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Autore/i: Dario Ventura and Mike Williams

Data: 2018

ISBN: 9781938393327

Wolverine :
Selected from the area's more than 3,000 routes across 54 crags, Red River George Select presents enough classics to fill a lifetime of weekend climbing fun in Kentucky.
  • Index of classic routes highlights the grade of each climb and indicates if the climb is better suited to sport or trad climbing
  • Helpful icons help you plan your day with driving times, walking times, sun exposure, rain protection and kid-friendliness
  • GPS coordinates and detailed directions help you find your destination easily

Aree: Red River Gorge

Autore/i: Brendan Leader

Data: 2022

ISBN: 9780645299915

Onsight Photography:
Comprehensive Sport Climbing Crags of the Red River Gorge, Kentucky

The Red River Gorge in Kentucky is one of the premier sport climbing destinations in the world and the 2nd edition of The Red guidebook has all the info you need to plan your next climbing adventure.

  • 2nd edition adds 245 new climbs, 4 brand new crags, fresh action shots, additional topo shots and maps plus improvements to overall usability
  • Includes details and descriptions of 2,586 routes and 106 crags

Aree: Red River Gorge

Tutti 2 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

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