
Ascensioni in Stati Uniti d' America come vari tipologie da Steve Foy

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1 - 100 di 115 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Dom 28 Giu 2009 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Great Wall
5.10a Dynabolt Gold Sportiva 21m Molto buona
Dom 28 Giu 2009 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley The Hideout
5.10c Preemptive Strike Sportiva 27m, 11 Buona
Sab 9 Mag 2009 - Red River Gorge
Natural Bridge Region Roadside Crag
5.9 Trouble Clef Sportiva 24m Buona
Sab 9 Mag 2009 - Logtown
Right Wall
5.9 Footloose and Finger Free Sportiva 12m Media
Sab 9 Mag 2009 - Logtown
Left Wall
5.9 Beam Me Up Scotty Sportiva 12m Media
Gio 28 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley The Hideout
5.10b 5.10a Boltergeist Sportiva 30m, 13 Classica
Gio 28 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Great Wall
5.8 Legends of Limonite Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
Mer 27 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Bruise Brothers Wall
5.10d Return of the Manimal Sportiva 26m, 10 Classica
5.7 The Offering Sportiva 14m, 5 Media
5.11a Critters on the Cliff Sportiva 23m, 9 Molto buona
5.10a Rat Stew Sportiva 23m, 9 Buona
5.9 Send Me On My Way Sportiva 23m, 9 Molto buona
5.10c Workin' for the Weekend Sportiva 21m, 8 Buona
Lun 25 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Johnny's Wall
5.10b Spinner Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Lun 25 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Northern Gorge Region Phantasia
5.9 Creature Feature Sportiva 18m, 8 Classica
Lun 25 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Johnny's Wall
5.10a Bethel Sportiva 15m, 5 Buona
Lun 25 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Northern Gorge Region Phantasia
5.10b 5.10a Pogue Ethics Sportiva 24m, 10 Molto buona
Dom 24 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Johnny's Wall
5.10a 59" Drillbitch Sportiva 14m, 5 Molto buona
Dom 24 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Tectonic Wall
5.9 5.10a Plate Tectonics Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona
5.10b Gettin' Lucky In Kentucky Sportiva 18m Molto buona
No super obvious crux, important pockets and underclings, gets pumpy. Awesome!

Dom 24 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Johnny's Wall
5.10a 5.10b Mankala Sportiva 15m Molto buona
5.9 Two Chicken Butts (Unknown) Sportiva Orrenda
Ven 22 Giu 2007 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Bruise Brothers Wall
5.10b Little Viper Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
5.9 Flutterboy Blue Sportiva 12m, 5 Buona
5.10c Don't Take Yer Guns to Town Sportiva 15m, 5 Buona
5.10c Hey there, fancy pants Sportiva 17m, 5
Lun 30 Ott 2006 - Jackson Falls
Mr. Jimmy
5.10a Venom Sportiva Molto buona
Mar 13 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Northern Gorge Region Fortress Wall
5.8 Snake Trad 18m Molto buona
Flipping out of the OW section was the crux of the route, but I thought the super bomber hand and finger jams made the route pretty darn cool. Placements were much better, but I still noticed significant mental blocks throughout the climb. Placed blue and gold stoppers at the bottom of the OW section, followed by purple, green, silver, and maybe even gold camalots.

5.8 Bombs Bursting Trad 18m Molto buona
This route had a lot of pretty darn strenuous liebacking. I got really wigged out and had to take on gear twice. I wasted a lot of time messing around with a blue hexentric near the bottom, and ended up just throwing in my #2 or #3 camalot. The crack was really shallow in some places, and I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to figure out what pieces to place and where. Easy but nerve racking roof section, as I was severely held back by my mental blocks of falling on gear.

5.7 Party Time Trad 43m Molto buona
Placed only 3 pieces on the first pitch, as I kept wasting time and effort screwing around with those darn hexes. It turned out that I only placed #2,3,4 camalots. Dan led the second pitch. I should have set up the first pitch belay anchors a little cleaner, utilizing the mimalist method of clipping in with the rope direct to save on slings that Dan could have used on the second pitch.

Lun 12 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Natural Bridge Region Roadside Crag
5.10b You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish Sportiva 18m Mega Classica
Dirty as shit up top, had some trouble figuring out the crux.

5.9 Altered Scale Sportiva 24m Buona
5.10b A.W.O.L. Sportiva 15m Classica
Good red river gorge overhanging pump fest. I wouldn't say this was 10c though, book lists it I think more correctly as 10a. Anywho, I went into this climb not looking to onsight, but it just went so smoothly and with good technique that I was able to take advantage of good form and breathing control.

5.8 All Cows Eat Grass Sportiva 24m Media
5.9 Kampsight Sportiva 24m Buona
5.7 C Sharp or B Flat Sportiva 20m Buona
Way better than Ledger line, the route right next to it. Really cool start if you go direct. Kinda wigged out when alex started talking to the rest of the group about the runout, and my concious mental blocks then became more noticeable. I noticed that I often caught the top of my toe on the rock, which makes me think that I'm dragging my feet and holding back from committing completely to the moves. I've been kinda bothered by some bad news about the new job, so this kinda threw my mental game off.

Sab 10 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Gray's Branch Region Military Wall
5.10c In the Light Sportiva 17m Molto buona
Sab 10 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Gray's Branch Region Left Flank
5.8 Mr. Bungle Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Warmup. Very smooth and focused, really helped to maintain good breathing.

Sab 10 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Gray's Branch Region Military Wall
5.9 Sunshine Sportiva 15m
Hardest part of this route and Moonbeam was trying to find what you wanted to use, as the holds were really hard to see due to the bulgy nature of the rock and the plethora of pockets. Breathing and focus was really good throughout the two routes.

5.10c In the Light Sportiva 17m Molto buona
Took 1 fall right after photo jug, and then got completely wasted right at the anchors. I chickened out and tried to break 3 fingers by grabbing the anchor chain. Should have stuck with it, but I let the conscious mind freak me out by thinking the fall was too long. In retrospect, it would have been fine, as it was an open air fall. Also could have saved energy after the photo jug by not wasting time and energy trying to go straight up and then left. Right horizontal crack is the way to go, then crank for the really high jug.

Sab 10 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Natural Bridge Region Roadside Crag
5.7 Ledger Line Sportiva 18m Pessima
Sab 10 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Gray's Branch Region Military Wall
5.9 Moonbeam Sportiva 15m Media
Sab 10 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Gray's Branch Region Left Flank
5.10a To Defy the Laws of Tradition Sportiva 18m, 7 Classica
I really tried to focus on my breathing, balance, and observing the rock well. So many choices, that you could really work with what your body was good at.

Ven 9 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Lower Gorge Region Pebble Beach
5.9 Big Money Trad 21m Molto buona
Fell on top rope trying to figure out the roof move. Lieback section was super strenuous, and the roof move was super cool. Rest of the route is pretty straightforward after that. Anchors were kinda sketchy. The book says to rappel off a tree but we couldn't find a good tree to rappel from, so we just rapped off the old bolts.

5.9 Scabies Sportiva 12m, 4 Media
Fun, very small and crimpy, pretty damn sharp too!

5.7 Environmental Impact Trad 40m Buona
Small hands to full hands @ switch to slab. Kinda cool, really wigged me out though as I didn't know what to expect and tried to mess around for too long with green and red hexes. I ended up leap frogging a #1 camalot for the bottom section, and never leaving it in the crack. Would send easy with a couple extra #1 camalots and lunch. Placed a red hex at beginning in shallow stopper mode, frogged a #1 camalot, #4 camalot or purple hexentric for the wide section. Threw in a bomber .75 camalot right above, and then a super sweet #2 camalot before the anchors.

5.10b Reserved Seating Sportiva 15m Buona
Pretty cool, the beta from alex was super helpful.

5.7 Environmental Impact Trad 40m Buona
Borrowed a #1 camalot, and 3 wild country tech friends. Now that I could fire in pro near the bottom w/o messing w/ hexes, this sent pretty easily. Placed two #1's in bottom, then threw in the purple hex at the bottom of the wide section. Followed that up with a .75 and #2 camalots near the top.

Gio 8 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Natural Bridge Region Roadside Crag
5.7 Roadside Attraction Trad 43m Molto buona
Awesome route, but long and commiting as shit for me. Placed almost my entire rack but for nuts and tricams, still was run out though. Really freaked me out like 50-75 feet of C crack traverse. Anchors for the first belay are way the hell up there. Lots of pretty good hexes in camming mode. Not 100% confident in them though, but I wouldn't have been able to climb and protect it otherwise. Was so intent on keeping the #3 camalot on my rack for up top that I never placed it, which was pretty stupid on my part as it would have given me huge piece of mind. Also, instead of rapping off of the tree, I would prefer to rap off the first anchor, would be much safer.

5.8 Five Finger Discount Trad 15m Molto buona
Took just the gear I knew I would need, and now that I knew about that sweet ledge and the bomber placements, I flew right through this sweet finger crack. Favorite climb of the trip.

5.8 Five Finger Discount Trad 15m Molto buona
First time on it got a little wigged out, had trouble deciding how much gear to place and where. Took a rest on a piece and then moved up a move or two and found a sweet ass ledge that I should have just pulled through to.

5.9 Andromeda Strain Trad 27m Molto buona
Way burly trad route, really need to work on the liebacking skills. I took a fall off of the route about 5 feet from the top from sheer exhaustion.

Mer 7 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Bruise Brothers Wall
5.8 Sweet Jane Sportiva 15m, 1 Buona
5.9 Flutterboy Blue Sportiva 12m, 5 Buona
5.7 The Offering Sportiva 14m, 5 Media
Juggy, a little balancy for a 5.7. Pretty good warmup to the trip.

5.9 Send Me On My Way Sportiva 23m, 9 Media
Mer 7 Giu 2006 - Red River Gorge
Muir Valley Tectonic Wall
5.9 5.10a Plate Tectonics Sportiva 20m, 6 Media
Meh, reminded me of a juggy sport route more than anything else. Not the coolest route of the day, I much preferred the earlier trad lines to this type of climbing.

Sab 3 Giu 2006 - Draper's Bluff
5.9 ant killer Sconosciuto 30m Buona
5.7 Almond Joy Sconosciuto
5.7 c-crack Sconosciuto 24m Molto buona
Mar 23 Mag 2006 - Cedar Bluff
5.6 Cave city Sconosciuto Buona
Mar 23 Mag 2006 - Draper's Bluff
5.7 c-crack Sconosciuto 24m Molto buona
Dom 14 Mag 2006 - Draper's Bluff
5.8 Dust Doctor Sconosciuto Molto buona
Super cool trad line, pretty good for only a third trad lead ever.

Sab 13 Mag 2006 - Jackson Falls
Hidden Peaks Main Wall
5.12a Detox Mountain Sportiva 6 Classica
Finished out the top section for paul, still a really freaking hard route.

5.6 Coral Crack Trad Buona
Pretty cool, had to climb through nest of bugs, parts of crack were wet, mossy wetness up top was less than stellar. Only trad lead of the day, pretty much made my day.

Ven 14 Apr 2006 - Draper's Bluff
5.10a Geppetto Sconosciuto Buona
5.9 ant killer Sconosciuto 30m Buona
Really good sustained 5.9 trad line, had some trouble cleaning some of those damn nuts though!

Gio 13 Apr 2006 - Draper's Bluff
5.6 bloody nose Sconosciuto 100m Molto buona
Led the first pitch placing gear. First trad lead! Short on time, so Paul led the second pitch. Great climb, I think this is the third or fourth time I've been on it.

Gio 13 Apr 2006 - Jackson Falls
Wizard Wall
5.9 Deception Sconosciuto Molto buona
Led this on Paul's pre-placed gear, placed a few of my own in rest places for fun. Good climb, nice jackson trad.

5.9 Suspended Animation Trad Buona
I think I led this on Pauls pre-placed gear. Fun climb, right next to Deception.

Gio 13 Apr 2006 - Jackson Falls
Mr. Jimmy
5.10a Venom Sportiva Molto buona
Toe slipped off of a ledge sooo close to the anchors. Oh well, awesome trip, good climb. Slabby section up top is way harder than bottom.

Ven 17 Mar 2006 - Kane Creek
Kane Springs Canyon Ice Cream Parlor
5.11a Ice Cream Parlor Crack Alpinistica 27m Classica
Awesome route! Got really pumpy up top, and I haven't yet worked out the finger "lock" trick.

5.8 Easy Slab - Crack One Alpinistica 24m Buona
Dom 23 Ott 2005 - Jackson Falls
Big Star Wall
5.10a 5.9 Express Checkout Line Sportiva 6 Classica
5.10b Birthday Route Sportiva 7 Classica
Dom 9 Ott 2005 - Jackson Falls
Wizard Wall
5.9 Deception Sconosciuto Molto buona
Popped something on it the first time I did it, still hurting 3 weeks later...

Sab 8 Ott 2005 - Jackson Falls
Hidden Peaks Pricker Peak
5.10a Cheerio Bowl Sportiva 8 Classica
Awesome climb, beta on the overhang from Paul. Definately a great climb.

Sab 8 Ott 2005 - Jackson Falls
Hidden Peaks Main Wall
5.12a Detox Mountain Sportiva 6 Classica
Hardest climb that I've ever gotten on. I fell up the damn thing, but somebody had to get paul's draws back!

Gio 1 Set 2005 - Jackson Falls
Royal Arch Wall
5.9 The Meanest Flower Sportiva 18m Media
5.8 Deetle Dumps Sportiva 18m Media
Gio 1 Set 2005 - Jackson Falls
The Gallery
5.10b 5.10a Earthbound Misfit Sportiva Buona
Mar 16 Ago 2005 - Jackson Falls
Yosemite Slab
5.7 Tina's Soul Food Kitchen Sportiva 15m Media
Dom 19 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
East Falls Main Wall Part 3
5.9 Groovy Marcia! (Groovy Marsha) Sportiva 6 Buona
Last climb of the day, really took it out of me. Especially the off-width crack section near the top.

Dom 19 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
Dolphin Rock
5.10b 5.10a Dolphin Friendly Sportiva 9m, 3 Buona
Tough route, definately freaked me out on that bulge section. I had to lock my knee behind my elbow to stay on rock.

Dom 19 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
Hidden Peaks The Monument
5.8 Stubborn Swede Sportiva 6 Molto buona
Great route! Massive anchor bolt hangers, although they could use a screw link to lower rope friction when pulling it back through post rappell.

Sab 18 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
Mr. Jimmy
5.8 Chimichonga Sportiva Buona
Really weird, long route. It starts with stemming in this really narrow hallway, and then wanders all over the main face. Cool though.

Sab 18 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
The Gallery
5.10a 5.10b Cut Throat Sportiva Buona
We got on this thinking it was the one next door, Earthbound Misfit(10a), we later learned that it was in fact Cut Throat, which the book lists as a 10b rather than a 10a.

Sab 18 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
Wave Wall
5.9 Fine Nine Sportiva 4 Molto buona
Took one fall, but it was a good one, between the third and 4th bolts.

Sab 18 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
Exam Wall
5.9 The Sophomore Sportiva Buona
Sab 18 Giu 2005 - Jackson Falls
Spleef Peak
5.10a Rattler Sportiva Media
Cool enough route, it's the one directly to the right of Master Marley. I spoiled an onsight by taking a few good falls on it, oh well, better luck next time I suppose.

Lun 30 Mag 2005 - Draper's Bluff
5.6 bloody nose Sconosciuto 100m Molto buona
Best climb of the trip, amazing view once you round the nose and then push to the crest.

5.6 bloody nose Sconosciuto 100m Mega Classica
Best climb of the trip, amazing view once you round the nose and then push to the crest.

5.8 Mike's Climb Sconosciuto 9m Molto buona
5.10a Geppetto Sconosciuto Buona
The crux is the only hard part, there is a great rest right before it, but I was still psychologically held back from the red point. Oh well, it will surely fall next time...

Dom 29 Mag 2005 - Jackson Falls
Spleef Peak
5.9 Through the Smoke Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Really cool crack system that you shimmy up

5.10a Master Marley Sportiva Buona
second time up the route, good red point, only real struggle was the first move

Dom 29 Mag 2005 - Jackson Falls
Beaver Wall
5.8 Chit Chat Trad Buona
Dom 29 Mag 2005 - Jackson Falls
Mr. Jimmy
5.10b Spiders from Mars Sportiva Buona
Sab 28 Mag 2005 - Cedar Bluff
5.9 Dos Equis Sconosciuto Buona
Couldn't get it clean that day, but it will go down. One of the things is the bolts are incredibly far apart. Good climb. I met Dave later that day and we discussed the climb.

5.8 Dizzy Sconosciuto Molto buona

1 - 100 di 115 ascensioni.

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