
Ascensioni in Cub Cave

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Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Mer 25 Dic 2019 - San Antonio
Cub Cave
5.12a White Trash - con Luisa Ríos Sportiva
Alberto Sanchez
I climbed the route top rope while cleaning and lowered from one bolt. Then went out side the cave to get the last quickdraw from the top.

5.12a White Trash - con Luisa Ríos Sportiva
Alberto Sanchez
The whole route felt humid and the last few holds were wet and slippery. I had a hard time understanding how to clean the routs since there is no full anchors (just one bolt) and no chains.

Sab 1 Mar 2014 - San Antonio
Cub Cave
5.12c Surfing in San Antonio - con daniel conner Sportiva Molto buona
Jesse Keough
Good Climb, Fun moves throught, hard move through the roof, then finish on undertaker!!


Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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