
Nodi in Madrone Wall Slab

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Madrone Wall Slab

This is the small slab on the lower east side of the Madrone Wall. There are only a few routes on this slab. One set of anchor bolts are at the top, with no chains or rap rings, however, an easy walk-off is possible from the anchor.

From below, follow directions to Big Snag Wall, then hike uphill until a trail branches off to the right (east) going up a 4th class gully to Orange Wall Slab and Madrone Wall Slab. From above, follow directions to Orange Wall/Orange Wall Slab and walk about 50' west of Orange Wall Slab.

5.1 Warts

Leftmost route on Madrone Wall Slab. Climb the crack system, past a bush, on small knobs.

5.9 Total Control

A really good, short slab climb on thin edges. Start left of Cocoa Crack and stay between Spring Fever and Cocoa crack on the face only. First few moves to the first bolt are tricky. Eases slightly above first bolt.

5.5 Rubble Crack
5.8 Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
5.7 R Shady Character
5.10c High Noon
5.7 Cliffhanger
5.9 In Hot Pursuit
Class 5 Miracle Grow
5.8 Dirlichoss
5.7 Spring Fever

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