
Ascensioni in Techweeny Buttress

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Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Dom 5 Nov 2006 - Sandia Mountain
Techweeny Buttress
5.8 Crackula Trad 50m Molto buona
Jim Olsen
My rope is only about 145' long now, so we synchro-climbed part of the route. Fritz led 90% of it. He did a great job on a route that leant itself to complex climbing styles.

5.8 Crackula Trad 50m Molto buona
Fritz Devendorf
Great climb. I set the first peice and backed down, My buddy Jim, set the next peice and another peice real close and backed down. I finished leading the climb. The guide book says two pitchs but I made it in one with a short 50m rope (part of it was cut off) and with my buddy Jim simil-climbing to the first piece (10-15 ft up).


Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

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