
Nodi in Dark Shadows Wall

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Dark Shadows Wall

This is a high wall rising almost directly out of the canyon floor, on the north side of Mescalito.

5.11- IV Negro Blanco

First pitch of 5.11a, then lots of easier climbing to the top of Mescalito.

8 pitches plus about 250 ft of 4th class.

5.12 Lethal Weapon
5.12- Parental Guidance
5.11 Short Circuit
5.10c III PG Risky Business
5.11+ Risky Business Variation
5.11- Excellent Adventure
5.10c Sandstone Sandwich

Alternate first pitch to Excellent Adventure.

5.11c IV Heart of Darkness

5th pitch at 5.11c, rest at 5.9 or less.

5.8 II Dark Shadows
  1. Climb the slab between bolts. Stay calm, it really is easy.... (5.5)

  2. Stellar pitch up a dihedral crack system, you should try get another red cam stuck, this pitch needs more fixed gear! Can be linked with pitch 1. (5.7)

  3. A long, long and rewarding pitch, the desert paten looks intimidating, but those cutouts are just sooooo good. For a confident leader you will be running this one out. (5.7)

  4. The money pitch, but so short. Trend right off the belay over lots of air. Negotiate the offwidth, look around for gear, then fire out to the right across a series of stellar, unprotected but bomber face moves. Unreal. (5.8)

Descent: With 2x60m ropes, rappel down to the top of P2. Or, with 1 x 60m rope do 2 rappels with a hanging belay half way. From P2 anchors rappel to the ground avoiding the pool below.

5.8 Dark Shadows (Full)

Continue on another 6 pitches to the top of Mescalito after the usual rappel point and the end of pitch 4. Not a trivial undertaking.

5.8 Chasing Shadows

Dark Shadows variant.

5.10 Edge Dressing

Chasing Shadows variant.

5.10 Slot Machine

Tutti 15 nodi visualizzati.

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