
Discussion: Release 58

  • Started: 6 years ago on Mon 15th Jan 2018

Public discussion This is a public discussion in Release forum.

started this discussion 6 years ago.

Release 58

This release fixes the image rotation bug and addresses some image infrastructure issues in preparation for the app.

Image upload process has been improved and you can upload images directly into forum posts. Refer to the circled upload icon below or drag and drop.

Pitch ticking is now possible including custom tick heights. You will see this in the streams, for example:

We have also implemented a new design and loads of new content in relation to our landing page for an improved first user experience

Also there we now overlay your ticks on route filters. This means, for example, you can see which grade 21s you have done at Arapiles.

At my local gym I can see which of the blue climbs I have done.

replied 6 years ago.

bloody brilliant Simon!

replied 6 years ago.

May it be that the topo photos appear sharper now? Was waiting for this...

Max Stein replied 6 years ago.

There still is a rotation problem, I do not understand. Just sent a message in facebook to show it:

The pic which facebook displays beneath a link is rotated by 90°. However within the area/crag the pic refers to no rotated pic can be found. Do not know, if it's just a problem within this special crag.

replied 6 years ago.

Max Stein I imagine there are some teething issues with image rotations where the rotation information has not properly made it to the template. I tried to test all this, but obviously missed some stuff. Can you please send me the link you used in Facebook so I can debug?

replied 6 years ago.

Anderl there is some small improvements to the topo sharpness but there is also more to improvements to come in the next few releases.

Max Stein are you referring to the issue here where the image dimensions and the actual image don't match? Or another issue?

replied 6 years ago.

Thanks Max Stein I have created an issue here:

Note that we probably need to discuss some things before we implement the fix as the og:image is a topic of discussion for us as we are standardizing the way things are done.

Note that what we want people to do is install web covers which are images explicitly assigned to the area as a cover image. If assigned this will be used and should be rotated correctly. So if you are sharing an area link on Facebook then maybe setup the web covers first

Max Stein replied 6 years ago.

Thx. It's just a hint for you. I have no idea how to fix this and what consequences this might have, so I do not follow the further technical discussions However, possibly the problem with these pics has something to do with the fact, that exactely those pics were rotaded at some point in time and have been "derotated" in an "unappropriate" way for the software? No idea

replied 6 years ago.

Max Stein this is now fixed. But facebook would have cached the image so you will have to uncache the url in Facebook.

I am pretty sure we have fixed the underlying error in rotations, but there are still a lot of edge cases where the code is not correctly configured. In this case I was using the wrong variable name when calling the function.

replied 6 years ago.

Another rotation error (which was not there before):

If you click on 'edit', the topo appears correctly!?

Max Stein replied 6 years ago.

Anderl: Ja, offenbar. Eines der Mysterien für Nicht-Software-Tecies Das meinte ich mit dem möglicherweise "inappropriate way of derotation" So habe ich früher teilweise die Orientierung "repariert" - ... glaub ich

replied 6 years ago.

Anderl this is a weird issue we are unable to explain at the moment. We are presuming it is a cache problem that will sort itself out, but just in case it is not please let me know next time you see it, but do not click edit. This will give me a chance to look at it before it fixes itself.

For anybody interested the underlying fix we made to photos was to do with exif orientation, which is a field in the photo meta data that says how the photo should be oriented. We use to rely on third party software to honor this, but it was failing unpredictably causing weird aspect rotations that we could not fix. We have now reconfigured the third party software to ignore this information and manage it in our photo data configuration and explicitly rotate the photos in the url when required. The teething issues here are do with pieces of code where I missed the rotation.

replied 6 years ago.

Hi Simon, just for your information: in another crag I again ran into rotated topos. After (not following your advice, sorry) hitting "edit" (everything fine there) and "back to index", the topos were shown correctly. Next time I'll wait to see if it updates automatically, promised!

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