
Nodi in Cantera

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Tutti 10 nodi visualizzati.


Cool basalt crag next to the river

5.6 Unknown

first 30' right facing dihedral

5.6 Unknown 2

Climb the face and around the arete

5.6 Unknown 3

Climb the arete to chains around a tree at the top

5.7 Unknown 4

Climb dihedral to chains around a tree.

5.7 The Nose

Well bolted low angle face.

5.10c Peregrine

A well bolted, short route that harder than it looks.

5.11 The Roof

Climb the big roof in the middle. Best to top rope to avoid sketchy ledge fall.

5.8 Unknown 5

Follow path of least resistance to a bolted roof. Instead of bolts, veer right to a strenuous crack, taking advantage of an occasional stem. Finish on bolted anchor on free standing pillar.

5.11+ Psychofunkapuss

Climb the bolted roof to and through the steep face above. Cracks are off!

Tutti 10 nodi visualizzati.

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