
Vie in Darth Vader Lower

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
5.10c The Prawn

On a separate boulder near the rest of 'Darth Vader Lower'.

FFA: Ward Smith, 1998

Sportiva 3
5.8 The Sand People

On the left side of the cliff, as the trail heads upwards, there is a small ledge with a birch tree on this. Start on the ledge (belayer might want to anchor to tree) and head up the face.


FA: Alan Cattabriga, 1988

Mant: Tim Kemple Sr., 2009

Sportiva 5
5.9 Darth Vader

FA: Jay Lena, 1988

5.9 Yoda

FA: Chris Smith, 1996

Sportiva 6
5.9 Oby-Won Ryobi

FA: Ed Esmond, 1999

Sportiva 15m, 6
5.12b Jedi Mind Tricks

FA: Ward Smith, 1998

Sportiva 4
5.12d The Caged

FA: Scott Stevenson, 1992

Sportiva 5
5.12c Storm Troopers

FA: Ward Smith, 1994

Sportiva 5

Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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