
Vie in South East England del grado selezionato

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Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

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Kent Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Circle Area
FB:7B+ Supply and Demand

A desperate sit-start to A Killing Joke, climbing predominantly on the right side of the arete and concluding at the first break.

Kent Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Squat Tower
FB:7B+ Caracal

Found far left of the Squat Tower Area. Begin in sat and ascend through a prominent pocket, then execute a significant move to reach the inclined summit.

FA: Tom Gore, 4 Set 2021

Boulder 4m
Kent Tunbridge Wells Harrison's Rocks Isolated Buttress
8a+ Pollet Virtus

Follow West Wall to a position just beneath the overhang. Then, move outward into the open space and ascend following the indistinct groove. Utilising a high heel-toe and a demanding knee move will enable you to conquer the wall above.

Corda dall'alto 8m
Kent Tunbridge Wells Stone Farm Rocks Stone Farm Boulders Milestone
FB:7B+ The Painkiller

The sit-start to Milestone Mantel involves using slopey and slappy holds. It is estimated to be at a difficulty level of f7C, but only time and further attempts will confirm its actual rating.

Boulder 5m
Kent Tunbridge Wells Bowles Rocks Fandango Wall
FB:7B+ Sonic Blue

Climb Nicotine Alley from the lower break using side-pulls and crimps, then make a strenuous reach for a right-hand side-pull and move up and left to a good pocket. A less challenging standing start version is also available at f7B.


Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

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