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Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Bích Động Baby Goat Boulder
{FB} 5+ Gruff

Crouch start on left side of face. Use right sloper side pull and small crimp on the left arete. Make 3 to 4 difficult moves on decent crimps to the peak jug and mantle out.

{FB} 5 Billy

Start on right flake undercling/side pull crimp and step up to hold obvious left hand ledge. Use small crimps and careful feet to climb straight up.

{FB} 5 Hop and Twist

Start as per Billy and make one big move to the right arete and mantle over.

{FB} 4 Monkey Do

Start right hand on the lower outside right arete and left hand on a slot pinch. Crouch in a hueco and make a move to the upper arete. Traverse left on the boulder using the top right arete to the peak and mantle.

{FB} 2 First Steps

Easy slab climb on the backside of the boulder. Can almost walk up this side, good for kids or beginners to get used to the rock and the concept of bouldering. This side of the boulder is mostly used for downclimbing.


Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

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