
Ascensioni di The Super Slacker Highway

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Tutti 6 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Mar 9 Apr 2024 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10b The Super Slacker Highway
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Da secondo
4 Trad
Trad mista 180m, 16
Gravity is a Myth
Sab 7 Ott 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10b The Super Slacker Highway Trad mista 180m, 16 Molto buona
Harley Mills
Lun 2 Ott 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10c The Super Slacker Highway - con Cole
1 5.10b Da secondo
2 5.9 Da secondo
3 5.10a Trad
4 5.10a Trad
5 5.10a Da secondo
6 5.10b Da secondo
7 5.10c Trad
8 5.9 Trad
Trad mista 180m, 16 Classica
mega fun adventure, worth the crowds. tests your ability to climb everything: splitters, boulder sequences, steep jug haul, chimney (p5, p8), committing to balancy mantle above a first bolt/ledge (p4). pitch breakdown was arbitrary but worked out well: I somehow got the bouldery pitches (p3, p7) and not the reachy ones (p1, p6)

Mer 24 Mag 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10b The Super Slacker Highway Trad mista 180m, 16 Classica
Jack Seawright
Great adventure route. Pick your own line up 'the wall of knobs'. Many knobs to choose from but only 2 of them clipped the chains at the top of pat and jack pillar. Tony has rediscovered himself as a chimney climber - positively brimming with joy as he back pressed the final chute to the summit. I expect to have to talk him out of free soloing steck salathe.

Ott 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10b The Super Slacker Highway Trad mista 180m, 16 Molto buona
Oliver Williams
Gio 30 Mag 2019 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10c The Super Slacker Highway
1 5.10b arrampicata in lead da Ashlee Hendy
2 5.9 arrampicata in lead da Ashlee Hendy
3 5.10b arrampicata in lead da Ashlee Hendy
4 5.10c arrampicata in lead da Ashlee Hendy
5 5.10a arrampicata in lead da Ashlee Hendy
6 5.10c arrampicata in lead da Ashlee Hendy
Trad mista 180m, 16 Molto buona
Ashlee Hendy

Tutti 6 ascensioni visualizzati.

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