
Vie come boulder in Carson Pass

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1 - 100 di 105 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
The Spot Alien Sector
Low Problem

The obvious low line of holds right of the descent, which finishes at half height (though a top-out finish might be feasible under all that lichen?).

Boulder 2m
V0 Egg Descent

The easiest way off the boulder, which is also a fun problem in its own right.

Boulder 4m
North-East Arete
Boulder 4m
Right face
Boulder 4m
Centre Face

The technical central slab on the eastern face, without cheating to the jugs to the right or left.

Boulder 4m
V0 Left Face

Left side of the eastern face. Hard start to jugs.

Boulder 4m
V1 South West Arete

The very classy steep arete, that's better (and harder!) the lower you start.

Boulder 4m
V5 Winter Solstice

Start just right of the small rock at the base.

Boulder 4m
V6 5 Second Rule

Sit start on the rock in the landing zone.

Boulder 4m
Egg Traverse

A full traverse of this boulder looks awesome and hard.

Boulder 27m
C-Deck Left Arete

The patina'ed left arete, with an exposed and lichenous top section.

Boulder 4m
C-Deck Left

Squeeze job with dodgy square-cut patina (be careful - it's very loose!) just right of the left arete.

Boulder 4m
V1 C-Deck Crack

The diagonal crack feature in the middle of the patina'ed face, starting with hands matched in a large horizontal hueco.

Really good moves and deceptively sustained.

Boulder 4m
C-Deck Right

Just right of C-Deck crack, but left of the stump, with small left facing crimp/gastons. Handholds feel about V4-ish, but feet are non-existent.

Boulder 3m
VB C-Deck Descent

Though it's possible to downclimb the white slab and jump off near the stump, there's an easier descent off the back of the boulder down into the chimney / gully and onto a block.

Boulder 5m
The Spot The Pinnacle
Left Shield

Layback left arete.

Boulder 8m
The Shield

Line of crimps up centre of face. Highball.

Boulder 8m
Right Shield

Right arete and spider-webby flake. Bad Landing

Boulder 6m
Shield Traverse

Traverse from 'Left Shield' to 'Right Shield'.

Boulder 9m
V0 Slabby Nonsense

Fun slabbing up the middle of the face.

Boulder 4m
Left Dolmen

Left side of 'The Dolmen'. Very loose rock!

Boulder 9m
Centre Dolmen

Up the vague right-leaning dihedral in the centre of the face.

Boulder 9m
V0 R Right Dolmen

Nice rounded slab to more featured, albeit chossy, steeper section up high.

Boulder 8m
V3/4 Right Toadstool

Huge reach (or poor intermediates) up and right from obvious cracked undercling.

Boulder 5m
V1 Centre Toadstool

Awesome steep jugging.

Boulder 5m
V0 Left Toadstool

Fun jugging, left of the small cedar.

Boulder 4m
V0 Right of Crack

Start on opposing crimp sidepulls then easily up to crux topout.

Boulder 3m
VB- Crack

One move wonder - shame it isn't twice as high.

Boulder 3m
V0 Orange Arete

Elegant side pulling on jugs.

Boulder 3m
V1 Layback

Right arete is off. Harder than it looks.

Boulder 2m
V2 Right Flame

Sustained thin climbing on the right of the lovely patina face.

Boulder 4m
V1 Left Flame

Left side of the lovely patina face. Crux is leaving the ground.

Boulder 4m
V1 Flames Arete

Classy start then easier to finish. 'Flaming Flake' is off.

Boulder 5m
V0 Flaming Flake

The grey flake just left of 'Flames Arete'. The tree is on at the start for your left foot.

Boulder 5m
V0- Flaming Crack

Did someone eat too many chilis?

The groove and jugs just left of the tree.

Boulder 5m
God's Country
V1 Unnamed 1

Start just right of log. Step onto wall and reach for top.

Boulder 2m
V0 Unnamed 2

Start just right of Unnamed 1, with high right hand hold.

Boulder 2m
V7 Godspeed

Sit start just right of Unnamed 2.

Boulder 3m
V1 God Stick

Stand start on high left crimp on Godspeed and sidepull crimp on right, then bust up and right into the finish of Magic Stick.

Boulder 3m
V4 Magic Stick

Start at right arete, then move left and up. Sit start is the same grade. Has some crunchy looking thin flakes at half height that look like they should be handled delicately.

Boulder 3m
V6 Godsend

Sit start on the right side of the gorgeous steep white prow (below the left side of the low roof) and up right arete. Stand start is V4.

Boulder 3m
V0 Unnamed 3

Start at right side of low roof.

Boulder 3m
VB Unnamed 4

Just right of Unnamed 3, behind tree. Up the nice slab to the block sitting on top of the boulder.

Boulder 3m
V1 Unnamed 5

Stand start at left end of wall, at huge horizontal cracked block. Slopey top out (worth brushing it first).

Boulder 3m
V2 Unnamed 6

The mossy diagonal seam just right of Unnamed 5. Poor landing.

Boulder 3m
V4 Good For You

Just right of the mossy streak. Huge reach from starting horizontal to high horizontal - likely several grades harder for anyone under 6' tall. Bad landing.

Boulder 3m
V5 Demon Child

Proud line of technical crimps in the middle of the wall.

Boulder 3m

Just right of Demon Child, below alcove where block has fallen out.

As of August 2023 this appears to have been completed.

Boulder 3m
Unnamed 7

Crimps leading diagonally right, to the right of the Project.

Boulder 3m
Demonic Traverse

Traverse the wall from left to right, finishing up Unnamed 7. Looks pretty hard.

Boulder 10m
V2 Unnamed 8

High start in the slanting cave on the back of the boulder, then up the steep arete.

Boulder 3m
V4 Paradise Roof

Sit start under the roof right of Unnamed 8, then move up and right around the lip and up. Be careful of some loose holds.

Boulder 3m
V4 Paradise Roof Link Up

Up Paradise Roof to the prominent hold, then traverse the horizontal crack left to finish up Unnamed 8.

Boulder 5m
V4 Samson

Sit start on jug rail under right arete. Move left to arete, then straight out the steep wall above.

Boulder 3m
V2 Mr Nice Guy

Start as for Samson, but follow jug rail/crack left around arete before moving up.

Boulder 3m
VB Brain Right

Right side of face.

Boulder 3m
V1 Brain Squeeze

Up sharp patina crimps.

Boulder 3m
V0 Brain Center

Obvious line of patina flakes in middle of face.

Boulder 3m
VB Brain Left

Left side of face. Separate boulder on left side of chimney is off.

Boulder 3m
VB- This is Your Brain on Jugs

Straight up the separate boulder and blocks on left.

Boulder 2m
V1 Brain Traverse

Traverse both boulders in either direction. Best (and hardest option) is to start on Samson and move left, finishing up Unnamed 9.

Boulder 10m
VB- Unnamed 9

Lovely patina just right of the tree.

Boulder 2m
VB- Gold Slab

Around left is a very pleasant low angled golden slab.

Boulder 2m
Silver Lake The Freaks Confused Wall
V4 Too Many Words
V2 Too Many Losses
V2 Loss For Words
Silver Lake The Freaks Dazed Wall
V4 Fully Dazed
V3 Fully Loaded
V8 Twizzler
V9 Red Vines
Silver Lake The Freaks The Attic Boulder
V5 The Attic
Boulder 5m
V7 Hamms Station
V6 Ghost In The Attic
Boulder 5m
V6 Tweak Of Nature
V6 Freak Of Nature Traverse
Silver Lake The Freaks The Smoking Room
V5 Dude Wheres My Pipe
V7 Daves Rasta Hair
Silver Lake The Freaks The Basement
V8 Mistaken Identity
V10 Burning Down The House
V7 Subterranean
Silver Lake Marmot Dung Rock
V0 Left

Left line on boulder (stand start).

Boulder 2m
V0 Right

Right line on boulder. Sit start on low horn, then move left to sharp, thin flake and up. Block on ground is on for feet.

Boulder 2m
Silver Lake Sandy Cove Slab
V0- Left Crack

The left crack with the little bush in it (please don't touch or damage it!).

Boulder 3m
V0 Right Crack

The right crack, which isn't quite as useful as you might hope.

Boulder 4m
V1 Center Slab

Quality friction climbing up the blank center of the wall.

Boulder 4m
V0- Right Slab

The right side of the slab, with the obvious ledge at half height.

Boulder 3m
Silver Lake Forest Boulders
The Line

The proud steep line of slopers and flakes on the southern side of the largest boulder. Looks awesome!

Boulder 5m
Silver Lake Silver View Boulder
VB- Descent

Downclimb off the top.

Boulder 3m
VB Jugs

Easy moves on lovely jugs.

Boulder 3m
V0- Right of Jugs

Step off the small boulders and up on positive, though smaller, holds.

Boulder 3m
V1 Bulge

Sit start on right facing crimp flakes, then up through gritty slopers and crimps to gain slab.

Boulder 4m
V0+ Groovy

Hard start, then up groove & slab.

Boulder 4m
V1 Slab

Hard start, then easier, but sustained slab. Stay out of 'Groovy'.

Boulder 4m

At the scoop at the right arete, then up somehow?

Boulder 4m
Northern Prow

The gorgeous orange shield of rock on the northern prow of the boulder.

Boulder 4m
Blue Lakes Middle Creek Expansion Campground Crags Deer Meadow Boulders Deer Meadow Boulder
V0 Spider Flake

The obvious juggy flake with loads of spider webs. Top out is the crux, especially if you don't sweep off the accumulated needles and pine cones first.

Boulder 2m
V1 Footloose

Thin flake in middle of face, with one hard move. Probably harder for short people.

FA: Peter Monks, 6 Set 2020

Boulder 2m
VB Left Slab

FA: Peter Monks, 6 Set 2020

Boulder 2m
V0 Centre Left Slab

Most sustained line on this face.

FA: Peter Monks, 6 Set 2020

Boulder 2m
V0 Centre Right Slab

FA: Peter Monks, 6 Set 2020

Boulder 3m

1 - 100 di 105 vie.

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