
Ascensioni in More Funky Than Monkey

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Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Sab 11 Mar 2023 - Joshua Tree National Park
Echo Rock Area The Candy Bar More Funky Than Monkey
5.11c ~5.11d More Monkey Than Funky - con Fabian Michel Sconosciuto Classica
Klara R
I did the route with aid clibing, sitting in the rope and in toprope . But also in toprope removing the cams is quite hard and you would fall to the next cam after removing one, since it is a roof. Did not do the moves when going into the roof and also in the finger crack above the roof I could not do the jam and had to pull on a cam. I can only imagine that the moves might be nice. Very hard, especially if you are not used to crack climbing. Of course I cannot say for sure that it is harder than 5.11c, but certainly it felt for me that way.

Dom 5 Mar 2023 - Joshua Tree National Park
Echo Rock Area The Candy Bar More Funky Than Monkey
5.11c More Monkey Than Funky - con Klara R Sconosciuto Molto buona
Fabian Michel
90° overhanging roof of about 5 meters with a hand crack and then a vertical finger crack after the lip, trad apart from a bolted anchor. It was a bit hard to try the moves while also having to put in the cams, so I mostly aided the roof. Jam technique, particularly for the feet, was also definitely lacking. Then, there is a really good kneebar before some more hard moves until your feet are above the lip.


Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

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