
Ascensioni di Brimstone Stairway

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Tutti 7 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Sab 6 Feb 2021 - Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Morbid Mound
5.1 Brimstone Stairway Trad Buona
Frederick Volz
only went half way.

Sab 27 Dic 2003 - Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Morbid Mound
5.1 Brimstone Stairway Trad Pessima
David Ingwersen
Dom 16 Nov 2003 - Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Morbid Mound
5.1 Brimstone Stairway Trad
Mike Skamnes
Ven 17 Apr 1998 - Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Morbid Mound
5.1 Brimstone Stairway Trad Media
Eric Foltz
1995 - Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Morbid Mound
5.1 Brimstone Stairway Trad
Matt Tranter
Mer 9 Set 1992 - Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Morbid Mound
5.1 Brimstone Stairway Trad Media
James R. Kesl
The climbs of Morbid Mound are another in a series I learned to climb on while in the Marine Corps

Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Morbid Mound
5.1 Brimstone Stairway Trad
Aaron Hayashi

Tutti 7 ascensioni visualizzati.

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