
Lick Falls

  • Contesto grado: US


A big crag with plenty of lines on each side of the Lick falls.

Limitazioni per l'accesso ereditato da Grayson Lake

Technically cliff jumping (water soloing) is banned at this lake as well as many other lakes in the Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky. So climb at your own risk.

Etica ereditato da Grayson Lake

Anything you pack in, pack out.


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This climbs good juggy holds up into a crack feature. Then cuts right to some plates and finishes on pockets up into the trees. Top-out cliff by pulling on trees.

The left flake line that tops out at the high ledge with the tree.

FA: Strong Jimmy

Climbs the easier flake closest to the waterfall, traverses hard right topping out at the waterfall chute.

FA: Unknown

Climbs crack to wall break, then follows the first arching flake like feature.

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