
Ascensioni di Big Fat Crack

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Tutti 6 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Gio 18 Mar 2021 - Boise
Black Cliffs Short Cliffs
5.8 Big Fat Crack - con Charles Cooper Trad 12m Classica
Charles Cooper
Cant get enough of this climb.

5.8 Big Fat Crack - con Charles Cooper Trad 12m Classica
Charles Cooper
Another lap

5.8 Big Fat Crack - con Charles Cooper Trad 12m Classica
Charles Cooper
Finally got the left leg footwork down and can run thru this climb in under 4 minutes. Really great off-width.

Ven 12 Mar 2021 - Boise
Black Cliffs Short Cliffs
5.8 Big Fat Crack - con Charles Cooper Trad 12m Classica
Charles Cooper
5.8 Big Fat Crack - con Charles Cooper Trad 12m Classica
Charles Cooper
Did this route to the anchors on the right this time. These are probably thecorrect anchors, though the aunt fannie anchors also work for this route. Unfortunately the anchors to the right are impossible to reach from the cliff top to set a toprope for a rope solo. I was able to set the anchor to the right by raping down from Aunt Fannie and then traversing over to the lower anchors. Finishing to these anchors is in my opinion the better line, and supports leading with ample protection opportunities. What a great climb this is. Cant wait to lead it

Lun 8 Mar 2021 - Boise
Black Cliffs Short Cliffs
5.8 Big Fat Crack - con Adra Lobdell Trad 12m Classica
Charles Cooper
Great short hand crack which transitions quickly to a much wider crack at midway up to a ledge. Easier climbing to the anchors. Stellar climb to hone your wide crack techniques. Super fun. Works well with either the Aunt Fannie/Buster Bronco anchors or the anchors for Lie-back Crack to the right.


Tutti 6 ascensioni visualizzati.

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