
Nodi in Weathertop

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Tutti 24 nodi visualizzati.

5.10b Storm Front
5.9 Eye Of The Storm
5.11a/b Incredible Huck
5.10+ PG13 Gneiss Storm
5.11- Gale Force
5.11c/d Will It Or Won't It?
5.11- Nancy Boy's Nightmare
5.10b Nancy's Wet Dream
5.9 Precipitation
5.11a Under The Weather
5.11 Weathering The Storm
5.10- El Nino
5.11 Fair is a Weather Condition

Climbs the face

5.9 S'now Problem

Mixed route with chain anchor.

5.10- Weathered Men

Starts on a block at a short crack then travels on face. Sustained.

5.10d Wilard Scott's Crack
5.11 PG13 Lair Of The Chupacabra
5.12a/b Perfect Storm
5.11+ Shin Pfein
5.10 Galadriel
5.10- Guiness Stout

Steep jug hauling to buttress right of fat crack. This one is tucked in the corner and stays in the shade longer than other routes.

5.10+ R Millertime
5.10+ Black and Tan

Thoughtful face climbing to a ledge. then two more bolts to anchors. Starts around the corner from the main wall.

Tutti 24 nodi visualizzati.

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