
Begehungen in Glasshouse Mountains von Chris Ahlgren haben trad-cpr oder ascent-date

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Zeigt alle 7 Begehungen.

Bewertung Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Gebiet Qualität Datum
2443 Punkte
20 The Chris Mann Route - mit Lachlan
1 28 Traditionell Vorstieg durch Chris Ahlgren
2 26 Nachstieg Vorstieg durch Lachlan
3 45 Traditionell Vorstieg durch Chris Ahlgren
Gemischt trad 99m, 23 Mt Tibrogargan Sa 6. Mai 2023
Nice route, all around. The final pitch has one spicy bit, but with that said it's also a pretty damned soft 20. It's a major stretch to call this a trad route, being that I placed 4 pieces of gear on the entire route.

1608 Punkte
17 The Martian - mit Lachlan Gemischt trad 320m, 22 Mt Beerwah Sehr gut Sa 18. Apr 2020
Awesome moderate climb on solid rock. Lots of slab, so bring your buffed calves. Simuled on the sharp end for the first 9 pitches, linking pitches 1-9 into one mega 290m pitch. So fun! Plus, we got to skip all the awkward and uncomfortable belay stances. Managed to do it in 2hr31sec. 32 sec too slow! Reracked at the bottom of the tenth and lead to the top. Could have linked it all but wasn't sure what gear I needed. Used ~25 draws and a few mid sized cams plus skipped a good few bolts on easy ground. Used one draw and 3 cams (BD .75, 1, 2) for pitch 10. Pulled through the outside of the overhanging chimney for the direct finish.

1458 Punkte
19 Sunburnt Buttress - mit Lachlan
1 18 28m Vorstieg durch Lachlan
2 16 34m Vorstieg durch Lachlan
3 19 25m Vorstieg durch Lachlan
4 16 36m Vorstieg durch Chris Ahlgren
5 14 45m Vorstieg durch Chris Ahlgren
6 10 20m Vorstieg durch Chris Ahlgren
Traditionell 190m Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut Mi 3. Jun 2020
I found this route to be a lot easier and a lot less scary than I had imagined. Lachlan got his bit of trad practice by leading the first 3, though he only placed 1 BD .75 on p1 (which he could have done without), and a few more pieces on p2, one nut and one cam, which only really called for 1 piece but placed the 2nd for practice. p3 is scarier for the 2nd since the last bolt before the belay has a committing step out into space with bad hands. The leader will have just clipped when making this move while the 2nd will have just UNclipped, thus looking at a nasty penji fall if they blow it. Def make sure your 2nd is confident for this pitch. We simlued the rest of the climb with me leading to polish off the route, all of which is easy climbing from there, in good time. Managed the route in about 2.5hrs (I think).

1365 Punkte
18 Bloodsucker (Bloodsucker P1)
1 Vorstieg durch Chris
Traditionell 45m Mt Ngungun Durchschnitt Do 28. Jul 2016
Pretty fun. Perfect nut placements. Linked to "Tower of Power".

1166 Punkte
17 Remains Of The Day Gemischt trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Sehr gut Mi 13. Apr 2016
Completely beat out my expectations . The climbing was harder and more interesting than I imagined it would be. Only put in a few pieces of gear: 1 piece at the top of the 3rd at the "short crack' and 3 pieces on the 4th. A single rack of cams, BD .3-2 should do the trick. Also 10 draws, with a good few of them on shoulder length slings to extend past edges and reduce drag on some of the more wondering sections. The belay at the top of p3 belay sucks. Watch those loose blocks! Lead all 5 onsight

915 Punkte
21 Witch Hunt Traditionell 15m Mt Ngungun Sehr gut Do 28. Jul 2016
Meant to climb "tower of power". Ooops. No wonder that felt so hard! Hang at the 2nd FH before I got the nerve to run it out to the first bit of descent gear 4m up.

635 Punkte
18 16 Tower Of Power Traditionell 20m Mt Ngungun Do 28. Jul 2016
Wait... I think I climbed Witch Hunt (21) from the top of Bloodsucker's first pitch... oops. No wonder that felt so hard! I'm leaving this tick here to warn prospective climbers to beware and not jump on Witch Hunt accidently. Luckily grade 21 is just doable for me, but if 16 is at or near your limit, this note is for you.


Zeigt alle 7 Begehungen.

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