
Ascensioni di Roof of Death Boulder to 5.10 top-out

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Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Mer 8 Ago 2001 - Boone
Blowing Rock Boulders 5.10 Wall
V1 Roof of Death Boulder to 5.10 top-out Boulder 6m Buona
sam fagg
fun, starting super low on "officially" another boulder topping out on 5.10 wall, great warm up, potential bad landing @ start

Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Boone
Blowing Rock Boulders 5.10 Wall
V1 Roof of Death Boulder to 5.10 top-out Boulder 6m
V1 Roof of Death Boulder to 5.10 top-out Boulder 6m
Brian Hedrick

Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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