
Vie in Vietnam del grado selezionato

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Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Cat Ba Island Squanch Wall/Fisher Valley
4 Dirty groove

Climb up the groove to gain access to the climbs on the upper tier. Consider bringing a broom to sweep as you go

Sportiva 12m, 4
Núi Hàm Rồng 100% Pepsi Boulder
{FB} 4 Sunny D

Stand start on any obvious holds at chest height on the right of the face and climb straight up to an easy topout.

Núi Hàm Rồng Golden Nugget Boulder
{FB} 4 Split Shift

Stand start at the rift on the face and climb straight up.

{FB} 4 Panners Paradise

Stand start on the steep right face and climb up to a fun mantle.

Núi Hàm Rồng Dragon Tooth Boulder
{FB} 4 Root Canal

Stand start on the juggy face to the left of the most blank section and climb straight up on good crimps and pockets to top left just below the upper tower. Down climb to escape.

Tam Cốc Bích Động Baby Goat Boulder
{FB} 4 Monkey Do

Start right hand on the lower outside right arete and left hand on a slot pinch. Crouch in a hueco and make a move to the upper arete. Traverse left on the boulder using the top right arete to the peak and mantle.


Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

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