
Vie in Maryland

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Ordina per: Modifica in blocco (max 100)
Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Washington DC Great Falls The Bulges Great Falls Bulge
5.11c Super Bulge
Corda dall'alto
5.6 Narrow Notch
Corda dall'alto
5.10b Wild Thing
Corda dall'alto
Washington DC Great Falls Sherwin Island Cupids Bower
5.12- Waining Strength
Corda dall'alto 9m
5.11b Post Doctorate
Trad 9m
5.9 Phd
Trad 9m
5.9 Master Degree
Trad 9m
5.9 Ba
Trad 8m
5.11 V3 Supermang Overhang
Trad 6m
Washington DC Great Falls The Rocky Islands Rocky Island South End
5.6 PG13 Little Handhold That Isn't There - Hold Me
Trad 14m
5.9 PG13 Little Handhold That Isn't There - No Holds Barred
Trad 14m
5.6 PG13 Little Handhold That Isn't There
Trad 14m
Class 5 PG13 The Knob
Trad 14m
Washington DC Great Falls The Rocky Islands Rocky Island North End
5.7 PG13 Applause
Trad 9m
5.5 PG13 Clown
Trad 12m
5.10 PG13 Rocky Rococo
Trad 15m
5.9 Rocky Road
Trad 14m
5.8 Center Ring
Trad 12m
5.7 Rock And Roll
Trad 12m
Washington DC Great Falls The Rocky Islands Rocky Island West Face
5.10+ Cinch Crack East
Trad 8m
Washington DC Great Falls Cupids Bower
5.12 Waining Strength
Trad 9m
5.11 Post-Post Ph.D.
Trad 12m
5.9 Ph.D.
Trad 12m
5.10- Post-Ph.D. Left
Trad 12m
5.9 Post-Ph.D Right
Trad 12m
5.6 Master's
Trad 12m
5.3 Bachelor's
Trad 11m
Washington DC Great Falls Trojan Wall Area
5.8 Paris
Trad 12m
5.7 Helen
Trad 12m
5.7 Troy
Trad 21m
5.9 PG13 Troy - Trojan Horse
Trad 21m
5.5 PG13 Odyssey
Trad 17m
Washington DC Great Falls North Wall, Rocky Island
5.9 Rock And Roll
Trad 15m
5.8 Center Ring
Trad 14m
5.7 Rocky Road
Trad 14m
Washington DC Great Falls Greek Wall Area
5.11 Mixolidian
Trad 9m
5.10 Phrygian
Trad 9m
5.9 Aeolian
Trad 9m
5.8 PG13 Dorian
Trad 9m
5.7 PG13 Hades
Trad 9m
Washington DC Great Falls The Atrium Area
5.10- PG13 Macedonian
Trad 8m
5.7 PG13 Athenian
Trad 9m
5.11- PG13 Spartan
Trad 12m
Washington DC Northwest Branch
V5 The Egg Boulder
V7 The Egg Extension Boulder
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Chaos Roof Area Upstream Slab
V3 Damn Tree Boulder
V3 Center Face Boulder
V6 Genetic Boulder
V0 Don’t Fall Right Boulder
V0+ Go Left Boulder
V0 Order Boulder 5m
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Chaos Roof Area The Floating Pyramid
V0 The Floating Pyramid Boulder 3m
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Chaos Roof Area Gum Drop Boulders
V1 The Gumdrop Twins Boulder
V2 Gumdrop Right Boulder
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Chaos Roof Area Fin Boulder
V7 Slingsby's Arête Boulder 5m
V6 River Dyno Boulder 5m
V2 The Fin Boulder 5m
V1 Sans Fin Boulder 3m
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Chaos Roof Area Downstream Slab
V3/4 Booby Trapped Dog Dish Boulder
V4 Snowflake Traverse Boulder
V2 Snowflake Boulder
V4 Mikey Likes It Boulder
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Chaos Roof Area Chaos Roof
V9 Chaos Roof

When underneath the roof, start on the left edge with a left hand meat wrap/pinch and right hand on a bad pinch in the roof. Proceed on thin pinches with weird foot beta until a heart-in-your-mouth move to the obvious jug on the lip. Finish up The Edge of Chaos (~V3). Nice to have at least one spotter, don’t fluff the landing!

V10 Ultimate Doom

Start as for Chaos Roof but instead of going left make big compression moves which lead you into the obvious undercling matching the start of Doom (V4/5). Finish up and left with powerful moves on Doom.

FA: Gabor Szekely, 2006

Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Tulip Area
V2 Scum To Tennies Boulder
V0 - 1 Warm Up Problem Boulder 3m
V1/2 Tulip Traverse Boulder
V1/2 Don't Fall In The Mud Boulder 5m
V0 Maui Boulder 2m
V0+ Tennies Mantle Boulder 2m
V2 Scum Of The Heel Boulder 2m
V3 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Boulder 2m
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Uphill Slab
V0 50 Foot Slab Slap Boulder
V4 Right Hand Of Thor Boulder
V7 Thor's Prodigy Boulder
V9 Crimps Boulder
Washington DC Northwest Branch North Bank Crack Line Boulder
V2 Crack Line Boulder
V0- Gateway Jugs Boulder
V5 Fine Heroin Line Boulder
Washington DC Northwest Branch South Bank Tick Area
V2 Tick Traverse Boulder
V0 The Tick Boulder 2m
V1 Tick Dyno Boulder
V5 The Traverse Boulder
V3 Kiss The Prow Boulder
Washington DC Northwest Branch South Bank Roof Area
V3 Crimptastic Boulder
V0 PG13 Denim Devil Boulder 5m
V0 R Protected By Smith And Wesson Boulder 6m
Washington DC Northwest Branch South Bank Pipeline Area
V5 Nice Slot Boulder 6m
V10 Pipe Dream Boulder 3m
V8 Secret Garden Boulder 3m
V7 Appreciation Station Boulder 3m
V0 Kinder Garden Boulder 3m
V1 Public Garden Boulder 3m
Washington DC Northwest Branch South Bank The Cracks
5.7 Dirty Crack Trad 8m
5.10a All My Heroes Are Heroin Junkies Trad 8m
5.3 I.V. Nightmare Trad 6m
Washington DC Northwest Branch South Bank Falls
5.4 Crack Baby Trad 8m
5.8 Pleasantly Pebbly Trad 6m
Washington DC Camp Lewis The Dome
V2 The Dome Boulder 8m
Washington DC Camp Lewis Main Cliffs Upriver Side Of The Main Cliffs
5.9 Crawford's Crash Trad 8m
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