A problem that is both enjoyable and well-liked among climbers

Boulder 5m
2 Slab Left
Corda dall'alto 5m
2 Slab Right
Boulder 5m
4 Slab Traverse

A entertaining challenge that involves traversing from 'Slab Right' to 'Slab Left' without using any handholds.


Corda dall'alto
3 The Last Train

Ascend the petite boulder located to the right of the slab by utilising small yet reliable footholds, then execute a mantel to surmount its peak.

4+ Bridge Slab

Scale the brief slab situated to the left of Bridge Corner Left

Boulder 4m
2+ Bridge Corner Left

Ascend the small left arete

Boulder 4m
2+ Bridge Corner

This climb up the corner is frequently soiled or covered in dirt.

Boulder 4m
3 Bridge Corner Right

Climb the very brief right face.

Boulder 4m
2+ Twix

Ascend the front left portion of the slab located a few meters to the right of Bridge Corner Right

Boulder 4m
2+ Milky Bar Kid

To the right of Twix, commence the climb from the jutting ledge.

Boulder 4m
2+ Grotty Corner

Ascend the grimy corner past the small tree stump, and conclude by moving upwards and towards the right, past the tree stump located at the top.

Boulder 5m
5 Come to Daddy

Ascend the rounded protrusion situated to the left of The Ramp. You may use the ledges on the right for handholds, but make sure to keep on the nose as you climb.

Boulder 5m
5a Part-Time DJ

Climb The Ramp while staying in line with the slab on DJ Face the Music. Traverse towards the right to finish the climb around the right side of the arete.

Corda dall'alto 5m
4a Rampette Direct

The direct start to Rampette, which comes in from the right

Corda dall'alto 5m
6a Theosaur

To the right Rampette Direct, as a result of clearance work, there is a vertical face. Ascend this face and execute a mantel to reach the ledge above.

Corda dall'alto 5m
3c Latte Bar

Climb the corner and twin cracks that converge at the top, located just to the left of the short bulging wall.

Corda dall'alto 5m
4a Wizard

Ascend the staircase until you reach and pass over a minor protrusion or roof.

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Wizard's Little Apprentice

This route entails ascending a series of steps located on the left-hand side of the buttress.

Corda dall'alto 5m
4a Graham

A simple and direct ascent up the middle of the buttress.

Corda dall'alto 5m
4b Golden Graham's

The final manoeuvrer involves a challenging transition over the roof.

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Hen of the Woods

A brief and straightforward route

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Artist's Conk

Another route that is both brief in length and straightforward

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Trembling Merulius

Similar to the previous routes, this one is also relatively easy, but the top-out can be muddy or dirty.

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Jack O'Lantern

The climbing on this route is somewhat disconnected, and includes ascending to a holly tree.

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Mushrooms

Ascend the groove

Corda dall'alto 5m
3 Isobel

A brief challenge that consists of ascending a crack.

Boulder 5m
3 Shrooms

A brief challenge that concludes with a transition over a small ledge

Boulder 5m
2 Liberty Cap

This problem entails ascending a sloping rock face and concluding by reaching the top of the climb, where vegetation may be growing.

Boulder 5m
3+ Sub-space Mushroom

A smooth and peculiar slab where the top-out is rather overgrown.

Boulder 5m
3b Stepped Slab

Ascend to the platform and finish with relative ease above it.

Corda dall'alto 5m
3a Mezzanine

Shift leftwards to finish

Corda dall'alto 5m
3c Urban Slab

Ascend the slab and with a holly tree exit

Corda dall'alto 5m
4+ Bamboo

This is a brief challenge that involves a mantel halfway through.

Boulder 5m
6A+ Giant Panda

The ascent requires forceful manoeuvrers and footwork that may be somewhat perplexing, but the most challenging part turns out to be the top-out.

Boulder 4m
3 Panda Car

Ascend the corner-crack by climbing up its right side.

Boulder 4m
5 Panda Pop

A pleasant and intricate challenge that begins with a reliable side-pull and concludes with a mantel onto the slim shelf situated above.

Boulder 4m
5 Panda Style

Comparable in style to Panda Pop. Utilise a small side-pull with the left hand to reach the ledge, followed by executing a mantel to stand upright on the ledge and then exiting.

Boulder 4m
4 Panda Cub

Frequently covered in moss and appears green, but is feasible to climb when the surface is dry.

Boulder 4m
5 Chinese Panda

A similar slabby nature as Panda Style.

Boulder 4m
Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Green Wall
4a Trees are green

Choose the left-hand path on the damp and recessed wall, which is situated just to the right of a few tree routes.

Corda dall'alto 7m
6c+ Photinia

Ascend the brief featureless wall on the left-hand side of the recessed buttress until you reach a slanting crack that leads to the large tree.

Corda dall'alto 7m
7a Teddy Bear's Picnic

Ascend to the break and make a forceful reach for the indistinct vertical cracks situated above, then finish by ascending the substantially better upper half.

Corda dall'alto 7m
6c+ New Hat

Upon completing a featureless initial section, ascend the groove. Be aware that this section of the climb may be prone to seepage from the soil located above it.

Corda dall'alto 7m
6b Central Groove

Ascend the upper groove after another blank initial section.

Corda dall'alto 7m
6b+ Dynamo

To reach the break, you can either make a long reach or execute a dyno. The upper half of the climb is generally more satisfying.

Corda dall'alto 7m
6a Usurper

This route features a lower section that is considered more manageable, which leads to the upper groove.

Corda dall'alto 7m
6C Green Wall Girdle

Traverse across the break using just your fingertips and finish by ascending Usurper

7a Special Invitation

Ascend the middle of the wall between Teddy Bear's Picnic and Central Groove by jumping to start, similar to New Hat.

Proceed upward and to the left using a small incut hold and climb the wall located to the left of New Hat to complete the route in an awkward manner.

Corda dall'alto 7m
7a The Violent Sprat

Ascend the wall located 3 meters to the right of Usurper without utilising the arete.

Corda dall'alto 7m
Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Kukri Wall
5b Penknife

Ascend the left-hand side of the overgrown Kukri Wall buttress via a mantleshelf and a brief crack.

Corda dall'alto 6m
4b Breadknife Buttress

Although not fully independent until you move to the left higher up, the best climbing on the wall can be found on this route. Finish the climb with a somewhat rounded and slightly awkward top-out.

Corda dall'alto 6m
3c Kukri Wall

Follow the central groove using holds that are currently in decent condition but may be somewhat dirty. It is anticipated that the condition of the holds will improve with time.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5a Kukri Wall Direct

To start, position yourself to the right of the holly tree and then ascend the right-hand side of the buttress directly.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5a Kukri Wall Tree

This route on the right-hand side is very similar to Kukri Wall Direct. Despite the name, do not utilise the tree during the climb.

Corda dall'alto 6m
Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Kirby's Adventures
4 Kirby's Adventures

An easy problem can be found on the left side of the face.

Boulder 3m
6A King Dedede

Start on side-pulls with low positive grip. To reach the break, a dynamic move may be necessary. At the top, tree roots can be utilised for holds.

Boulder 5m
6B Meta Knight

Grip the large pocket and side-pull on King Dedede, and make a slapping move towards the break. Finally, complete by using the stump.

Boulder 5m
6B Magolor

Ascend the arête by utilising the holds on the primary face located towards the left side.

Boulder 5m
7A+ Ritual

From a sit-start, ascend the wall located between the Meta Knight and Magolor routes.

FA: Peter Wycislik

Boulder 5m
5 Hopsbot Crack

Ascend the clear crack that is situated in the middle to right side of Magolor

Boulder 5m
6A+ Yin-Yarn

A brief route that presents a challenging beginning

Boulder 3m
5+ Dyna Blade

Spot the jug that is positioned high within the crack, and exert a strong effort to reach it in order to finish

Boulder 3m
6B+ Animal Friends

With minimal foothold options positioned low on the route, initiate the climb using the side-pull grip. Complete the ascent by crossing over the substantial tree root.

Boulder 5m
Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Eyelet Wall
3a Mossy Itch

Situated to the left of the way up and down to Eyelet Wall, and it is concealed by a holly tree. To reach the base of the Hidden Holly Tree Buttress, approach the problem from above and descend a sandy gully.

The route involves manteling the first break and then delicately ascending the nose to the top of the mossy pinnacle.

Corda dall'alto 4m
6b Laraletme

Ascend the brief crack and wall that is positioned to the left of the arête.

Corda dall'alto 5m
6b Ringlet

Begin by confronting the lower bulge and then proceed to complete the ascent by climbing up the left arête.

Corda dall'alto 5m
7a Twiglet

Climb up towards the roof and search for the undercut hold on the left side, then complete the climb with a challenging finish over the bulging roof.

Corda dall'alto 5m
4b Eyelet

This route is a miniature classic. It involves steeply ascending over the bulge, which is significantly more technical than it may initially appear.

Corda dall'alto 5m
6c Singlet

Ascend the wall adjacent to Dave's route using a layback technique to reach a mantel shelf, then continue onto an intriguing overhanging top-out to finish

Corda dall'alto 5m
2+ Dave

This is a brief route that features a prominent mantel

Boulder 5m
5+ Deep Thought

With few footholds available, the route can be completed by either executing a long reach from the break to the top, or performing a small dyno

Boulder 5m
2+ Don

Employ a layback and bridging technique to ascend the brief diagonal corner-crack

Boulder 5m
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