
Nodi in North Cheyenne Canyon

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North Cheyenne Canyon
Silver Cascade Slab
Silver Cascade Slab
5.6 Silver Left
5.7 Tunnel Vision
5.6 Ladder
5.7 Chronic Bedwetter
5.8 Reality Check
5.10d Johnson Route
5.10b Black Science
5.8 Intensive Care
5.8 Old Boys Club
North Cheyenne Canyon Ice
North Cheyenne Canyon Ice
WI2 Silver Cascades
Company Wall

A small area with a handful of good routes. Sits across the road from the Pinnacle, about 100 yards up canyon from Graduation Boulder.

Company Wall
Left Side

The Left Side is home to 4 bolted lines.

Company Wall Left Side
5.11a Holy Hanger

Starts on low angle terrain at the far left of the left side, follow bolts through steeper terrain.

5.9 Cat Don't Piss on My Rope

Climbs the steep slab left of the prominent arete.

5.9 Brian's Arete

Climbs the prominent arete to the right of Cat Don't Piss on My Rope. Look for a high first bolt.

5.11a The Sneaky Snow Plow

Climb the slot 20 ft up behind the spire to a high anchor.

Company Wall
Top Rope Spire

This short, stubby tower of granite is mostly detached from the rest of the formation that comprises Company Wall. It has a number of bolts on top that can be used as top rope anchors.

Right Side

To the right of Top Rope Spire are 3 bolted lines which start out of a 3rd class gully.

Company Wall Right Side
5.11a Angry Unicorn

From the top of the gully, follow the bolt line through a techy crux at about mid-height on the vertical section, then through gradually easing angle and difficulty to a two bolt anchor.

5.7 Psychedelic Unicorn Pony

From the right side of the gully, clip a high bolt and follow more bolts up and left to a high anchor. Gear up to 1" can be placed prior to the high bolt.

5.10b Chemical Divergence

Shares it's start with Psychedelic Unicorn Pony, but instead of trending left follows bolts up a nicely positioned arete to the right. Gear to 1" may be desirable below the first bolt.

The Pinnacle
The Pinnacle
5.7 Kendlee

About 60 feet left of Army Route, Kendlee can be identified by two bolts on the left wall of the short, right-facing dihedral at the top of the route. Currently the leftmost developed line on the Pinnacle's east aspect.

5.10a/b Corrugation Corner

Climbs an arete about 20 feet right of Kendlee.

5.9 Minaret

To the right of Corrugation Corner, climb a low angle slab to the first bolt above the horizontal crack and follow bolts to an anchor atop the arete.

5.6 Army Route

Pitch 1 - Starts in the large open-book corner to the right of Minaret. Stay to the left of a roof and continue up and left to a belay ledge with a beefy anchor. (100 feet)

Pitch 2 - Head left from the anchor and locate a large crack. Look for the old Army rebar eyebolts heading up in the vicinity of the crack. Some of these are solid but others can be manky, so it's advisable to back them up with gear when possible. Follow roughly the line indicated by the eyebolts up a deteriorating face, moving slightly right until you can attain a large ledge with one fixed eyebolt. Build an anchor here. (150 feet)

Pitch 3 - From the large belay ledge, locate more eyebolts leading up to an obvious weakness in the roof overhead. Turn the roof on good rock and make a few more moves to a good belay ledge below the summit block. Either build an anchor here with good options or head up to the summit and resort to less than desirable anchor options. (65 feet)

Descent - Climb down the other side of the summit block and walk out onto the gravelly ridge below. From here you can descend east down the Tinseltown Gully or northwest down another gully. Both are loose and gravelly.

5.11a Dragnet

Bolted line to the right of the open book corner start of Army Route.

5.11a Full Monte

Pitch 1 - Start in a water streak with a bolt 5 feet above the horizontal crack. Clip 9 bolts to an anchor.

Pitch 2 - From the anchor head up and left past 4 more bolts (the first is hard to see) to another anchor.

5.10d The Schuler's

Sustained climbing on decent rock to the right of Full Monte.

5.8 Balance
5.12a The Shiiter
5.7 Hanging Gardens
5.9 Supersonic
5.7 Crack Parallel

Great moderate sport route in beautiful and exposed setting; best in the canyon in this user's view. Anchor on ledge at top of first pitch are good enough; second belay is from a tree 15 ft. back from a ledge to climber's left before the top of the wall. Crux move comes at a small bulge in the second pitch. First pitch is a bit runout on easy ground. An excellent first multi-pitch lead, as the climbing is mighty fun and the anchors, when used thoughtfully, are bomber. Descent is down the back side through a gulley to the West.

South Buttress & Tinseltown

Located in the gully south and east of the Pinnacle, this area is home to a handful of routes from 5.7 to 5.10

South Buttress & Tinseltown
5.9 South Buttress

Located on the South Buttress about 150' down the gully from the bolted routes at Tinseltown. Route follows a chimney and hand crack to a bolted anchor. Gear to 3"

5.9 Rock Widow

To the right of South Buttress route. Follow bolt line to anchor.

5.10b Rock and Riding

About 150' up the gully from the South Buttress, this is the leftmost bolted line at Tinseltown. Liebacks lead to face moves as the route progresses.

5.7 Wendy

Second route from the left at Tinseltown

5.9 Royal Wedding

Third route from the left at Tinseltown. Easily identified by a chain hanging from the first bolt.

5.8 Over Time

To the right of Royal Wedding. Start in a small, right-facing corner to a loose layback. Then go right on good rock to the obvious roof. Pull the roof, and climb to the anchor.

5.8 Elevator

Rightmost route at Tinseltown. Start by climbing just right of a right-facing corner, then pull the small roof on the left to another roof just before the anchors.

Graduation Boulders
Graduation Boulders
V3 Route 4
V1 PG13 Route 5
V2 Graduation Crack Arête Variation
V3 South Arête
V2 PG13 Route 3
West Face
West Face
5.0 The West Face
5.7 Crack Parallel
Army Slab
Army Slab
5.8 The Rooster
5.7 Tree Crack
5.7 Boot Camp
5.10a Ex-Green Beret
5.7 Ice Cream Crack
5.3 Ice Cream Sunday
5.5 Choss Roof
5.0 Cruiser Gully
Creekside Wall
Creekside Wall
5.8 Roof Route
5.9 Old Aid
5.12a The Bolt Route
5.10 A-Frame Roof
5.3 Downclimb Route
5.8 PG13 Left Arête
5.5 Unknown At Creekside
5.9 Lower Bolted Face
5.9 Lower Roof Route
Sun Slabs
Sun Slabs
5.4 X South Gully
5.11 Sizzle
5.11 El Nino
5.9 Slant Eye
Flying Buttress
Flying Buttress
5.9 Supersonic
5.6 Hanging Gardens
1st Middle Buttress
1st Middle Buttress
5.6 South Ridge
5.7 X East Ridge
The Amphitheater
The Amphitheater
5.9 Slick Willard
5.8 Climbing By The Brooks
5.10c The Full Male Deal
5.13a Cool Runnings
5.13 C0+ Solitary Confinement
5.12c The Dance Of Shiva
5.10d Crickets In The Cabbage
5.11b/c The Disclaimer
5.11c/d Unknown
Roadside South Face
Roadside South Face
5.8 PG13 Pins Route
Crow's Nest
Crow's Nest
5.9 Gi Joe
Eagle Perch
Eagle Perch
5.13a Vitamin G

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