
Vie in Locals Only Rock

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
5.8 Tube Trad 30m
5.8 Pipeline Trad 33m
5.6 Locals Only

Climb face to bolted anchor.

Trad 33m
5.7 Get Lost

Near the center of the cliff there is a small (2m) high buttress with a top that is a ramp heading up and right. Start here, climb up to the ledge, then up right, to a vertical crack. Follow this to the rising horizontal break, step left, then up another crack/flake system that goes up and slightly right. Gear anchor.

Trad 33m
5.8 No Trespassing

On the right side of the cliff, there is an obvious ledge about 4m up the cliff. This climb starts at an obvious crack below the left end of the ledge.

Climb the crack to the ledge, then follow and obvious crack that trends up and leftwards, through a slab section where the crack peters out, to an upper left-facing crack/flake system and the top. Gear anchor.

Trad 35m
5.9 Surfin' Safari

Below the middle of the ledge is a finger crack, start at this.

Climb the crack to the ledge. From the ledge climb the face above on small seams towards the roofs. At the roofs, go left then pull up into a dihedral and finish directly upwards. Gear anchor. (No bolts, despite them being shown in one local guide.)

Trad 35m
5.9 Tough Muffin

Start on a crack a couple meters right of "Surfin' Safari". Follow this crack up to the ledge, then continue following it up and left the whole way. (This will pass entirely right of and above the roofs that "Surfin' Safari" traverses under.)

Trad 33m
5.10a Low Cal Trad 33m

Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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